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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

The film would have x10 what it is if Bryan was the leading role.
That wouldn't have worked.
Ford Brody was necessary to get the audience into the thick of things. The best thing Bryan would've done was to stay back with Admiral Steinz, which is essentially what Dr. Serizawa did.
that's a better character than anything i've seen in these monster films lately.
I dunno. I found Godzilla and the MUTOs to be far more entertaining. Dr. Serizawa and Joe Brody too.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist

The lighting for the entire film was really, really good. Lots of variety in the different settings, and even the night scenes were really well lit to show what they want to.
Yes, I was extremely pleased that it wasn't dragged down by piss filters and unnatural contrast/saturation like so many action movies today. I recognized it from the earliest scenes.


Saw it last night, felt like a tease and didn't like the cutting away from the monster fights once they were about to get startes. Frustrating even because the ingredients for a fun movie were all there.

Put on Pacific Rim on blu ray once I got home last night just for kicks and had a blast.
I wish

they would have kept Malcom in the Middle 's dad in the movie for the whole thing or a least most of it. He was the only actor worth his salt. His son was super boring and his family was annoying.

The casting in this movie seemed so. oring. If you're gonna have to have your white protagonist for your summer blockbuster it would have at least been more interesting to have it be an older grandpa as opposed to young white male number whatever. The Japanese scientist just stood around looking intently at the camera and saying cheesy stuff. His female assistant did pretty much nothing.


Cranston not being the lead character didn't surprise me at all. All the action bits in the trailer showed Ford instead, the poster said 'and Cranston', I knew the army were heavily involved so it was unlikely he was, and I doubt they would have got an actor like him on board if the role required two hours of running around instead of half an hour.

No idea where the surprise is coming from. Some people are judging the film on what they wanted it to be and not what it is.
One thing I have to say about Cloverfield is that no other movie made me feel so powerless, I felt sad even the day after. That's pure cinema to me, even if rewatching it can't do the same effect.


One thing I have to say about Cloverfield is that no other movie made me feel so powerless, I felt sad even the day after. That's pure cinema to me, even if rewatching it can't do the same effect.

Cloverfield was definitely good, with moments of outright terror. I always thought of it as sci-if horror in the vein of Alien rather than a straight monster flick. And this despite agreeing that the characters were generally annoying as hell. Would have loved to see a sequel.


I liked this movie, but I didn't like the bait and switch(not spoiling it). Also it had long stretches of none-important distractions. Those fuckers wasted 20+ minutes transporting that nuke and they could have just used a helicopter. It was lord of the rings griffins all over again.
I liked this movie, but I didn't like the bait and switch(not spoiling it). Also it had long stretches of none-important distractions. Those fuckers wasted 20+ minutes transporting that nuke and they could have just used a helicopter. It was lord of the rings griffins all over again.
Transporting by helicopter would've made it easier to find for the MUTO to take it down using her EMP and eat it.
I would have cut the train stuff too. After the Hawaii scene, it actually decreased the tension and you just kinda sit there twiddling your thumbs until its over.
I thought the whole point of that moment was to give a
sense of the scale to the second monster.

Yup. The characters in here are more perspectives as they are actual people. They're supposed to help demonstrate from big (the military) to small (our characters) that humanity is powerless to stop these monsters, and what's going on is so far out of their control.


Junior Member
I would have cut the train stuff too. After the Hawaii scene, it actually decreased the tension and you just kinda sit there twiddling your thumbs until its over.

I think the train sequence was there purely for a strong nighttime visual sequence
and to communicate that was the generals and scientists were discussing earlier was true. That the female had eggs and the MUTOs were looking to make a nest.

Yup. The characters in here are more perspectives as they are actual people. They're supposed to help demonstrate from big (the military) to small (our characters) that humanity is powerless to stop these monsters, and what's going on is so far out of their control.

The thing is you never really see
a far away shot of any of the monsters in these movie, except for the TV shots.


Just came back from it. It was...good. The human elements were a little groan worthy (apart from Bryan) but the monster battles were intense. I want that roar as a ringtone.

I did like how they gave Godzilla some personality in the eyes, especially the 'come at me bro' look at one point. I also liked the eye contact between him and Ford toward the end - all that was missing was a fist bump.

I also heard a few laughs in the cinema at the first mention of 'Godzilla'...not sure what was with that...

It was the dramatic shot of Watanabe.... "Gojira" he unintentionally made it funny.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Ugh. What a disappointment. I think there's a good movie in there somewhere, with more editing and maybe another script rewrite or two. As it is, all I saw was a well intended movie which fell flat on its face with some great visuals and nice ideas. Poor casting, poor script, terrible pacing, weak characterization, and simply not enough focus on Godzilla being anything more than just a background presence.

I can see what the director wanted to do with the film, and if he managed to pull it off it might have been meaningful, but it just doesn't work. The logic in the events that build the film up are weak, the emotional stuff is forced and silly, the characters don't really get to do anything worthwhile but yet they're the focus of the film at all times. Ken Watanabe was totally the token Japanese "expert" whose only purpose seems to be to remind people that Godzilla is in the movie. I'm not even sure what he's supposed to be an expert of to be in the position he is in, since he basically got every single thing wrong other than "Godzilla rocks". Pathetic role.

What I liked: the visual direction, the Japanese quarantine zone, the monster designs, the monster battles, and the lighting. On technical merits the film is really quite beautiful. Too bad everything else drags it down. The pacing was completely dreadful and I wouldn't have cared if every single character in the show died. What a waste.

Yep, that's pretty much how I felt too. It's why I like Pacific Rim better. For all of it's faults, it's just more fun and enjoyable to watch.


The film would have been x10 what it is if Bryan was the leading role.

Not necessarily, we would probably be watching all the action shot through the binocular if that was the case. Ford was necessary, to bring us into the action. His father was just a scientist, Ford actually destroy the monster babies while the other soldiers were just like fuck it let's leave.
The film that people wanted:

After the MUTO awakes, Cranston escapes to safety, but his son remains locked away. The next morning, Cranston and co dig through the rubble to find Kickass who is unaware of wtf just happened. This gives the audience the comforting story arc they want, where dad and son butt heads over the truth throughout the film but resolve their issues just before Cranston sets out to sacrifice himself while setting up the bomb. But bomb expert son comes and saves dad and after a hug, a monster squishes Kickass. Bryan Cranston goes Walter White... but remains useless to the overall plot but people sure love him.

Meanwhile, Ken Watanabe, who's father died during the Hiroshima attack as seen during the very dramatic flashback to add fluff to his story, discovered a weakspot on the monters after his years of research. He took this knowledge to the military, who were powerless against the monsters and only wanted to let them fight. Ken's infinite wisdom and new usefulness in this version proves to be an original use of character and makes the fans happy.

Nurse Brody, unhappy with her husband constantly being away, is weak to the charm and wit of the comical relief male nurse where she works. We constantly cut back to her laughing at dem jokes that lighten the tone of the film only to see her withdraw before showing us a flashback of her relationship with Kickass to develop their chemistry. Audience falls in love with them.


I would have cut the train stuff too. After the Hawaii scene, it actually decreased the tension and you just kinda sit there twiddling your thumbs until its over.

The MUTOs can sense nuclear armament, and seek it out. And then use their EMP like ability to dead stop anything moving. They demonstrated that ability several times in the film. Subs and aircraft alike totaled. The felt the safest way was by train, at that point.
I just wanted to see monsters fight and stuff blow up.

Then why'd you see this movie? While the sequels to the original Godzilla movies bring along an expectation that there will be a monster fight, it was very clear from the marketing and Gareth Edwards' comments that this film was going to most prominently harken back to the 1954 film which had no monster fights.


I wish

they would have kept Malcom in the Middle 's dad in the movie for the whole thing or a least most of it. He was the only actor worth his salt. His son was super boring and his family was annoying.

The casting in this movie seemed so. oring. If you're gonna have to have your white protagonist for your summer blockbuster it would have at least been more interesting to have it be an older grandpa as opposed to young white male number whatever. The Japanese scientist just stood around looking intently at the camera and saying cheesy stuff. His female assistant did pretty much nothing.

When was the last time an action summer blockbuster movie starred the main human character as an old grandpa instead of a young white guy?

Did you want grandpop to break a hip running away from all the destruction?


I liked this movie, but I didn't like the bait and switch(not spoiling it). Also it had long stretches of none-important distractions. Those fuckers wasted 20+ minutes transporting that nuke and they could have just used a helicopter. It was lord of the rings griffins all over again.

I know this doesn't really matter but...



Then why'd you see this movie? While the sequels to the original Godzilla movies bring along an expectation that there will be a monster fight, it was very clear from the marketing and Gareth Edwards' comments that this film was going to most prominently harken back to the 1954 film which had no monster fights.

I didn't follow the marketing at all. Wanted to go in fresh and I'm not a fan of dissecting nuances of the movie prior to watching it. Just wanted more screen time for Godzilla.

Plus I'd been drinking and wanted to see some shit blowed up.


I didn't follow the marketing at all. Wanted to go in fresh and I'm not a fan of dissecting nuances of the movie prior to watching it. Just wanted more screen time for Godzilla.

Plus I'd been drinking and wanted to see some shit blowed up.

And did you not see some shit blowed up?
I didn't follow the marketing at all. Wanted to go in fresh and I'm not a fan of dissecting nuances of the movie prior to watching it. Just wanted more screen time for Godzilla.
Then this is a case of you going in with the wrong expectations, which isn't the movie's fault. You're criticizing the film for what you'd like to be rather than what it is.


I'm so glad it didn't cater to the "drunk, just want to see shit get blown up" crowd. This movie needed, and was more than that. Not a forgetful summer flick.

Btw, did you not see the tons of explosions? You were drunk.


And did you not see some shit blowed up?
Yeah, wasn't bad and enjoyed the scenes that were there. That last fight was fantastic, got a big round of applause in theater.
Then this is a case of you going in with the wrong expectations, which isn't the movie's fault. You're criticizing the film for what you'd like to be rather than what it is.
Pretty much. Just felt teased with the cut away from the fights to deal with more human drama that wasn't all that interesting.


When was the last time an action summer blockbuster movie starred the main human character as an old grandpa instead of a young white guy?

Did you want grandpop to break a hip running away from all the destruction?

Nothing to say he
couldn't have survived miraculously at different stages of the film like his son.
When was the last time an action summer blockbuster movie starred the main human character as an old grandpa instead of a young white guy?

Did you want grandpop to break a hip running away from all the destruction?
Thats why it would have been more interesting :p. I'm just getting tired of all the sameness. Cranston was also the best actor in the whole film.
Thats why it would have been more interesting :p. I'm just getting tired of all the sameness. Cranston was also the best actor in the whole film.

The way the movie's plot is structured – with everything building towards a certain event – alone makes this movie very, very different from most blockbusters that are released today.
Man I loved the nighttime train sequence. Absolutely gorgeous shots. Loved it

I already said it but though I understand the disappointment people are having on account of the characters I don't get how you don't just put that aside when Edwards choice of shots anytime Godzilla or a Muto is on screen is to only do the most bad ass shot possible and then cut away. I thought it had a masterful sense of buildup till the end.

Also the tail....when the tail lights up electric blue and the camera slowly follows it through the smoke.

I passed out


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Yeah the
tail started glowing and it was like "ohhh?!" then it started making the WOOMWOOMWOOM noise and it was like "OH SHIT, IT'S ON!!" then he torched the muto and it was like "OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!"
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