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Godzilla: Save the Earth - Gamespot Review (PS2/XBOX)




"The nuclear-powered lizard's had it pretty tough in the world of video games. Godzilla celebrates his 50th anniversary this year, and games based on his city-stomping, monster-crunching exploits have been around for the last couple of decades of that time. This particular game at least features a large, diverse cast of playable monsters (though most of them are initially locked away). However, it lacks the dramatic look and full-scale action that's made its namesake a cinematic icon. Godzilla's most ardent fans will be able to forgive some of this game's faults, but anyone else might as well give it a pass."


Yeh, dissapointing score & the Live play doesn't sound so hot either. I might give this a rent, seeing as I enjoyed DaMM quite abit on the GC.
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