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GOP Candidate Rubio opposes Rape and Incest Exemptions for Abortion

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I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I'll shoot an extra load into a sock in your honor tonight, Marco.
I love how he says that women can't do whatever they want with their body as if bodily autonomy doesn't exist. There's a really good reason why men are disproportionately behind legislating women's bodies.
Makes sense to me. If abortion = murder, then it's always murder. What's the other option? Only children born out of non forced relations are blessed and therefore non-abortable? Well if that's the case are we allowed to kill someone who was actually born out of a rape situation?

(I'm pro-choice)
He needs to talk about that more lol

fuckin idiot

Yeah, I can't believe he brought that up himself. But most people didn't get reference . . . he just said something about being pro life with 'end of life' matters.

But that whole Terry Schiavo thing was a complete debacle. It was right during the height of GOP overreach when they were fighting a stupid war in Iraq that would soon become a clusterfuck, they were debating a flag-burning amendment, they were rushing special Terry Schiavo legislation through Congress, and they were pushing the anti-gay marriage amendment.

But hey, both parties are the same, right?

By all means, please proceed Governor.


Makes sense to me. If abortion = murder, then it's always murder. What's the other option? Only children born out of non forced relations are blessed and therefore non-abortable? Well if that's the case are we allowed to kill someone who was actually born out of a rape situation?

(I'm pro-choice)

not really, considering that you have to supporting families with government money(of said rape/incest). Which republicans are 100% against.

Its just shaming women. Thats literally it.
So to reduce abortions, you want to defund Planned Parenthood, not allow abortions, even if the mother's life is at risk, or if they had been raped?

Genius, Marco Rubio isn't.

GOP is such a complete joke. Women shaming at it's finest.
I'm still trying to figure out what the hell is going on on his site.

I don't understand the "even if the mother's life is at risk"

So, he believes the fetus is a human being with rights. Okay, whatever. But if the mother's life is at risk... he'd rather have two humans die than just one? That doesn't even make sense. That's not being pro-life anything. If he truly believes there's two humans in the equation, he'd rather two die than one??

That literally makes no sense at all and just sounds like he's being so petty and "by the book" that he'd rather more lives are lost than break some imaginary code he invented in his head...
Makes sense to me. If abortion = murder, then it's always murder. What's the other option? Only children born out of non forced relations are blessed and therefore non-abortable? Well if that's the case are we allowed to kill someone who was actually born out of a rape situation?

(I'm pro-choice)

I've said this as well. With the exception of a mothers death, pro lifers aren't consistent if they allow abortion post sexual assault or incest. There's argument to be made for compassion, but it's not consistent.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I don't understand the "even if the mother's life is at risk"

So, he believes the fetus is a human being with rights. Okay, whatever. But if the mother's life is at risk... he'd rather have two humans die than just one? That doesn't even make sense. That's not being pro-life anything. If he truly believes there's two humans in the equation, he'd rather two die than one??

That literally makes no sense at all and just sounds like he's being so petty and "by the book" that he'd rather more lives are lost than break some imaginary code he invented in his head...

It's just grandstanding. Like "tough on crime" but for the cute little babies. People who are so far removed from thinking they'd ever be in a situation where they'd need am abortion love looking down on anyone who might consider it. Growing up in Oklahoma, I've known a handful of people who are pro-life except for when they had their abortion because "c'mon, that was different! Don't talk about it you're a terrible person for bringing it up!"

People like that will only take their principles as far as they can until said principles inconvenience them.


The "real extremists," Conway argued, are the Democrats, suggesting that Republicans should cast Democrats as proponents of "partial-birth" abortion and taxpayer-funded abortion. "There's no give. There's no give on the left at all," she said. "A woman doesn't have a right to do whatever she wants with her body every which way to Sunday."

what in the hell

lmao, congrats on the presidency Hillary.


I don't understand the "even if the mother's life is at risk"

So, he believes the fetus is a human being with rights. Okay, whatever. But if the mother's life is at risk... he'd rather have two humans die than just one? That doesn't even make sense. That's not being pro-life anything. If he truly believes there's two humans in the equation, he'd rather two die than one??

That literally makes no sense at all and just sounds like he's being so petty and "by the book" that he'd rather more lives are lost than break some imaginary code he invented in his head...

Because Miracles exist and God might save the baby (read: a team of highly skilled doctors)

Speaking of by the book, Rubio would love for you to buy his!


Makes sense to me. If abortion = murder, then it's always murder. What's the other option? Only children born out of non forced relations are blessed and therefore non-abortable? Well if that's the case are we allowed to kill someone who was actually born out of a rape situation?

(I'm pro-choice)

I agree it makes sense for incest. But it's different in the case of rape because the woman never consented and therefore isn't obligated to give up her body's resources to the fetus. A child conceived out of rape who has already been born is no longer infringing on the mother's bodily autonomy.
How can you be Pro-Life and argue on the basis of innocent life and then agree that such a life can be ended if it was conceived by cruelty? In some cultures, women are raped (as well as their future child) are ostracised because of the manner of conception. It's a morally bankrupt stance to have if you're Pro-Life; it is not consistent.

Only exemption that fits is if the mothers life is threatened by the pregnancy.

I'm imagining a couple campaign strategists:
1) okay, we need to some web pages on policy things.
2) no problem, what policy?
1) abortion.
2) Ugh.
1) Abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest.
2) Uuuuuugh.
1) you said no problem!
2) okay. .. well let me think.
1) well, what they like on this interwebs?
2) cat videos & pictures
1) well there you go!
2) A cat video about abortion?
1) Just shut up and do it, there's play-off game tonight
2) *grumble*


"A woman doesn't have a right to do whatever she wants with her body every which way to Sunday."
Ah yes, because a woman protecting herself from the traumatic experience of carrying a child from rape is doing whatever she wants every which way to Sunday. What a disgusting comment to make.


"I'll support any legislation that reduces the number of abortions," Rubio said Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press.

Oh, so then your support free condoms/pill/implants, and better sex education, right?

Gonna go ahead and guess no.
I don't understand the "even if the mother's life is at risk"

So, he believes the fetus is a human being with rights. Okay, whatever. But if the mother's life is at risk... he'd rather have two humans die than just one? That doesn't even make sense. That's not being pro-life anything. If he truly believes there's two humans in the equation, he'd rather two die than one??

That literally makes no sense at all and just sounds like he's being so petty and "by the book" that he'd rather more lives are lost than break some imaginary code he invented in his head...
You're thinking too logically and rationally.


Yeah and this is why the GOP is having a hard time grabbing the White House. They seem to love fighting battles that not only have they lost before, but keeps making them look bad.


you can't put a price on sparks
Oh, so then your support free condoms/pill/implants, and better sex education, right?

Gonna go ahead and guess no.

being against those things and being pro-choice like Rubio is, is essentially saying women should be forced to breed.

its pretty awful.


Neo Member
I get where he's coming from with the whole "another tragedy does not fix the first tragedy". The issue is that aborting a mass of a few cells isn't really a tragedy in my books, or in the view of most liberals. I don't think republicans actually understand what rape victims go through either.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
So Rubio is a 'squish' then, eh? Scott Walker wants to ban ALL abortion with NO EXCEPTIONs such as rape, incest, or even the mother's life.

I think you misheard Walker. He said in cases where the mother will definitely die if she gives birth, there are definitely alternative procedures to save the mother and child.

You know, like magic.


Frankly I don't understand people who say they are pro-life but allow for rape and incest exceptions. If you're pro-life, then you believe that's what inside a woman from the moment of conception is a living baby. Period. What does it matter if it's a product of rape or incest? In your eyes it's still killing a child; who the father is, or the conditions behind their conception, don't change that (perceived) fact.

My only way of understanding why pro-life people would support rape/incest exceptions is out of consideration for the mother's feelings. But that also makes no sense to me, because I thought the whole point was that the mother shouldn't be allowed to choose -- her feelings don't come into at all. So the government gets to decide when the mother's feelings matter and when they don't? The same big scary federal government that we should be slashing and defunding at every possible turn?
Better arrest every single woman alive that has had sex since their bodies have undoubtable aborted children naturally.

Can't allow for exemptions, not even natural ones!
Frankly I don't understand people who say they are pro-life but allow for rape and incest exceptions. If you're pro-life, then you believe that's what inside a woman from the moment of conception is a living baby. Period. What does it matter if it's a product of rape or incest? In your eyes it's still killing a child; who the father is, or the conditions behind their conception, don't change that (perceived) fact.

My only way of understanding why pro-life people would support rape/incest exceptions is out of consideration for the mother's feelings. But that also makes no sense to me, because I thought the whole point was that the mother shouldn't be allowed to choose -- her feelings don't come into at all. So the government gets to decide when the mother's feelings matter and when they don't? The same big scary federal government that we should be slashing and defunding at every possible turn?

Children of rape are more likely to rape I bet. There is a rape gene or something. If not, it's probably not heathly growing up knowing that you are the product of rape.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Unless I'm mistaken, he also doesn't believe in exceptions if the mother's own life is at stake.

Republicans found a real winner with this one.


Even some of my most staunchly Republican friends and family disagree on his stances against abortion in the case of rape victims.

This is disgraceful.


I call it a possible insensitivity to religious freedom as well; a Jewish mother who sees it as such has every right to kill a rodef fetus.

Fuck this guy.


you can't put a price on sparks
Don't a lot of Republicans have this view?

sure, doesn't change that statement, though.

there are also varying degrees of pro-life, such as allowing for exemptions in "extreme" cases which is certainly less abhorrent than not. also allowing for contraception so that it doesn't even get to that point to begin with.

pro-life shouldn't mean "force everyone to have babies no matter what"

just don't have sex!

Well. That's that. I was actually leaning towards voting for Rubio in the primary as "A capable person I generally agree with on most, but not all, stances..." But, forget it.

Sticking with 0.1% Pataki.

To this day it surprises me why a woman's choice with what she does with her body is such a hot political issue.

I'm pro-choice, but it's because many people believe that once conception has been achieved, the bundle of multiplying cells is a human life, and therefore, it should be protected like any human life. Or, a weaker perspective, is that you can't identify a time after conception when that bundle of cells becomes a human life, so the law should err on the side of caution.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I actually thought he was one of the more leveled headed members of the debates. Lol how foolish was I?

The dude voted against HIS OWN immigration bill. He's never been level headed.

In fact, there's no such thing as a level headed Republican. Because even if you see one that doesn't have completely insane views, given enough time, they'll backpedal with the speed of any frothing teabagger..
In fact, there's no such thing as a level headed Republican. Because even if you see one that doesn't have completely insane views, given enough time, they'll backpedal with the speed of any frothing teabagger..

Well . . . they either backpedal or they are tossed out of office like Bob Inglis who made the mistake of actually listening to the scientists about climate change.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Reminder, this same person said this not too long ago when asked how hold he thinks the Earth is:

Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to answer that. It’s one of the great mysteries.


Ah, another example of someone who believes it's a woman's place to be a glorified incubator. As for the other person...
The "real extremists," Conway argued, are the Democrats, suggesting that Republicans should cast Democrats as proponents of "partial-birth" abortion and taxpayer-funded abortion. "There's no give. There's no give on the left at all," she said. "A woman doesn't have a right to do whatever she wants with her body every which way to Sunday."
A comically evil degree of reprehensibility.
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