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GOP Candidate Rubio opposes Rape and Incest Exemptions for Abortion

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Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio is making it clear to a national audience that he opposes legal abortion even in the case of pregnancies that result from rape and incest, a position that's opposed by a large majority of Americans—and one that the Democratic front-runner is already attempting to exploit.

In the first debate Thursday, the Rubio corrected Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly when she asked why he has supported anti-abortion legislation with exceptions for pregnancies due to rape and incest. He said he has "never advocated" for exemptions. In subsequent interviews with CNN and NBC, Rubio said he has supported bills with those exceptions only because they expanded abortion restrictions. He made it clear he prefers that the procedure be illegal even in cases of rape and incest.

"I personally and deeply believe that all human life is worthy of the protection of our laws. I do. And I believe that irrespective of the conditions by which that life was conceived or anything else," Rubio said Sunday on Meet The Press. "I personally believe you do not correct one tragedy with a second tragedy," he said Friday on CNN.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton attacked Rubio for his stance on Monday at a campaign stop in New Hampshire, describing him as part of a party that's hostile to women.

"When one of their major candidates—a much younger man, the senator from Florida—says there should be no exceptions for rape and incest, that is as offensive and as troubling a comment as you can hear from a major candidate running for the presidency," she told reporters in New Hampshire. She said that compared to other Republicans like Donald Trump, who is under fire for derogatory comments about Kelly, Rubio's "attitude toward women is very much the same. It is just delivered in a different package."

Rubio eagerly took up the debate. In a statement his campaign issued within hours of her remarks, the senator accused Clinton of "radical views" on abortion. "Hillary Clinton supports abortion even at the stage when an unborn child can feel pain," he said. "She supports funding Planned Parenthood even after they have been exposed for their role in selling the organs of unborn children." The reference is to a controversy over the women's health care group's use of fetal tissue from abortions; Planned Parenthood says it donates the tissue for medical research and that payments are to cover costs and not to turn a profit.

The no-exceptions position abortion puts him in the same camp as Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin and former Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, two presidential rivals who are vying for the important evangelical vote in Iowa, the state where the first ballots of the presidential contest will be cast. But it puts Rubio in opposition to the last five Republican presidential nominees.

Mitt Romney, John McCain, George W. Bush, Bob Dole, George H.W. Bush each wanted to make abortion illegal but backed exceptions for rape, incest and when the mother's life is at stake. Rubio's rival and fellow Floridian Jeb Bush is following in the footsteps of his brother and father. "Gov Bush supports exceptions for rape, incest and life of mother," his spokeswoman Allie Brandenburger said in an email.

This has long been a dilemma for Republican politicians. Opposition to abortion is a litmus test for the base, and the issue has torn Americans down the middle for a generation. But the public overwhelmingly supports exceptions for rape and incest. A 2012 CNN poll found that 83 percent want abortion to be legal in those two circumstances, while just 14 percent said it should be illegal. A 2012 YouGov survey commissioned by Huffington Post found that 76.5 percent of registered voters believe it should be legal in those instances. Gallup surveys dating back to 1996 have consistently found that 75 to 78 percent of Americans agree.

To many anti-abortion activists, however, exceptions for rape and incest are hypocritical. National Right to Life executive director David O'Steen told The Associated Press last year that it "doesn't want any child conceived by rape or incest to be killed by abortion." The group has given Rubio a 100 percent record in the 112th and 113th Congresses. "I'll support any legislation that reduces the number of abortions," Rubio said Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press.

"A rape is an act of violence. It's a horrifying thing that happens. And fortunately, the number of abortions in this country that are due to rape are very small, less than 1 percent of the cases in the world," Rubio said Sunday on Meet The Press, adding: "That being said, I personally and deeply believe that all human life is worthy of the protection of our laws. I do. And I believe that irrespective of the conditions by which that life was conceived or anything else."

In his Meet The Press interview, Rubio sympathized with a possible abortion exception for the mother's life, but wondered if it was necessary. "Well, of all the exceptions that people talk about, certainly protecting the life of the mother is the one that I think holds the highest validity," he said. "And there's a debate about today, given modern medicine, whether there is any condition that only abortion could save a mother's life in a viable pregnancy."

While Rubio's position may make evangelical voters happy, it is also seen as an opportunity for Democratic strategists, who think it will make Rubio vulnerable in the general election, should he win the party's nomination.

Republican strategist and pollster Kellyanne Conway disagreed and said Republicans are on firm ground opposing abortion in all circumstances. She argued that Rubio's stance was "the best way" to discuss the issue in that he's "focusing on the value of the child."

The "real extremists," Conway argued, are the Democrats, suggesting that Republicans should cast Democrats as proponents of "partial-birth" abortion and taxpayer-funded abortion. "There's no give. There's no give on the left at all," she said. "A woman doesn't have a right to do whatever she wants with her body every which way to Sunday."

More at link


Stuff like this is what makes me embarrassed to be a registered Republican and why I voted liberal the last two elections... Smh
So Rubio is a 'squish' then, eh? Scott Walker wants to ban ALL abortion with NO EXCEPTIONs such as rape, incest, or even the mother's life.


I honestly wonder why the GOP hasn't started to demand from their candidates that they completely abstain from talking about abortion. As long as their candidates make such statements in order to pander to a very small percentage of the electorate that would vote for them in the general election anyway, they will never again have a republican president.


"I personally and deeply believe that all human life is worthy of the protection of our laws. I do. And I believe that irrespective of the conditions by which that life was conceived or anything else," Rubio said Sunday on Meet The Press. "I personally believe you do not correct one tragedy with a second tragedy," he said Friday on CNN.

I understand where he is coming from but I don't think just being a zygote is enough to be considered life. And incest babies are tragedies themselves.
I honestly wonder why the GOP hasn't started to demand from their candidates that they completely abstain from talking about abortion. As long as their candidates make such statements in order to pander to a very small percentage of the electorate that would vote for them in the general election anyway, they will never again have a republican president.

There was a times article about this in june. But the PP videos seem to have provoked this and created an arms race in the crowded GOP field.
This is the most consistent pro-life view, if the child is a full human being and has a right to life then that right wouldn't be removed just because it was created as the result of a horrible crime. Rubio is right in line with the pope on this, and with historic laws against abortion.

However a law for this would never pass in the U.S. Public support for outlawing abortions hovers at about 50% with the three exceptions (life of the mother, rape, incest) included, but drops to 25% or 30% if you don't include the exceptions. Very few abortions actually fall under those three exceptions anyway so I believe National Right to Life and most mainstream pro life organizations are fine supporting candidates whether they advocate the 3 exceptions or just 1.
I honestly wonder why the GOP hasn't started to demand from their candidates that they completely abstain from talking about abortion. As long as their candidates make such statements in order to pander to a very small percentage of the electorate that would vote for them in the general election anyway, they will never again have a republican president.

But what else can the social conservatives talk about?

Guns are pretty much out. The Dems have again dropped it from the agenda since they couldn't even get anything passed when 20+ children got killed.

Gay bashing is out. They are in the military and gay marriage is legal. And worse (for the GOP), majorities approve of those things. This wedge issue has flipped against them.

Transgendered people? Sure, I guess they could bring that up but it is such an obscure issue with a very small percentage of the public that it seems pointless to even talk about. Bruce Jenner is a woman? Who cares?

So that kinda leaves them with abortion.
This is the most consistent pro-life view, if the child is a full human being and has a right to life then that right wouldn't be removed just because it was created as the result of a horrible crime. Rubio is right in line with the pope on this, and with historic laws against abortion.

However a law for this would never pass in the U.S. Public support for outlawing abortions hovers at about 50% with the three exceptions (life of the mother, rape, incest) included, but drops to 25% or 30% if you don't include the exceptions. Very few abortions actually fall under those three exceptions anyway so I believe National Right to Life and most mainstream pro life organizations are fine supporting candidates whether they advocate the 3 exceptions or just 1.

Someone didn't click through!

To many anti-abortion activists, however, exceptions for rape and incest are hypocritical. National Right to Life executive director David O'Steen told The Associated Press last year that it "doesn't want any child conceived by rape or incest to be killed by abortion." The group has given Rubio a 100 percent record in the 112th and 113th Congresses. "I'll support any legislation that reduces the number of abortions," Rubio said Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press.
Some of these guys are scary. I was genuinely terrified when Walker (in front of 24 million viewers) proudly proclaimed that he would rather see a woman die than see her have an abortion.

I dont know how else to describe it other than scary.
Does the Bible go into this at all? I believe in Islam, an infant doesn't have a soul until after 4 months.
No. It's a modern Christian view that cites scientific knowledge on genetics, lol. Christians know a fertilized egg has unique DNA, so it is the point at which life begins. And if life has begun, there's a soul. The Bible really doesn't say a lot about abortion.
Remember kids: You can be brain dead, one step away from a lifeless corpse and people will respect your wishes not to use your organs.

So basically, Marco Rubio thinks women should have less bodily autonomy than a corpse.
Ok then Rubio, if I ever get raped(please never happen) I'll make sure to send you my medical bills, therapy bills, and every single expense that child creates until they're 18 years old. Take away my rights and I'll make you pay for every single injustice.
Either Rubio is really dumb for vying for the ultra niche "Rapist Vote" or disgustingly really smart because the "Rapist Vote" is vastly larger than the general population suspects.
Does the Bible go into this at all? I believe in Islam, an infant doesn't have a soul until after 4 months.

The Bible doesn't have anything that directly addresses it. So people just pick various verses and infer from them what they want. Some Christians feel that all abortions should be banned and some Christians have no problem with abortion whatsoever.


No. It's a modern Christian view that cites scientific knowledge on genetics, lol. Christians know a fertilized egg has unique DNA, so it is the point at which life begins. And if life has begun, there's a soul. The Bible really doesn't say a lot about abortion.

The Bible doesn't have anything that directly addresses it. So people just pick various verses and infer from them what they want. Some Christians feel that all abortions should be banned and some Christians have no problem with abortion whatsoever.
Doesn't sound like it's very important then.


November 5th next year, a whole bunch of Republican strategists will be sitting around again asking themselves "where did we go wrong?"
That makes sense. If you believe abortion is murder and that a fetus is equivalent to a baby, why should you get to murder an innocent baby just because it was the product of rape or incest?
"I'll support any legislation that reduces the number of abortions," Rubio said Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press.
Oh really?

I guess you then support sex education strongly and Title X. The easier it is for people to get birth control, the fewer abortions that will take place.


I don't have a problem with this outside of the problems I already have with prolifers. If you feel that abortion is murder (lol) then why would you make an exception for anything?
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