You guys shouldn't be too confident that they won't do this. They are pretty determined. Not repealing it will hurt them in the mid-terms and repealing it will hurt them in the mid-terms. Not repealing it means no large tax breaks so they will do it eventually.
Right now they are trying to sabotage it and maybe wait until the mid-terms are over.
- Due to unknown reasons, half of the GOP was asleep over the last two weeks and aren't scared out of their minds that their district doesn't swing 20 points in the opposite direction and this passes the house
- The Senate laughs at the ridiculous bill, chops it into a million pieces so it doesn't explode the entire health industry instantly
- Democrats filibuster the bill
- Mitch McConnell has a mild brain aneurysm and decides to end the legislative filibuster to brute force a bill that an overwhelming majority of Americans do not like. Nobody knows why he did this, since it goes against everything he's said and makes no political sense at all, but he did it.
- The Frankenstein of a bill is sent back to the house where they fight with each other because Mitch McConnell didn't want to kill children or whatever
- Somehow, through all of this, they manage to pass something
- Trump signs it because he's a stooge.
- The entire industry crashes overnight and 2018 is the biggest change in Congress since the early 1900s.
- Trump loses in 2020 in a landslide and Democrats gain even more seats
- ???
- Medicare for all