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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network


Enco said:
How so?

I'm pretty darn sure.

If you mean groups, you can choose whether or not they're public. If you're talking about lists, they're private.
There is also another feature called featured friends list or something which is public. Some top friends thing I guess

(never used or seen it)


Enco said:
How so?

I'm pretty darn sure.

If you mean groups, you can choose whether or not they're public. If you're talking about lists, they're private.

When you go on their profile the left sire where the friend list normally is can look like this:



Xater said:
When you go on their profile the left sire where the friend list normally is can look like this:

http://i.imgur.com/CSO8K.png[/IMG ][/QUOTE]
Sangreal has the answer to that.

Proper friends lists (not e-peen lists) are fully private.


Enco said:
Sangreal has the answer to that.

Proper friends lists (not e-peen lists) are fully private.

Yeah I figured it out now. Facebook just has a lot of these features not that easily accesible.


And people think Google+ is confusing. For me to possibly lock Facebook down as much as Google+ already is, I have no clue how to do it. Again, there are lists, but you can't just restrict what those lists can see, from what I've been able to find from Facebook's FAQ. You have to add each person individually to be restricted.


andycapps said:
And people think Google+ is confusing. For me to possibly lock Facebook down as much as Google+ already is, I have no clue how to do it. Again, there are lists, but you can't just restrict what those lists can see, from what I've been able to find from Facebook's FAQ. You have to add each person individually to be restricted.

I was able to type in the name of the list instead of individual names. Seems like it should work.
andycapps said:
And people think Google+ is confusing. For me to possibly lock Facebook down as much as Google+ already is, I have no clue how to do it. Again, there are lists, but you can't just restrict what those lists can see, from what I've been able to find from Facebook's FAQ. You have to add each person individually to be restricted.

I don't see how it is confusing, you actually can restrict what each list can see.
Copernicus said:
Sexist much?
A general acknowledgement of gender preferences in communication isn't sexist. Do I need to explain why sites like tmz are dominated by females or reddit is dominated by males?

Facebook's most passionate users are women. Facebook's UI is friendly and appealing for non-techie folks and intuitive enough to easily navigate through the basic functions. There is no layer of management necessary besides adding friends.

Twitter has succeeded because of its utility. G+ doesn't add any additional utility to a Facebook user. As in life, social networks will driven by where the women will be. The same purpose for girls night out or why men must stand in line for clubs/bar.

G+ should aim to attract a certain demographic if it wants to beat Facebook. Else it'll be relegated to the dude network.
Gah, so far not a fan of G+. It's just segregating my friends between two social sites, and then segregates them into groups. And it's just oddly quiet, I have a feeling I'm not in the main groups with some of my friends, because I aint seeing much from anyone. The only one I keep seeing is the one person I didn't want to hear from in Facebook. But, the group thing doesnt matter to me because I just read STREAM updates, not individual group updates.
Really liked this post from Mike Elgan (via a Gaffer), breaks down G+:

Here's what I love about Google+ in general and the Google+ Diet in particular:

Instead of saying, "I'm going to write a blog post now," or "I'm going to send an e-mail" or "I think I'll tweet something" you simply say what you have to say, then decide who you're going to say it to.

If you address it to "Public," it's a blog post.

If you address it to "Your Circles" it's a tweet.

If you address it to your "My Customers" Circle it's a business newsletter.

If you address it to a single person, it can be a letter to your mother.

I'd say this is pretty revolutionary.


marathonfool said:
A general acknowledgement of gender preferences in communication isn't sexist. Do I need to explain why sites like tmz are dominated by females or reddit is dominated by males?

Facebook's most passionate users are women. Facebook's UI is friendly and appealing for non-techie folks and intuitive enough to easily navigate through the basic functions. There is no layer of management necessary besides adding friends.

Twitter has succeeded because of its utility. G+ doesn't add any additional utility to a Facebook user. As in life, social networks will driven by where the women will be. The same purpose for girls night out or why men must stand in line for clubs/bar.

G+ should aim to attract a certain demographic if it wants to beat Facebook. Else it'll be relegated to the dude network.
I'd be ok with G+ staying dudecentric if it were renamed "BroNET" permanently.


Google+ is buggy, My friends seem to just disappear from people that have you in your circles for no apparent reason.

And no he didn't defriend me.


Neo Member
Celsior said:
Google+ is buggy, My friends seem to just disappear from people that have you in your circles for no apparent reason.

And no he didn't defriend me.

Yes I read that that's happened to some people. Guess they'll fix. til they do...maybe keep a note of the people U've circle (jerk)ed so U don't lose them.


SimleuqiR said:

I honestly think that at this point if you didn't realize this outright you're not paying attention to anything that Google has been doing. Even from an enterprises standpoint there is IMMEDIATE and substantial potential in utilizing google+ for collaboration purposes, especially when you consider if they scrub down their previously failed projects and retool them to fit within the Google+ paradigm. The article says it best. They really do have a fucking gun pointed at EVERYONE in the room. All the better, I say.

It's really interesting, if nothing else.


Shorty said:
I just had my first 8 person HANGOUT. Goodbye facebook.

No but yes, I agree... after actually using Google+ instead of just being on it and adding people... well I didn't use Facebook much to begin with but I won't be using it even more now.


bangladesh said:
Is there any list of Gaf members with G+? I got no acquaintances and I want a circle for NeoGaf.

Not anymore, we all moved to Facebook. Korey set up an awesome Group and it's so much easier to find everyone.


Copernicus said:
Not anymore, we all moved to Facebook. Korey set up an awesome Group and it's so much easier to find everyone.
Oh, the sarcasm... how it drips from this post.

Speaking of Korey, let me post this here before he gets a chance to get his jollies from it:


Having launched an app for the Android operating system, the search giant has developed a Google+ app especially for the iPhone, and is waiting for Apple to give the thumbs up. Apple seems to be taking its time however, before allowing it to enter the AppStore.

Apple is known for the exhaustive testing procedures that it uses to discard apps that could damage iOS gadgets or aren't up to the required standard, but some Google employees suspect that Apple is delaying the acceptance of the Google+ iPhone app in its virtual store, for some other reasons.

Perhaps Apple does indeed have a bone or two to pick with Google; for example, it was revealed that Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt was developing the Android OS while still working for Apple.
The fact that none of the employees mentioned are quoted is suspicious in and of itself, but I doubt any of them are silly enough to think that with a Mac OS X launch coming to the App Store within a week or so and with thousands of Mac apps being submitted and requiring review before the launch window, Apple's just sitting around intentionally denying approval to the G+ app for iPhone.


Hail to the KING baby
paul allen, who has been really spot-on regarding his user estimates, debunking the male/female ratio myth
A lot of misinformation about Google+'s male to female ratio is going around Google+ and even being reported on by respectable media sites. For example:

Mashable Headline: Google+ Users Are Nearly All Male

Forbes Blog: Sex Problems at Google+

AdWeek: Google+ Is A Boys Club

All of these articles are based on totally flawed data. Here's why:

Socialstatistics.com is a cool site where G+ users can submit their profile to see if they make the top 100 leaderboard. Shortly after launching, the 87% male, 11% female, 2% other stat started making the rounds. But that data is completely skewed: males tend to compete for leaderboard recognition more than females.

Another great site, findpeopleonplus.com now indexes nearly 948,000 Google+ user profiles and tracks many data points about the users, including gender. They report that of the first 948,000 profiles they crawled, 74.9% are male and 25.1% are female. But crawling is time consuming and the crawlers were finding the mostly male user profiles from the initial field test seeding. This is not a random sampling.

My surname-based random sampling has shown a very different number. For the first time, I'm publishing it here:

7/4 77% Male, 23% Female
7/7 68.4% Male, 31.6% Female (after the user base had almost doubled)
7/14 66.4% Male, 33.6% Female

Google+ is quickly turning pink.

For comparison sake, LinkedIn, which is a business social network with more than 100 million users is still 63% Male and 37% Female according to Pew (See attached report below). Google+'s female population percentage will likely surpass LinkedIn's in early August. The poster of 18 men in a hot tub that has been passed around for the past week or two is not reflective of reality and is not what Google+ is going to end up being.

Google+ is definitely for men, women, and other. (But not kids....yet)


So what's the deal with animated gifs? I post some and they don't animate (unless you click them) yet others seem to play automatically? is it a format thing or a file size issue?


wetwired said:
So what's the deal with animated gifs? I post some and they don't animate (unless you click them) yet others seem to play automatically? is it a format thing or a file size issue?
upload the gif.

@enco: great OP, thanks.


Terrell said:
Oh, the sarcasm... how it drips from this post.

Speaking of Korey, let me post this here before he gets a chance to get his jollies from it:


The fact that none of the employees mentioned are quoted is suspicious in and of itself, but I doubt any of them are silly enough to think that with a Mac OS X launch coming to the App Store within a week or so and with thousands of Mac apps being submitted and requiring review before the launch window, Apple's just sitting around intentionally denying approval to the G+ app for iPhone.
I've never heard any Google employee say anything close to that before.
wetwired said:
So what's the deal with animated gifs? I post some and they don't animate (unless you click them) yet others seem to play automatically? is it a format thing or a file size issue?

I have the same problem (I posted about it a page or two back). It seems like it's completely random for me; some gifs will animate fine and others won't. Not sure what the deal is!


Redmond's Baby
Added maybe 50 or so people from here, will add more later :)

MetalGAF and F1 GAF, where are you hiding on G+?

Otherwise I am really surprised about G+, awesome stuff.
Dumb idea, but didn't somebody here say that you could basically do the circles-stuff on Facebook, too?

If yes, how? Or is that facebook-thing that you have to set up everything for each "friend" you have there?


I don't know if gmail users have noticed but when you start composing a new email to people you now get recommendations on who to email and it's scary accurate; creepy as it is it is a boon when I'm mass mailing my friends. I wonder if this is looped into the circles functions at all.
Patrick Bateman said:
Dumb idea, but didn't somebody here say that you could basically do the circles-stuff on Facebook, too?

If yes, how? Or is that facebook-thing that you have to set up everything for each "friend" you have there?

You have to set up groups and then get them to join the group. The group then has a group wall.
Patrick Bateman said:
Are there such list features? If yes, where?

Go to your Friends list, click Edit Friends. You can add friends to lists, or create a new list using the button at the top. When you post, you can choose to post it only to certain lists.


Davidion said:
I don't know if gmail users have noticed but when you start composing a new email to people you now get recommendations on who to email and it's scary accurate; creepy as it is it is a boon when I'm mass mailing my friends. I wonder if this is looped into the circles functions at all.

Gmail uses predictive suggestions based on recent communications. Circle groups probably gives them even more priority.

sidenote: I just helped my mom setup a Facebook account. Holy shit I hate Facebook.


So what happened to that big Google Reader update that was supposedly hitting yesterday? I refuse to believe the internet lied to me.


Pachterballs said:
How do you do it quickly? I just got in and I'm clicking and its pretty laborious - do I have to click each one and add to the NEOGAF circle I just created?

I downloaded a VCF file. how do I import?
I didn't, I manually added each user from the post by moving cursor over each name and adding each person to the NeoGAF circle through the popup-window.

Hence the "phew" :)


I'm very late on this, but Facebook's rubbish change to the chatbar has made me decide to give Google+ a go. Does anyone have any spare invites left?
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