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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


he's Virgin Tight™
What a ride. Liked it a lot. Yes I wanted more godzilla but I understand why they did it. I give it a 8/10. It was good. Also... Dat final kill. Whole cinema went berserk haha.

I loathed the cut aways. Two times? Come on.
Saw it again, loved it again. I love and appreciate Edwards for using unorthodox plotting and character development. No flashbacks, no goofy comical reliefs, no forced conflict between human characters that gets concluded in the climax. I hooe Edwards has a long and rewarding career. Screw the haters who wanted more Walter White yelling and father-son bickering (and at the same time, more Godzilla knocking down buildings because).

My one gripe, both Imax 3D and Digital 2D were pretty blurry in comparison to the stills I've seen/saved (I want more please). Can't wait for the BR release!
I was just talking specifically about that movie since people were saying it must be a female in that one, but they went out of their way to say it reproduced asexually to still leave the sex ambiguous.

Gotcha! Lol that makes sense, i still don't get where the female thing is coming from though lol


Really enjoyed it.

only complaint:

you're telling me that you're going to transport the incredibly important, valuable, dangerous, etc. decoy/bomb/payload via train with minimal support (not to mention, we already know it's going to attract the muto) and no one foresaw what happened... well, actually happening?

it set up a fun set piece, but that mission was so doomed from the start lol


Movie sucked!!!

One part that made me laugh was when Watanabe talked about his father's watch which stopped during hiroshima.

The movie takes place in present day - 2014 or 2015 given the timeline.

So you're telling me, Watanabe is supposed to be 70years old at least? Seriously? We're supposed to buy that?

It was his father's watch.

Wait. I have such a reading problem like the watch. Carry on sir. lol
Really enjoyed it.

only complaint:

you're telling me that you're going to transport the incredibly important, valuable, dangerous, etc. decoy/bomb/payload via train with minimal support (not to mention, we already know it's going to attract the muto) and no one foresaw what happened... well, actually happening?

it set up a fun set piece, but that mission was so doomed from the start lol
Remember, there was dialog refering to the military's tactics as
scaring the MUTOs away from populations. They had tanks and such up ahead trying to do exactly that to keep the tracks clear.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Japan's Nuclear reactors are probably closer to the Philippines than China's, and probably bigger than the ones in the Philippines, so male MUTO went there.

Taiwan has nuclear reactors, with the most southern one being 100-150 miles from the Philippines.
But that's an easy one to let slide for artistic and homage purposes. It's Godzilla: it has to be Japan.


For everyone saying that this film is the anti action bloated Hollywood summer film, they are desperately wrong. There is still plenty of room for an equal narrative which could deliver some human emotions while prodding along the pace for Godzilla's arc.

That being said, I really enjoyed the film. The payoff is spectacular. It's just far from being great, but it's certainly memorable.
Just came back from the movie. It was above average. Too much talking, not enough Godzilla, but the last 20 mins made it up for that, I guess...

It's canon, it's just not Godzilla. They reference it
make fun of it
in GMK.
I must have missed this part, where in the movie did they reference this?


I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. The first ~30 minutes and the last ~45 minutes in particular. I didn't get the complaints about too little action/Godzilla at all. The action ended up being right on point, in my eyes. It built up really nicely, and maintained the mystique of Godzilla from beginning to end.

The one thing I felt was slightly off was the whole "balance" thing. There was an environmentalist message there, but it ultimately was subverted for the sake of having the audience root for Godzilla, as opposed to having the audience fear him.
Movie sucked!!!

One part that made me laugh was when Watanabe talked about his father's watch which stopped during hiroshima.

The movie takes place in present day - 2014 or 2015 given the timeline.

So you're telling me, Watanabe is supposed to be 70years old at least? Seriously? We're supposed to buy that?

His father survived much like something else surviving...


Saw it in imax tonight, left feeling disappointed. I didn't care at all about the human storylines and the action, while cool at moments, for the most part fell flat for me. Not the movie I was hoping for.


Saw it at any ipic theater with my female tonight

Loved it. Just needs a little bit more godzilla next time and fewer cock teasing.

Not to say there isn't problems with it but it's a godzilla. Bring on ghidorah!


What they mean to say is that there's too much boring. Other side of the equation; same thing.

It sickens me how much ADD the modern audience has. These same people would probably think Alien, Jaws, and the original Godzilla were terrible films.


Movie sucked!!!

One part that made me laugh was when Watanabe talked about his father's watch which stopped during hiroshima.

The movie takes place in present day - 2014 or 2015 given the timeline.

So you're telling me, Watanabe is supposed to be 70years old at least? Seriously? We're supposed to buy that?

This has to be a joke post. It's his father's watch. How would that make Serizawa in his 70s to have his dad's watch? If the Serizawa of this movie isn't the son of the Serizawa of the original, then his dad could have survived the bombing and gave it to his son later. Or he could have died and the mom or someone else could have made sure the son got it. Nothing about having that watch means he's in his 70s.


Saw it last night. A bit disappointed tbh. I was expecting to see more Godzilla vs Muto and instead I got more humans running around.
I enjoyed it a lot. Cranston's character could have gotten a lot more screen-time because he was easily the only human character I was interested in getting to know, but otherwise I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the suspense and escalation of the destruction around the cities and really enjoyed the human perspective of it all, but in retrospect wish there was a biiiiit more monster fighting than what we were given. The payoff was awesome and the spectacle of Godzilla was absolutely incredible, but the cutaways were simply too much.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";112446952]Did they cast Ken Watanabe just so he could say Gojira with emphasis?[/QUOTE]

Worth every penny IMO.

East Lake

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";112446952]Did they cast Ken Watanabe just so he could say Gojira with emphasis?[/QUOTE]I felt bad for him lol. Give the guy something interesting to say, let him show some emotion... Anything. Fuck.


I just got home from a late night showing, I thought it was great! I'm not disappointed in the least.

Only thing is,
I think the creation of both Godzilla and the MUTO's completely skipped over my head. How did they come into being?


I just got home from a late night showing, I thought it was great! I'm not disappointed in the least.

Only thing is,
I think the creation of both Godzilla and the MUTO's completely skipped over my head. How did they come into being?
They are simply species of a fictional fauna and period of prehistory which have "hibernated" into modern times.

EDIT: Dang


I just got home from a late night showing, I thought it was great! I'm not disappointed in the least.

Only thing is,
I think the creation of both Godzilla and the MUTO's completely skipped over my head. How did they come into being?

They don't say. Just that they're from millions of years ago and we woke them up


I just got home from a late night showing, I thought it was great! I'm not disappointed in the least.

Only thing is,
I think the creation of both Godzilla and the MUTO's completely skipped over my head. How did they come into being?
They always existed. They just lived under the earth. Godzilla in the ocean and the muto in the mountains.
You know, now that I think about it what was the point of
male and female MUTOs? The female one (how did it ever fit inside that mountain) was born pregnant so I don't know why males even exist in that species.

Elizabeth Olson sure is pretty, though?
Yeah. I was hoping her role would have been better but here's hoping she gets more to work with when Avengers 2 comes around.


You know, now that I think about it what was the point of
male and female MUTOs? The female one (how did it ever fit inside that mountain) was born pregnant so I don't know why males even exist in that species.

I think the bigger question is how could they communicate with each other across an ocean?


You know, now that I think about it what was the point of
male and female MUTOs? The female one (how did it ever fit inside that mountain) was born pregnant so I don't know why males even exist in that species.

Yeah. I was hoping her role would have been better but here's hoping she gets more to work with when Avengers 2 comes around.
Like a fish I'd assume, the male fertilizes the eggs once the female releases them.


I think the bigger question is how could they communicate with each other across an ocean?

Echolocation. I guess their waves are super powerful, or their ears are super sensitive. Makes sense as the MUTOs can hear glass shatter 50 feet away for some reason.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Across an ocean while one is under ground and one is in a mountain?

Technically wasn't the
male above ground for years when they were monitoring it, before it broke free?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Isn't Destroyah made of crab mutants?

Also I have an idea to put MechaGodzilla! He's fighting this really dangerous monster (Gidorah?) and can't defeat it. MONARCH develops a super armor for Godzilla to use! It's so cheesy!

Also they better introduce Godzilla's Robin (Angurius) somehow.

One thing I have to say about Cloverfield is that no other movie made me feel so powerless, I felt sad even the day after. That's pure cinema to me, even if rewatching it can't do the same effect.

Meh, I can't feel for the Cloverfield characters when they act stupid, but it is a side effect of a "cam-live" style movie.

Both have big monsters and lots of destruction in them. How can you NOT get the comparisons???? Have you seen Pacific Rim?

Despite that, they have two different themes, and hell I'd argue they're different genres in Japan.

Yes I know it's an old topic that was handled posts earlier :p


Anyway, I now have some time to type and I gotta say that the movie is exactly everything I wanted in an updated introduction film. The pace is brisk, the movie is mostly necessary scenes, the characters server their purpose in the story well and have decent enough motivation to be consistent as the viewpoint for the characters. The action was just perfect in length and was intense.

I loved all the little nods to the other Godzilla Flims or Japanese culture in general. It was really consistent and managed to explain all it needed. It had some crazy scenes and shots in it that just really blew me away. There are a few minor points here and there they could have done a little better but it's mostly aesthetic stuff like audio/design choices.

No its not. Nonstop from la to japan, you go north, near alaska.

Japan -> Hawaii is better if you're hitching a ride with the military, particularly of the circumstances he was in during that sequence in the film.

You know, now that I think about it what was the point of
male and female MUTOs? The female one (how did it ever fit inside that mountain) was born pregnant so I don't know why males even exist in that species.

Yeah. I was hoping her role would have been better but here's hoping she gets more to work with when Avengers 2 comes around.

Uh, that's an easy question.
You'd need to fertilize the eggs for them to become viable no? I'm almost certain several species of creatures lay the eggs or produce them but they aren't viable until contact with a male. I mean chicken eggs that we eat aren't going to grow into chickens just because they're an egg. =P


I thought it was great. Cranston hammed it up waaaayyy too much.
glad he got offfed early, people hype him up too much.


All right, so I saw the movie yesterday evening. I am going to give a list of pros and cons and I wondering about your reactions.

- Mutos looked pretty cool with their thin red eyes.
- Gojira is good looking. Big, has nice scales and is cute overall :3
- I love the fact that Gojira used his nuclear beam.
- I really enjoyed when Gojira said to himself at the very end "hmmm, what would happen if I were to mix sub-zero's and scorpion's fatality into one ? :)". That scene is just golden.
- Gojira's face when the male MUTO was coming for his last attack, that was the perfect example of " I've had enough of this bullshit!" face and then bam! Insta-gib :)
- "King of monsters. Saviour of our city." w00t, a great way to end it.
I will not mention every tiny detail that I didn't like, that would be just way too much stuff, so things like slow deadly smoke, shining a flashlight into muto's eye in an attempt NOT to attract attention, floating tanks and kamikaze helicopters, I will skip those.

- "Yo, I need to get my 15 year old disks which have been laying on my desk for all this time, 'cause they are totally not broken!"

- "hmmm, we have caught a couple of interlopers. Where shall we take them ? Outside the zone and then to jail like last time ? Oh I know, let's take them to our secret facility. GREAT IDEA !"

- "This is Spartan 1, we are proceeding in an extremely tight formation towards the targets, holding hands to make sure we are not more than a meter away so we all get insta-gibed with a single stomp. Over."

- "Sir, we are deploying troops all over the place. Shouldn't we say the people to evacuate?" "And ruin their vacation! Hell no !" "And are you sure it is a good idea to deploy light infantry with SMGs on roofs ?" "In this movie, yes."

- "This is *instert military jet callsign here* I have taken an EMP hit. I will now proceed to fall like a rock. Over." This has probably pissed me off the most, obviously the writer has NO idea what EMP does, like at all. I especially enjoyed the fact that all the electronics suddenly worked when the mutos died, lol.

- Now, enter admiral with unlimited authority surpassing that of JCS and the president. "I am an insane admiral and I order nukes ! NUKES EVERYWHERE ! WOHOOO!!"

- "Hey Jimmy, we are looking for a radioactive biological entity that we left here a couple of years ago. Can you tell me where it is ?" "Um, I must have lost the list. Why won't you just go from one door to the next and look." "Ok." Meanwhile, muto they are looking for is rampaging Las Vegas. "Um, sir, I have found a hole...."

- Another scene with the insane admiral "I got an idea. Let's put fully assembled nuclear weapons on trains'n'stuff because that is totally safe and a proper way to transport nuclear weapons, oh yeah!" Seriously, I have never seen such disrespect for nuclear safety, EVER. "Hey, Johnny. Mind if I fiddle with a nuclear warhead while the train is moving." "Sure, go right ahead."

- another insane admiral moment "I got an idea. Let's use our great battle formation called "mob" and make it so the Gojira can't possibly avoid bumping into one of our ships so we finally have an excuse to shoot it. Oh yeah !"

- EMP bubble moment, lulz. "We can't use electronics in the bubble so you will proceed with a HALO jump." They jump down and 1st thing they do is use their flashlights and computer that says "Nukes 'dis way, lol."

And a couple of others, but these are the ones that made the writer look dumb as rock.

Overall 7/10. I enjoyed it :)


When Serizawa said the monster's name was Gojira, why did they all call him Godzilla after that (even Serizawa himself lol)?
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