Annoying Old Party Man
jufonuk said:you can shoot the lights down and the ADS is jsut locking onto that, I guess you can use the lights to kill peoples
Wow, I wasn't even aware of that. Thanks!
jufonuk said:you can shoot the lights down and the ADS is jsut locking onto that, I guess you can use the lights to kill peoples
Annoying Old Party Man said:Wow, I wasn't even aware of that. Thanks!
wackojackosnose said:Hmm, I've been playing this the last few days and it's decent but I'm not really enjoying it as much as I expected. I loved the pointer controls for Metroid and Red Steel 2 but here it feels a bit janky compared to those 2 games.
Yeah, I didn't like any of the defaults so the difficult and time consuming customization options are a bit off putting and overwhelming. At least with RS2 the defaults were quite usable and when I wanted to customize the controls I only had to go through a few option screens and then I could fidde around with all of the options on the fly (it just paused the game and had everything you could customize on one or two screens and you could try out what you changed immediately instead of saving and exiting back to the game). In comparison, the menu interface in GE is ridiculously slow that I just don't want to take the time to customize my own controls, going through each option one by one, exiting 5 or so menus back to the game just to try what I did, realising that what I did isn't good and then cycling through the menus again to change things one at a time etc etc...swerve said:Actually, I am a bit disappointed about how crazy the default controls are compared to what's possible. But compared to the Metroid games, I'm much happier with the control options here.
BigJonsson said:The Solar Plant was insane, I started having flashbacks to Control Room on N64..........fuck I hated that part of the game hah
thomaser said:I think I like the online here better than in CoD Black Ops. Goldeneye feels more solid, somehow, and I actually like the simpler levels and fewer options. CoD is just too chaotic now. I guess most people disagree, though.
eshwaaz said:Just beat it - really a fantastic single-player experience. One of the most pleasant surprises of the year for me.
The final level soured things for me somewhat; fromthrough to the end was pretty miserable. The developers succumbed to some really unfortunate lazy design that was not present throughout the rest of the game. I got so frustrated that I was tempted to switch over to the CC just for that part; there was no reason for that section to be so damn long with no checkpoints."Protect Natalya"
The extended shootout withwas ridiculous,AlecIt felt like a bad CoD encounter.with absolutely no logic behind why he was such an insanely resilient bullet-sponge and no real cover from the infinitely respawning soldiers coming from all directions.
Still, that aside, I loved it. I want to see more FPSs with this design approach in the future. There are more than enough over-the-top action movie FPSs out there already.
jufonuk said:I am glad I wasn't the only one to experience frustration at these parts, game went from badass to me bitting the controller in frustration at those parts :lol
BigJonsson said:The frustration made it enjoyable lol
jufonuk said:yeah but the constant "James" "help me James" drove me bonkers in parts
gamingeek said:What you do is camp out at this spot they use for overlooking her and shooting her. They run towards you and you take them out. Then when the next flood of bad guys come through look at your map so you know where they are coming from. That way next try you can sit yourself in front of those opening doors and mow them down en masse.
Then, the best way to deal with it is to run up and melee some fools to save ammo and then shoot from the hip for the rest of them.
SonOfABeep said:Just finished it today. Enjoyed it a ton overall, much more than black ops or really any other shooter this year for single player.
Super disappointed that eurocom fell back on the "guy who takes 500 bullets to kill" boss fight at the end.
Worst FPS trope ever. Especially with infinitely spawning enemies around him that are similarily regular humans that go down with a few bursts from a rifle. While you pour clip after clip into the boss to no effect. Stupid.
Hiltz said:So comparing Golden Eye 007 to The Conduit, which is better in terms of single player as well as online multiplayer?
Conduit's single player mode was mediocre at every turn. The only redeeming feature was the online play and some of the cool guns.
It's the only FPS I own at the moment. Although, my sister's boyfriend brought over Medal of Honor Heroes 2.
Hiltz said:So comparing Golden Eye 007 to The Conduit, which is better in terms of single player as well as online multiplayer?
Conduit's single player mode was mediocre at every turn. The only redeeming feature was the online play and some of the cool guns.
It's the only FPS I own at the moment. Although, my sister's boyfriend brought over Medal of Honor Heroes 2.
Gram Negative Cocci said:Goldeneye's problem is the unlock system takes so much time to give you the good toys in the toybox.
Hiltz said:Thanks for the help guys.
I own a Classic Controller Pro just in case the Wii controls aren't going to click with me. However, the chances of that happening seem unlikely.
Ricker said:I don`t know how some of you can play this with the Wiimote and Nunchuk...absolutly unplayable for me,I tried every setting possible,just cant do I plugged in the old Gamecube controller,so much better...oh and this game is stupid hard,it`s just ridiculous... :lol
don't you like m+k controls?Ricker said:I don`t know how some of you can play this with the Wiimote and Nunchuk...absolutly unplayable for me
Ricker said:I don`t know how some of you can play this with the Wiimote and Nunchuk...absolutly unplayable for me,I tried every setting possible,just cant do I plugged in the old Gamecube controller,so much better...oh and this game is stupid hard,it`s just ridiculous... :lol
XPE said:What difficulty are you playing it on ?
Ricker said:Playing on Agent,I even had to redo a mission because I missed a secondary mission(or maybe it wasn`t secondary) and the game told me that I could go on but they would drop me down to recruit if I did :lol ... oh and it`s just me with the Wiimote controls,they probably work well,obviously,since some of you finished the game fine with them hehe.I just can`t do it.
Jokeropia said:I've gotten this game now and damn, it's really fucking good.
Ricker said:I don`t know how some of you can play this with the Wiimote and Nunchuk...absolutly unplayable for me,I tried every setting possible,just cant do I plugged in the old Gamecube controller,so much better...oh and this game is stupid hard,it`s just ridiculous... :lol
heringer said:Fuck this game. If I fail to fing one lousy box it forces me to play with the easiest setting. What a dumb thing to do. It doesn't even have the courtesy to allow me to get back to the latest checkpoint and check what I missed. Nope, you have to restart the whole super long motherfucking level. Fucking jerks that think their game is so fucking special people won't mind replaying levels just because a sadistic sob thought hey, why the fuck not.
Wasn't really having any particular trouble. It's just that I don't know when the level will end, so a couple of times I was thinking "ok, just one more objective" and bam, the level ends and I have to replay the whole thing again. It's dumb. Sure, the objectives are easy to find, but you can miss a couple here and there, and the game is very unforgiving in this case.Anasui Kishibe said:it's all a matter of memorizing that shit, mang. What level you having trouble, anyway?
StevieP said:Make your starting point the 3rd advanced/custom control option, and adjust the bounding box to be almost as small as possible. Turning speed/sensitivity up. Then play with your hands on your knees, relaxed, so they are steady and not shaky.