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Good guys with guns banned from CPAC redux

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Apparently the previous thread was locked cos of the source so here is a better source:

NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland — On Thursday afternoon, the head of the National Rifle Association gave a fiery speech to a room filled with the country’s most dedicated conservative activists.
Just one thing: Nobody was packing heat.
That’s because the nation’s top conservative conference is now an official gun-free zone.

Security here is conspicuously tighter this year than in recent years past. Attendees were greeted by metal detectors, and at one point a lengthy line of conference-goers stretched through the hotel as they waited for security guards to search their bags.
Perhaps the most glaring new addition were signs near metal detectors with a decidedly gun-unfriendly message.
“NOTICE METAL DETECTORS IN USE,” the signs read. “Absolutely No Weapons Allowed.”
The Conservative Political Action Conference brings together the right’s most devoted footsoldiers, including a host of passionate Second Amendment defenders.
Ian Walters, CPAC’s communications director, said the extra security was due to the number of presidential candidates coming with Secret Service entourages in tow.

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Conservatives often argue that the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. But at CPAC, the only good guys with guns were cops. An officer whose name badge read “Muldoon” and who didn’t want to give his first name said the conference policy was simple: no guns.
“The policy has pretty much been no firearms,” he told The Daily Beast. “Some people got up in arms about that.”
One such attendee, Robert Owens, sat at the Future Female Leaders booth in the exhibit hall. He said his daughter started the group—and he said he wasn’t pleased about the no-gun rule.
“I don’t like it,” he said. “I just think that the Second Amendment would allow somebody to carry a firearm wherever they choose to carry a firearm. There shouldn’t be a limit to it. Once you start one limit, it’s a continuous slide about eliminating the right.”
Others were less dogmatic. Charlie Kirk, founder of the conservative group Turning Point USA, didn’t condemn the decision.
“I think it’s interesting,” he said. “That’s the word I’ll use. Interesting.”

When asked if he thought CPAC needed more gun-toting good guys, he said, “That’s a well-phrased question. That’s my answer.”
“I’m very pro-Second Amendment,” he added. “I can understand both sides of the decision—why certain gun-carrying should be allowed and why they made the decision they did.’


I hope this is a much better thread.


The best message one can take from this is toddlers don't deserve to be protected from guns, but rich white men do.


there is joy in sucking dick
Charlie Kirk, founder of the conservative group Turning Point USA, didn’t condemn the decision.
“I think it’s interesting,” he said. “That’s the word I’ll use. Interesting.”

How I imagine his expression to be



I really can't understand why owning and carrying a deadly weapon is such an integral part of some people's lives.


You can't go to an NRA meeting while strapped but you can walk around Texas universities with whatever you want? The world is a strange place.


Wouldn't they be able to protect themselves if they were armed?

NRA: you can carry guns around babies, college students, and pretty much wherever the shit you want. But not around rich white men.


Might be a secret service thing? Since there are presidential candidates with protective service there, I dunno.


Looking for meaning in GAF
So the group that fights so hard against gun control has gun control in its own meetings.

Because you know, it's not safe if everyone in there has guns.

Or... is it LESS safe because no one has guns in there!?!!? Maybe it's LESS SAFE! BRING THE GUNZ BACK
I really can't understand why owning and carrying a deadly weapon is such an integral part of some people's lives.

Those people listen to media that constantly feeds them bullshit about government tyranny and roaming gangs of brown people that indiscriminately murder, rape and pillage.
Sad losers living in constant fear of something that doesn't exist.

But hey, Smith & Wesson just released a fancy new revolver and the NRA gives you a discount on ammo if you subscribe to their newsletter.
Exercising your 2nd amendment rights and being a good guy with a gun, a hero, has never been easier.
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