I consider myself to be conservative I guess, but I am not affiliated with any political party (I don't think anyone should be, but that is another discussion). I just don't understand why politicos feel like they need to make these things a part of their platform. Even my religion, which is fairly conservative on most social issues and believes that abortion is wrong essentially has "exemptions" or considerations for rape, incest and issues that might put the mother's health or life at risk. I just think this is a very extreme position.
Maybe its because I am jaded by politics but I feel like candidates take extreme positions like this just to garner votes from one very extreme side even when they don't personally believe or feel that strongly what they are saying. This is a really stupid "strategy" for lack of a better word because the other party will just destroy you with it in the general election even if every other position in your platform is sound. Sometimes I wonder who is advising these candidates.
The most frustrating is that this topic is so extremely low on the list of what people care about which is jobs, economy and education last time I checked.