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Godzilla |OT| Legendary


Got my Imax tickets booked! Gonna do a late one (Sat night at 23.50).
Think I'm gonna get mice and stoned for this one.
Yeah, I've never seen a 3D movie where I've come out saying "I'm glad I payed 4 extra bucks for this". At best it's kida neat for a few shots before I stop noticing the '3D' effect, and at worst it's movie ruining shite.
Yeah, I've never seen a 3D movie where I've come out saying "I'm glad I payed 4 extra bucks for this". At best it's kida neat for a few shots before I stop noticing the '3D' effect, and at worst it's movie ruining shite.

I'm very indifferent about 3D. I always think "this looks pretty cool" but after it's over I'm thinking about the film, not any visual gimmickry. I never go out of my way to see something in 3D unless the director is gung-fucking-ho about it like Cameron or Scott. I find that its also very distracting in scenes with heavy CG.


Most of the 3D films being released this year are actually native 3D. Godzilla, sadly, isn't one of them. The director raves about the conversion, but that could just be him banging the hype drum. I haven't actually heard anyone's eyes-on report of how good the 3D is.


I feel Hugo would of been better in HFR since the action scenes in that film gave me headache

I thought the 3D in Hugo was terrible and wasn't even noticeable outside of one scene and even then it wasn't impressive at all. But I thought the whole movie was terrible.


Most of the 3D films being released this year are actually native 3D. Godzilla, sadly, isn't one of them. The director raves about the conversion, but that could just be him banging the hype drum. I haven't actually heard anyone's eyes-on report of how good the 3D is.

I had no idea so many films coming out were actually filmed in 3D.

All that padding was a necessity of budget: neither building a miniature Tokyo nor putting a guy in a rubber suit to step on it comes cheap, so you've got to fill the rest of the film with relatively inexpensive scenes of guys in lab coats anxiously staring at radar screens. Now that a big Hollywood studio like Warner Bros. is making its own “Godzilla,” of course, you would imagine that they could go wild with the special effects and give us scene after scene of Godzilla inflicting property damage and saving humanity from scaly, slimy leviathans, right? Apparently not, if this new movie is any indication.



Looks like I'm watching some Godzilla this week xD.

The perfect bail .gif.


Wow. RT shot up to 88? Not bad. Although there is an over reliance of RT on the internet these days, I'm happy when movies I'm looking forward to are high scoring.


Reading some of the impressions from people -- without having seen it yet myself -- it seems that most have never seen a Godzilla film, aside from perhaps King of the Monsters, which was a butchered version in itself. It's one of those franchises everyone knows about and perhaps someone caught the last few minutes when TNT and TBS would run them back in the 90s, but few actually have sat down and watched many of the films from beginning until end. So they're expecting this to be a tongue-in-cheek monster fest, not unlike GINO.
Which is a really interesting thing considering that critics and elitists are always trying to push this very point.

This is what I'm thinking.

Judging from the impressions I've read, this sounds like Godzilla does the exact thing most critics always ask for in a summer blockbuster - slow build, upping the anticipation, not blowing your wad too soon and too often.
Judging from the impressions I've read, this sounds like Godzilla does the exact thing most critics always ask for in a summer blockbuster - slow build, upping the anticipation, not blowing your wad too soon and too often.

*shrug* this is why I keep saying that when it comes to movies you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. :p


No, but the impression I'm getting from most previews is that there isn't even 10 solid minutes of a Godzilla-smashing-a-thon, which I'm sure is disappointing for some people.

Where did you get that total from? The people that have seen it here say there's quite a good amount of Godzilla action.


To those affected, stop with that unhealthy Rotten Tomatoes-obsession.

This is what I'm thinking.

Judging from the impressions I've read, this sounds like Godzilla does the exact thing most critics always ask for in a summer blockbuster - slow build, upping the anticipation, not blowing your wad too soon and too often.

I think the criticism comes from on which shoulders the buildup stands on. Tropes and non-memorable acting.

Man, the whole idea with the film does seem to be flying over the heads of some along with these locked-in views on what a Godzilla movie should be. You don't need something exploding every instance or some giant epic scene.

People need to rewatch the unadulterated, uncut 1954 original Heisei era film to understand what this film is trying to do.

While the Toho Production films are fun, they ruined the meaning and beauty of the Godzilla concept and turned the franchise into a monster battle/kaiju film series.


So hyped for this movie. I grew up having almost every VHS ever of Godzilla and loved watching him wreck stuff. The idea of a serious Godzilla for a modern era makes me want to do backflips. IMAX all the way for this.
People need to rewatch the unadulterated, uncut 1954 original Heisei era film to understand what this film is trying to do.
black and white. Hardly any Godzilla. Not enough destruction, no other monster and/or robot. No wacky sidekick to provide comic relief. Needs more 'splosions...

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