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Godzilla |OT| Legendary

The Star Wars news had me on the verge of nerd-raging, but I'm relieved at the reports stating that Edwards will indeed be at the helm of the sequels, even if we'll have to wait a while longer to get them.

My biggest irritation is the billboard at the very end of the film. Lots of things, large and small were problematic, but that freaking billboard is what I keep thinking back on and cringing. Not sure WFT they were thinking. For some reason that's the one detail in the film that really bugs me.

Same here. Even in the context of a story about a 350-ft lizard that fights nuke-eating bugs, the
celebratory cheers and feel-good news captions
were a bit too much.

I also wasn't too keen on Serizawa blatantly and repeatedly spelling out Godzilla's motives. His portrayal as an
apex predator reacting aggressively to the presence of an enemy
was good enough; no need to throw in the
"here to restore balance"
arm-waving. I'd have preferred the big guy's intentions to have been left somewhat ambiguous.

Somewhere in the greatest theatre ever.


Shit, I'd be lying if I said this film completely lived up to its potential, but if nothing else, a great wrong has finally been made right.
My biggest irritation is the billboard at the very end of the film. Lots of things, large and small were problematic, but that freaking billboard is what I keep thinking back on and cringing. Not sure WFT they were thinking. For some reason that's the one detail in the film that really bugs me.
the clumsy bluntness of the stupid headline reminds me of...

Wow, watched it yesterday..

Soo disappointing... After seeing the first brilliant trailer with the halo jump I expected so much of this movie..

But at the point of time they do this in the movie, we have seen Godzilla like a thousand times already, so his size is nothing special anymore... I don't even get why they do this at all, expect of that scene looking cool...

Cloverfield is still Godzilla done right, and it doesn't even have Godzilla.
Saw it yesterday and loved it. I've heard some people say there was a Mothra and even a Biollante reference in there. Any idea what those references were or is that just a rumor?


Saw it yesterday and loved it. I've heard some people say there was a Mothra and even a Biollante reference in there. Any idea what those references were or is that just a rumor?
When they go back to their old house there is a tank that says Moth on it with tape spelling out RA right next to it so Mothra.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I'd be more than fine with a movie that took that kind of bleakness and ran with it convincingly, but making the protagonist yet another generic dude who has to overcome adversity and save his generic wife and child probably isn't the best way to achieve that. In Jaws, we cared about Chief Brody getting back to his family because of the wonderful character moments early on, like the dinner scene. Murtaugh saying "I'm too old for this shit" was at least mildly amusing because Danny Glover's charm and the great chemistry he had with Mel Gibson breathed life into him and made us care. There's quite simply no reason aside from a lazy, empty script that Godzilla couldn't have given us at least some memorable character moments in a "mere" monster movie.

If the point was to indeed make a post-human blockbuster (and I don't think this script had enough on its mind to aspire to that), then don't make a guy getting back to his wife and kid the focal point of the human side.

I'm not trying to be a nitpicking ass..I know it's just a summer movie, but I'm tired of that being such an easy excuse for mediocrity in these movies. Really just trying to figure out why it left me so cold, because I so wanted to like it.

I agree. Man of Steel had the same problem for me last year too. Ironically both MoS and Godzilla left me wanting and disappointed in a very similar fashion, despite the great action in both. It's one of the big reasons why I like PR better than Godzilla, Del Toro just did the human stories better. There are quite a few memorable moments and lines with the human in PR, yet like you I can barely think of any in Godzilla. And most of the ones I can think of were spoken by Cranston.

Godzilla needed a bit more of the Speilberg touch to make it really sing, aka Jaws.
My biggest irritation is the billboard at the very end of the film. Lots of things, large and small were problematic, but that freaking billboard is what I keep thinking back on and cringing. Not sure WFT they were thinking. For some reason that's the one detail in the film that really bugs me.

the clumsy bluntness of the stupid headline reminds me of...

I hate to be that guy but it's a clear nod to the TOHO movies. People thinking anything past that are missing the point:


Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Not sue if this has been posted.. got it from a snippet of interview on Toho Kingdom
Chris Mirjahangir: Will there be an extended cut of this (Godzilla) on the DVD/Blu-ray?

Thomas Tull: Yes

Mirjahangir: Like Peter Jackson style where it's all blended in together?

Tull: Well, that's really Gareth's choice. There are certainly some scenes and things you're gonna see, and it's up to him how he wants to present that to fans.

I'm guessing there'll be a huge build up to the extra bits, then just as we're about to see them it'll cut away to some paint drying on a wall.
I'm fine with the slow build but this film took it too far. Should have got to the Godzilla action much sooner. It's a film about Godzilla and you barely see him until the end.

A good film, but definitely flawed.


Watched SpaceGodzilla and 2000 (my fave!) this passed week. So good. Got me thinking, Edwards is gonna nail the sequel. He's got ample time to nail a script and get all the pieces together. The formula and tech is there already. Just analyzing where it was weakest and fixing it.

I'm excited at the ideas of the sequels. So many directions they could go!


Watched SpaceGodzilla and 2000 (my fave!) this passed week. So good. Got me thinking, Edwards is gonna nail the sequel. He's got ample time to nail a script and get all the prices together. The formula and tech is there already. Just analyzing where it was weakest and fixing it.

I'm excited at the ideas of the sequels. So many directions they could go!

It's not like he didn't before, he spent 3-4 years working on this movie.


It's not like he didn't before, he spent 3-4 years working on this movie.


The difference though is he's no longer confined to the same stips he was. No longer an origin film. He was only allowed Godzilla himself previously.

And unlike you, others thought the film was wonderful. So there's that. Unless in reading you wrong.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Going to see this today. Do people recommend 2D, IMAX 3D, or RealD3D?

I would say 2D for sure. There really wasn't much in the movie that would benefit from 3D IMHO. Both of my viewings were in 2D. A friend of mine saw it in 3D and wishes he had just gone to a 2D show instead.



The difference though is he's no longer confined to the same stips he was. No longer an origin film. He was only allowed Godzilla himself previously.

And unlike you, others thought the film was wonderful. So there's that. Unless in reading you wrong.

err, okay, but what does that have to do with anything? You're the one who brought up Edwards needing extra time to better nail down the script for the next one, I was just pointing out that it'd be no longer than the time that went into this film (probably less, since Edwards wasn't doing a Star Wars movie in between Monsters and Godzilla).
It's not like he didn't before, he spent 3-4 years working on this movie.

Yeah but he was literally learning how to be a director, shoot major FX work, have a second unit, and use Pre Vis for the first time on a massive blockbuster movie.

It would be like becoming a legend down at the local drag strip and then racing in NASCAR.

I'm telling you guys should listen to that interview. Fascinating insight


Saw this last night with the wife. First time in an Alamo theater which was a great experience. Had two pints of beer called captain Lawrence sparkling gold which was friggin awesome.

Oh yea, the movie was OK. Took too long for the build up and like many are saying, the human part just got too boring after a while. That final fight though was something else. Loved the sound of the monsters.

Anyway I don't think I'll ever want to watch this movie again. Nothing special or too memorable about it.



196 Million (worldwide) opening weekend says otherwise. :p
From a business perspective, it makes sense.

But sales do not correlate perfectly with quality. I was excited for this and went to see it and contributed towards its sales, but it does not mean I thought it was a great movie.

It was done right, as far as Godzilla is concerned, and that's all that matters.

We're going to get a sequel.
I'd like to see where Godzilla said this. Source?
From a business perspective, it makes sense.

But sales do not correlate perfectly with quality. I was excited for this and went to see it and contributed towards its sales, but it does not mean I thought it was a great movie.

Sure, but sequels can often improve upon the first movie. This could be like a Wrath of Khan to the first movie's The Motion Picture.
From a business perspective, it makes sense.

But sales do not correlate perfectly with quality. I was excited for this and went to see it and contributed towards its sales, but it does not mean I thought it was a great movie.
The movie, by most definitions, is a success: well on its way to earn back, and exceed, its cost, enjoys overall favorable critical reception, and a sequel has been announced.
Rewatched this last night after seeing it opening night. I actually enjoyed it more the second time around. I think everyone who came out disappointed was expecting too much. It really is a different movie knowing, with complete certainty, that you won't see a fight until the very end of the film. And again, it just creates expectations of several fight scenes in the next flick. This was a reboot and it did it well.
From a business perspective, it makes sense.

But sales do not correlate perfectly with quality. I was excited for this and went to see it and contributed towards its sales, but it does not mean I thought it was a great movie.

I know, man. Just razzing you. Regardless of what we all think (love it or hate it), money always talks in Hollywood. There are many movies that got sequels, that in my view were Godawful movies.. but if people love 'em, more power to them. :)


It's a good thing that not only does the Navy provide mandatory paratrooper training to all seamen, they go the extra step and make it HALO as well.


This really doesn't deserve a sequel.

Needs another remake in 10 years. Somebody to do it right.

While I too was somewhat disappointed in the movie, the cool thing is that sequels don't necessarily have to be similar to this film at all. You could have entirely new characters/plots with basically zero connection to the first film. Godzilla is really more a sub genre of disaster films as opposed to a series of interlinking movies.
It's a good thing that not only does the Navy provide mandatory paratrooper training to all seamen, they go the extra step and make it HALO as well.

Yep. And while in the process of training Explosive Ordinance Disposal specialists to handle IEDs in Iraq, they also go that extra mile and provide training in rigging and disarming Minuteman ICBMs.

Our Navy really has its shit together.


It's a good thing that not only does the Navy provide mandatory paratrooper training to all seamen, they go the extra step and make it HALO as well.

Navy EOD includes Jumpmaster training. HALO isn't that much of a stretch if it's in a sci-fi movie. Navy isn't just a bunch of seamen and boats.

Yep. And while in the process of training Explosive Ordinance Disposal specialists to handle IEDs in Iraq, they also go that extra mile and provide training in rigging and disarming Minuteman ICBMs.

Our Navy really has its shit together.

Your view of Navy EOD is very limited.

From the Navy page:


At 42 weeks, Basic EOD School is the longest phase of the training process. After successful completion of dive school, candidates transfer to Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal School at Eglin Air Force Base in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. This training is broken down into four sections, each teaching how to render-safe or defuse specific types of ordnance. These are:

Air Ordnance Division — Focuses on bombs and missiles
Improvised Explosive Devices — Includes “homemade bombs”
Nuclear Ordnance Division — Covers basic nuclear physics and radiation monitoring and decontamination procedures
Underwater Ordnance Division — Emphasizes torpedoes and other underwater explosives as well as underwater search techniques

Again, Hollywood has the leeway to stretch this. We are discussing a Godzilla movie.

Endo Punk


I love this version of Godzilla or should I say Bearzilla. When you first get to see him in all his glory in Hawaii with that magnificent roar I was completely in awe. Now I prefer practical effects and guy in a suit as much as the next guy but when CGI is done right you are just left with your jaw on the floor(helps if its at night), and that's how I felt seeing Godzilla in this film. The muto's were also a sight to be hold.

Outside of Bryan Cranston I don't think anyone stood out but the human parts were not that bad. I was looking forward to seeing the monster action but the pacing was fine, love the build up to the end and what an ending it was. Seriously, is this the most positive depiction of Godzilla ever? I haven't seen all the films but Ive never seen Godzilla actively trying to avoid human fights, only when he was provoked to get out of harm at the bridge.

It's amazing Godzilla still managed to feel like King of the monsters despite being a softy at heart too, I wanted to give him a big bear hug when he was walking towards the ocean with that "fuck this noise" look on his face lol.

Rights all the wrongs of the 98 version. This is a monster disaster film done right, if one is going in expecting Pacific Rim 2 you'll definitely be let down but otherwise it's a wonderful film that does Godzilla justice. More 'merican Gojiro please!!


Saw it Monday, and today we took my parents (in their 60s) to see it. Still good, and they enjoyed it too.

My dad's executive summary of the film for anyone who hasn't seen it:
"Godzilla fights two horny mutant roaches."
I hate to be that guy but it's a clear nod to the TOHO movies. People thinking anything past that are missing the point
I know exactly what they were going for, but it was so ham-fisted and clumsy I can't get my head around why they thought it was a good idea. I touch of ambiguity there would have been amazing.

I loved the movie overall but that final scene was the only part when I felt a little insulted.


Unconfirmed Member
I watched Godzilla last night and really enjoyed it. Parts of the story were a little cheesy and I would have liked a little more of the title character, but his time on-screen was well-used. I also liked the designs of the other monsters.
I know exactly what they were going for, but it was so ham-fisted and clumsy I can't get my head around why they thought it was a good idea. I touch of ambiguity there would have been amazing.

I loved the movie overall but that final scene was the only part when I felt a little insulted.

Yeah, it was definitely no "Joker card at the end of BB."


Just watched it at the Cinema. I enjoyed it. People also clapped when
Godzilla barfs into the lady moth's mouth
which in Sweden I think rarely happens.


Unconfirmed Member
I love this version of Godzilla or should I say Bearzilla.

Although his body is bear-like, I find "Croczilla" more accurate. Between his thick body and scale patterns, I found him more based off a crocodille but with a smaller dinosaur head. I love it though! Saw the toy of him and one of the older ones and was all "the new one looks awesome... and so does the old one!" They both have their charns.

Truth be told, I like Zilla's design too, but not as a Godzilla.


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
The MUTOs heads was too angular, kept reminding me of Metal Gear Ray.


Just watched it. I wasn't expecting much but I was pleasantly surprised by how cool it actually was, and I really liked it even though it had a lot of silly moments. The Godzilla parts were the best, and Bryan Cranston was also awesome, best actor there.


41 > 38
Loved the movie, but one thing bothered me (cue chorus of "just one thing?):
Why did the military start firing on Godzilla as he was coming up and through the bridge in San Francisco? Wasn't the entire plan to bring Godzilla to the MUTOs and let them duke it out? They knew that he was there to squash the bugs, so why are they wildly shooting at him? For that matter, why did they wait so long to start an evacuation of the city? They knew, like, a solid day earlier at least that the three monsters were going to converge there. There was no reason for that bridge to be full of buses.

Never seen a proper Godzilla movie before, and now I absolutely can't wait for the sequels.
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