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Google+ |OT| A New Social Network


I was talking my brother through setting up + last night. Said he was finished setting it up, I explained a few things, they were met with "cool" "i see" "yeah".

I looked under circles and noticed his email account wasn't registered yet, after I asked him which account he used to register, it's the one I had him added to as a circle.


Not cool bro...not cool.


TheBranca18 said:
I'm convinced we need mutual circles. Otherwise what's the point of me organizing people into groups like Programmers if they're going to share stuff about their kids to me?
Circles are meant to be about sorting by social groupings, not interest groupings.
You're looking for like Sparks but would include posts from friends in the feed it generates rather than stuff from the internet. Send Google feedback and get it.

Korey said:
Think of it like e-mail, a 1970s technology
As opposed to scrawling something on someone's wall, a caveman technology.

thezerofire said:
seems very public
If you're only sharing with one person, only that one person will see the post anywhere within Google+, there's nothing public about it.


JackEtc said:
That's awesome, but also super creepy.

my thoughts also! haha.

i joined the chat, only knew one guy in there. the rest were his friends. so when this random asian guy popped in. they all figured he was my friend, and i thought he was theirs. then he thanked us for using google+ and asked us to submit feedback. after he left we all looked at our recent chat thing. clicked on his profile and found out, holy shit its that guy. haha.


Went to the google+ page and there was a "To join, update your public profile." and a place to edit my name, last name and gender, a box to check if i want google to use the info for ads and a button with "Join!" in it

Is it open to everyone or i'm a google special user or something ? xD

Would explain a lot actualy ... google search and gmail are BY FAR my top websites... but stil ... strange


Stolen from reddit:

"It's like an awkward party where nobody talks to each other but they don't want to hurt the host's feelings by leaving."
Korey said:
Stolen from reddit:

"It's like an awkward party where nobody talks to each other but they don't want to hurt the host's feelings by leaving."

Its probably because redditers are fucking lame. Your crusade to slander G+ is pretty hilarious.


Korey, I'll shoot you an invite if you want to experience it for yourself instead of formulating an opinion based on Reddit. :_)


Junior Member
Korey said:
Stolen from reddit:

"It's like an awkward party where nobody talks to each other but they don't want to hurt the host's feelings by leaving."
Funny, because I just did the "hang out" thing randomly and wound up video chatting with a half dozen friends I haven't seen in almost a year. They're all on my Facebook friends lists but it never would have happened on there. We had an amazing time just shooting the shit and sharing funny stories and pictures with each other.

G+ really seems to be about being social, and that's why I like it.


Korey said:
Stolen from reddit:

"It's like an awkward party where nobody talks to each other but they don't want to hurt the host's feelings by leaving."

Not surprising that that experience comes from a redditor.


Korey said:
Stolen from reddit:

"It's like an awkward party where nobody talks to each other but they don't want to hurt the host's feelings by leaving."
I don't get it since I've been more social with my friends on G+ than on FB :/


Jamesfrom818 said:
Its probably because redditers are fucking lame. Your crusade to slander G+ is pretty hilarious.
If you've seen some of the other things he's posted, you'd find them equally hilarious. He's an amateur troll who's trying SO BADLY to go pro. Personally, the schtick has worn on me.


Hail to the KING baby
FallingEdge said:
Anyone figure out why some gifs animate while others don't?
i thought it was just if you attach an animated gif it animates; if you just link it, it shows the image. i haven't posted too many though but haven't had trouble with animating when attaching
AstroLad said:
i thought it was just if you attach an animated gif it animates; if you just link it, it shows the image. i haven't posted too many though but haven't had trouble with animating when attaching

Yeah, I thought that too but there has been a few gifs where I attach it as a pic and it won't animate.
FallingEdge said:
Yeah, I thought that too but there has been a few gifs where I attach it as a pic and it won't animate.

This is just my guess. It appears only animated gif's of a certain size will be displayed in their entirety on the "wall". If they exceed that size limit, whatever it may be, then only the first frame of that picture is posted. But if a person clicks on that picture, it will open up in the photo browser in its full animated form (And the larger the picture, the longer you'll have to wait until the picture is fully loaded within the photo viewer).


Ryaaan14 said:
Korey, I'll shoot you an invite if you want to experience it for yourself instead of formulating an opinion based on Reddit. :_)
I think he's already in?

He's on an anti-Google+ crusade. You need to chill man. We get it. You don't like G+, just like others done like facebook. You don't HAVE to use it.


AstroLad said:
Profile-->Edit Profile-->Click on name

is there a way to change it per circle? If you organise your circles based on how you want to communicate with people (i.e work separate from friends), then isn't it likely you'll want to control how you come across to those circles separately?

also, for comments is there a way to set a default - i.e not comment to everyone but just a couple of circles?


mrklaw said:
is there a way to change it per circle? If you organise your circles based on how you want to communicate with people (i.e work separate from friends), then isn't it likely you'll want to control how you come across to those circles separately?

also, for comments is there a way to set a default - i.e not comment to everyone but just a couple of circles?
I wish, that would be fucking sweet. GAF circle would see your GAF username and perhaps even avatar for your image.

I'm guessing it'll probably be a while (if ever) before they add that.


Don't think they would ever add that. They're always on about using real names and that would completely go against that.


no way to quickly add a bunch of people in a group? That'll be a pain for forum/interest group circles. It'd be nice to subscribe to a 'gaf' group and automatically add people that join it.


mrklaw said:
no way to quickly add a bunch of people in a group? That'll be a pain for forum/interest group circles. It'd be nice to subscribe to a 'gaf' group and automatically add people that join it.
Public circles should hopefully be on the way.

Nope. Just go through the link in the op and it shouldn't take too long.


A few interesting articles today:

Report: So far, Google+ is up to 87% "nerdy" males who likely have the free time to spend "setting up Circles" ... 13% female

Here’s an interesting tidbit from the Google+ stats trackers: Three quarters (or more) of Google+ users are male.

SocialStatistics, a third-party site that gathers data from select profiles, pegs the percentage of male users at 86.8%, while FindPeopleOnPlus, which curates information from about a million users, says men constitute 73.7% of Google+.

FindPeopleOnPlus also discovered that 95% of the Google+ users who say they are “looking for love” on the site are male. Some 25,000 users in their sample identify themselves as single, versus 19,000 married and 12,000 in a relationship. The vast majority of the million users sampled don’t say what they are.

With around 60% of users identifying themselves as web developers or software engineers, that paints a fairly stereotypical picture of Google+’s userbase: nerdy guys who have deep understandings of technology and who don’t mind killing some time setting up Circles of friends.

It’s true that the early adopters of any new technology are usually male. But Google+ will have to appeal to a mainstream audience if it’s to reach mass adoption anytime soon. Consider the gender breakdown for Google+’s biggest competitor, Facebook. The social network is close to a 50-50 split between men and women. And some of Facebook’s most addicted, most enthusiastic users are women.

Meanwhile, Google is about to stop requiring users to input their gender — meaning we may get less accurate stats as time progresses.

Report: Not Much Buzz for Google+

If you think the buzz around Google+ is bigger than it was for Google Buzz, then you’re right. But if you think Google+ is monopolizing social media conversation, you’re way off.


Since its launch a couple of weeks ago, Google+ has garnered more than 106,000 mentions in blogs, close to 30,000 news stories, and 1.9 million tweets. Some 85% of those combined mentions were positive. Those findings were published on Sysomos’s blog on Thursday.

Now for the bad news. Google+’s mentions are nowhere near as prevalent as Facebook’s and Twitter’s. Each of those services gets more than twice as many mentions per day as Google+.

Sheldon Levine, community manager for Sysomos, says he was surprised at the findings. “From my perspective, it seemed like everyone was talking about Google+ a lot,” says Levine. “But it could just seem that way inside the social media world.”

Can Google+ Sustain Growth Beyond Early Adopters?

Still, all of this can be attributed to the early adopter effect. Is your mom using Google+? Is your sister using Google+? Have your friends in finance or medicine joined the Google+ revolution yet? We bet the answer is a resounding “no” in the vast majority of cases. At least your grandma has heard of Facebook.

So while Google+ may be riding a tidal wave of momentum at the moment, it’s still a toy of the early adopter. And until it can prove that it has a place in a world dominated by more mainstream networks, we suggest not abandoning your Facebook profile just yet.

Jill Sandwich

the turds of Optimus Prime
Thanks for all the nega-news Korey. It's funny reading all them. Early adopters are nerdy guys? No shit Sherlock. A couple of weeks old Google+ doesn't get as many news stories as hugely popular and established Facebook and Twitter? No shit Sherlock. As for non-story three, I refer to No Shit Sherlock.


Korey said:
A few interesting articles today:
Comparing an established network with a network in beta phase is pretty useless and ridiculous. That last quote especially cracked me up quite well.
So I just joined today, quick question.

Privacy seems to be a big deal with G+, with tons of options to allow you to hide as much as your want from different sections of circles. So my question is: can you make it so that certain circles don't see your name and/or see a username instead of your real life name?


Neo Member
I hate how everyone has pitted G+ and FB like to-the-death opponents. "FB is gonna die just like MySpace" "G+ saves!"

I might like G+ but I don't C how it prevents me from also liking FB. Also I doubt G+ is just going to obliterate FB - any flaws FB has, Zuck is just going to improve like any tech developer would do. It's kinda how this works...
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