I'm really upset that HBO Canada isn't showing this (and didn't show the Real Time episode when the dude was on). Why am I paying $15/month for this?
Wow @ the 'War is over' tax exempt celebration
Haggis' talking about his response to the 'secret' is hilarious.
And then when you hear the story, you have the same response....
Just finished watching this. Pretty interesting but at the same time nothing new in terms of information than what I've already heard and read for several years. Might check out the book though if it has more details.
By the way, check out CoS's hilariously unhinged "Freedom Media Ethics" Twitter account.
Wonder what kind of response, if any, there will be from the Travolta and Cruise camps after this since the doc specifically calls them both out and spends a good deal of the two hours on them, equal if not more so, than it spends on Hubbard and Miscavige.
You can black mail an actor, in 2015, for being gay? Have they missed the last 10 years?
A gay actor with a wife and kids? Absolutely you can.
If Brad Pitt can leave America's sweet heart than John can leave what's her face. Now, his 'hiding' it's worsening the rumors.A gay actor with a wife and kids? Absolutely you can.
Not to mention it's not just the fact he's gay, it's that they have every single bit of his personal life detailed from the 'auditing' bollocks.
Scientology can dump someone's entire private life into the public if they wanted, everything they are embarrassed about, ashamed of, feel guilty over. All of it. It's an incredibly clever way of having a hold over someone, get them to 'confess' it all so they can 'help'.
If Brad Pitt can leave America's sweet heart than John can leave what's her face. Now, his 'hiding' it's worsening the rumors.
Directly killing Jett Travolta? Absolutely not. Encouraging his parents to use unscientific, ineffective Scientology methods to deal with his son's illnesses, ultimately contributing to Jett's death? Absolutely.Did anyone watch that documentary and briefly think that Scientology was behind Travolta's kids death. Like, they sunk a few levels of evil while watching that show. Just the gaudy, Trump stage, the fake websites, stalking people with go pro's on their forehead and matching tee shirts?
Tonight is the home run trot for the anti-Scientology movement. The idea that a major media outlet would produce an exposé on this scale was unthinkable a decade ago. A lot of people lost their families, friends, careers, and fortunes to make tonight happen. Going Clear is a celebration for all of those people. It is an immensely rewarding thought. Tonight, Going Clear will shake up the world.
So...now what?
Does anyone think we get some tangible good out of HBO airing this doc?
I'm hopeful, but I stop ever-so-short of saying I'm optimistic.
Is there any place to watch this? I missed the broadcast![]()
Just finished watching the doc. on HBO GO. What the fuck... how are they allowed to exist?! They're a fucking criminal outfit.
They are indeed; Miscagive and friends should be in prison.
I think this documentary also highlights some of the reasons why religious organizations, in their current form, should not be tax-exempt in the US.
Even if one thinks religious organizations should be tax-exempt, the IRS at least needs to be given the authority to revoke tax-exempt status from religious organizations that are legitimate religions but promote and commit criminal behavior.
Whether or not Scientology is a real religion is certainly up for debate, but the Church of Scientology shouldn't be granted the privilege of tax-exempt status when they operate as a sophisticated crime syndicate.
I'm more concerned with the fact that the whole Religious Organization status allows them to basically be invincible against most lawsuits. They didn't highlight it too much but they made it seem like any case brought against the Church would get tossed out as internal doctrinal conflict and protected by the First Amendment. That's why Marty Rathbun's wife, who wasn't a former member, has a chance of successfully suing Miscavige for the years of harassment and surveillance he's subjected them to. That shit just doesn't make any sense.
We have the IRS to thank for Scientology? What the fuck.
Just watched it. Hadn't read the book, so I was pretty impressed with how high up the food chain the defectors that were speaking were. They didn't touch on Miscavige's mysterious situation with his wife, though. Is that covered in the book?
I'm just not sure you can walk away from that doc with an understanding of what Scientologists actually believe in with the way it was presented - I've seen a lot of "well the Easter bunny and Jesus sounds crazy too" surface level responses, when it's so much more than a wacky origin story.They probably didn't talk about Shelly since that's more hearsay and would be more difficult for HBO's lawyers to defend in court.
But the documentary's stated purpose is to rid it of its tax exemption status. I think it did a fantastic job focusing on how it got that status and why it doesn't deserve it. The nitty gritty details would just confuse and muddle that overall message IMO.
Like, the e-meter stuff. I thought they even spent too much time talking about that. It's so obviously nonsense that they don't really need to go into more detail than they did.
So...now what?
Does anyone think we get some tangible good out of HBO airing this doc?
I'm hopeful, but I stop ever-so-short of saying I'm optimistic.
I'm glad they focused on the celebrity angle, because celebrity is Scientology's bread and butter. They wouldn't be anywhere without Travolta and Cruise, and if Travolta and Cruise turned on Scientology, it would be over in no time.
So just to be clear, the implication was that the head of IRS (at the time that they were granted tax exemption) was a scientologist, correct?
Cruise and Travolta are definitely the top ones that are known, but I'd guess there are a lot more in Hollywood that are part of it that we don't know about yet.