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GOOD & BAD FILM NEWS. Superman to start from SCRATCH; DBZ going in to pre-production!

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Hollywood Square
They've completely dumped the current Superman tandem of McG and Abrams, as you can read in mattx5's post RIGHT HERE. What you don't know is that Superman: Red Son and The Ultimates scribe Mark Millar says that a new creative team has been in place for weeks and will be announced shortly. They will apparently knock our socks off as well.

But on to other news, didn't we already see Dragonball Z when we paid to see The Matrix Revolutions? Apparently not...

"Dragonball" Back On Target

Posted: Friday June 25th, 2004 6:51pm (Au-EST)
Author: Garth Franklin
Source: SHH

Superhero Hype reports that screenwriter Ben Ramsey ("The Big Hit") has signed to adapt Dragonball Z for the big screen for 20th Century Fox. Dragonball Z was adapted from the "Dragonball" manga created by Akira Toriyama and later developed into a Japanese anime series.

"Dragonball Z" follows the adventures of an adult humanoid alien who's just discovered that he was sent to Earth to blend in and destroy our population but instead elects to protect it from an oncoming alien onslaught.

Ramsey recently wrote the adaptation of Marvel's Luke Cage at Sony's Columbia Pictures, as well as Static for Columbia-based producer Neal Moritz. Up until last week, many though the project had been sunk in the water after Fox seemingly lost interest in the property soon after picking up the rights to it.

Thanks to 'Goshu'


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Is Abram's script online? Or details of it?

I want to see how someone could make something as great as Alias, yet as bad (apparently) as the Superman script.


Hollywood Square
Mama Smurf said:
Is Abram's script online? Or details of it?

I want to see how someone could make something as great as Alias, yet as bad (apparently) as the Superman script.

AICN did a completely rundown like a year or so ago. It was awful. Jimmy Olsen was gay. Krypton did not blow up. Lex Luthor was an FBI agent and an alien. Superman died, but his father lectured him back to life while he was in heaven. It was just awful.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Urgh. That's truly terrible. I don't know that much about Superman outside of the (very) few comics I've read, Smallville and, ermm, Lois and Clark, but even I know that'd just piss fans off.

The Lex Luthor thing is particularly funny.


Hollywood Square
Mama Smurf said:
Urgh. That's truly terrible. I don't know that much about Superman outside of the (very) few comics I've read, Smallville and, ermm, Lois and Clark, but even I know that'd just piss fans off.

The Lex Luthor thing is particularly funny.

Yeah, the big finale was Lex Luthor revealing he was an alien, then he'd start flying and a Dragonball Z battle of epic proportions would ensue.


Hollywood Square
Mama Smurf said:
I want to believe you're joking...please be joking...

If only I was. If only. Could you imagine that script directed by McG? It'd be like the MTV Music Video of Superman.


Hollywood Square
Found the script. Moriarty's rundown is located RIGHT HERE.

But here is the actual excerpt involving LEX LUTHOR!

Luthor tells Superman that he has come for him. And not in the way he thinks, either. He begins to rant about what a “goddamn spectacular job” he’s done, rambling like he’s lost his mind.


The good soldier. The loyal. The dedicated. The tenacious. That’s me. When others would have quit – when others have. I kept up the charade. Following orders that made me sick! To impersonate the very thing I despise most in the universe.

(to Lois, with disdain)

Those like you.

And by now, I was practically screaming at the script. “NO! DON’T DO IT! DON’T DO WHAT YOU’RE GOING TO DO, YOU STUPID FREAKIN’...”


I was hoping to do this on a slightly larger scale, SUPERMAN... but here we are. And the only way for me to be the good soldier is to tell you the truth.

(intense, evil beat)

No, that pod the CIA recovered... it wasn’t yours.

A long insane dramatic beat – and just as we get it:



And then Luthor flies. Seriously.

And he and Superman have yet another superfight.

Because 30 pages of superfights wasn’t enough.

And because someone, somewhere, for some completely mystifying reason has decided that it would be a good idea to make Lex Luthor a superpowered 50 year old who knows better kung-fu than Superman.



Speaking of Superman, how correct was the old Superman Animated Series to the original storyline? I've downloaded a few episodes, and looks pretty on par from what a vaguely know about Supes. Did Lex know Clark in Childhood [Like Smallville], or was their first enounter in the papers?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Who the fuck is this McG guy anyway? Charlie's Angels? Korn? Get the fuck off a big name film.

Why's he only known by McG anyway? For some reason I have this image of the film coming out and being called "McG's Superman"


Hollywood Square
Rlan said:

Speaking of Superman, how correct was the old Superman Animated Series to the original storyline? I've downloaded a few episodes, and looks pretty on par from what a vaguely know about Supes. Did Lex know Clark in Childhood [Like Smallville], or was their first enounter in the papers?

Smallville is a completely bastardized version of Superman. The cartoon is much more faithful to the comic books than Smallville. Lex Luthor first met Superman when he came to Metropolis, but later on it was discovered that they knew each other as teenagers in a bit of lame retconning. Luthor was also a scientist before he was a shrewd businessman.


Willco said:
Smallville is a completely bastardized version of Superman. The cartoon is much more faithful to the comic books than Smallville. Lex Luthor first met Superman when he came to Metropolis, but later on it was discovered that they knew each other as teenagers in a bit of lame retconning. Luthor was also a scientist before he was a shrewd businessman.


I just went googline for Lex and found this, which explains when I saw Superman last year why I got such a rude shock to see Luthor, he wasn't like that until he was restarted in the 80's.

So he's basically the Kingpin of DC, yeah?


A DBZ movie eh?

I can see the MPAA rating now: Rated PG-13 for low level violence & extended periods of mind numbing grunting & powering up.

& the tag-line: OMG0sh SSJGOKUVEGITTO4RULEZ!


Hollywood Square
Rlan said:

I just went googline for Lex and found this, which explains when I saw Superman last year why I got such a rude shock to see Luthor, he wasn't like that until he was restarted in the 80's.

So he's basically the Kingpin of DC, yeah?

Actually, he's the President of the Unite States now in DC Comics.


I really liked this part

The second best Superman sequence in the film is the montage that follows, as we see him slowly slip into this new role. He goes to a mountain top in the Andes and just... listens. There’s cries for help from all over the world, and at first, it seems to be too much. But he focuses in on one particular cry. Then another. Then another. And he begins to fly from place to place, fast as he can, never staying for thanks. And for this three or four pages, Abrams brings it all together again

I hope they carry it over in some form.

Lex in no longer President due events of Superman/Batman #6


Why doesnt the WB look at how Spiderman is being done, and start from there. Go back to the beginning of Superman. Basically take the original 70's Superman movie, and jsut modernize it. Put in some serious adult dialogue, make it a serious drama/action adventure, and dont make the audience feel like they are idiots. Just re-tell the entire superman story from Scratch. I think that would be the best bet for the WB if they want to reinvent this franchise. I mean with the right marketing and the right script, they could have another Harry Potter series on their hands or another LotR. You know, you would think after the way the WB royaly fucked the Batman series up, they would make sure not to screw up Superman as well.


I say they should stick with the Animated Series formula for his origins.

They can detail what is going on Krpton, maybe have Brainaic as a presence there as well to set up future movies if they want.

They can then have him land on Earth, show Martha and John raise him, adopt him whatever. Show his developing powers as a teen. He could feel some of that teen angst that he is different, doesn't fit in.. blah blah blah.. the usual.

Show him in college, not exactly the party animal or anything. Explain why he wears the glasses, I mean he doesn't have bad vision. Maybe have some segments with him and Lana and Pete. Maybe, he should join the school's newspaper so he has like a background in journalism?

Then show him appearing in Metropolis. They could set it up similar to Lois and Clark, the new adventures of Superman, where he uses his powers in some situation without the costume (well before the dual identity) like stopping a runaway car or something. Show him at his first day at the Planet. Meeting Lois, Jimmy, Perry.. yadda yadda yadda...

Have him assigned to Lois, who of course tries and ditch him because well she is Lois. Have them get a few stories out, so on so forth.

Then, they can meet Lex Luthor at a press conference or interview. Though, I never did get it. Lois knows Lex beforehand? In the TV show. they dated, in the cartoon, I guess they were somewhat well acquated?


w00000000000! Great news!

Willco said:
Jimmy Olsen was gay. Krypton did not blow up. Lex Luthor was an FBI agent and an alien. Superman died, but his father lectured him back to life while he was in heaven. It was just awful.

Is that a joke or are you serious?

With some of these new movies, it's hard to tell nowadays. That almost sounds like a skit show spoof or something.


Willco said:
Smallville is a completely bastardized version of Superman. The cartoon is much more faithful to the comic books than Smallville. Lex Luthor first met Superman when he came to Metropolis, but later on it was discovered that they knew each other as teenagers in a bit of lame retconning. Luthor was also a scientist before he was a shrewd businessman.

Personally, Smallville is one of my favorite television shows. I just see it as a slight re-imagining of his origins. It's far from a bastardization. Alfred Gough and Miles Millar have brought a newfound popularity to the Superman character. Thank god McG isn't directing the movie anymore, otherwise all the newfound hub-bub would've gone down the drain.

.... come to think of it, why doesn't the studio let Gough and Millar write the script to Superman? They're fucking masters of comic book translations!


Hollywood Square
The Shadow said:
Is that a joke or are you serious?

With some of these new movies, it's hard to tell nowadays. That almost sounds like a skit show spoof or something.

No, I'm serious. Look at the excerpt of the script to find the Lex Luthor bit.
I think that actually tops the stupidity in Burton's Superman script where Lex Luthor later becomes LUTHIAC by combining with Brainiac. X_X
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