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GOP to try to repeal and replace Obamacare after republican party reconciliation

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Patients will illnesses who would get segregated into high-risk pools because of this new health plan are basically getting condemned to a life of fear and poverty because their plans would be caught in a spiral, no? And the rest of us would get sold "too good to be true" plans because the mandatory minimum coverage requirements would get removed. It sounds awful at first blush. This is a "moderate-friendly" solution?

Yep, the AHCA would basically flush all of the bankruptcy protection built into the PPACA down the toilet.

Hello medical bankruptcy, my old friend.


And if this passes, Georgia will be just a lost cause for the Republicans. Don't fuck with people's healthcare. Last straw.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
McConnell isn't going to nuke the filibuster at all, but he's certainly not going to for such an unpopular bill.

Also once the Democrats eventually take back the Senate, they'll just undo it and implement UHC anyway since the filibuster would be gone.

Even though Obamacare was basically the republican plan and still want to destroy it, to meet that goal they'd be better off continuing to suffocate it like they have been until the exchanges are a ghost town.


You guys shouldn't be too confident that they won't do this. They are pretty determined. Not repealing it will hurt them in the mid-terms and repealing it will hurt them in the mid-terms. Not repealing it means no large tax breaks so they will do it eventually.

Right now they are trying to sabotage it and maybe wait until the mid-terms are over.
You guys shouldn't be too confident that they won't do this. They are pretty determined. Not repealing it will hurt them in the mid-terms and repealing it will hurt them in the mid-terms. Not repealing it means no large tax breaks so they will do it eventually.

Right now they are trying to sabotage it and maybe wait until the mid-terms are over.

- Due to unknown reasons, half of the GOP was asleep over the last two weeks and aren't scared out of their minds that their district doesn't swing 20 points in the opposite direction and this passes the house
- The Senate laughs at the ridiculous bill, chops it into a million pieces so it doesn't explode the entire health industry instantly
- Democrats filibuster the bill
- Mitch McConnell has a mild brain aneurysm and decides to end the legislative filibuster to brute force a bill that an overwhelming majority of Americans do not like. Nobody knows why he did this, since it goes against everything he's said and makes no political sense at all, but he did it.
- The Frankenstein of a bill is sent back to the house where they fight with each other because Mitch McConnell didn't want to kill children or whatever
- Somehow, through all of this, they manage to pass something
- Trump signs it because he's a stooge.
- The entire industry crashes overnight and 2018 is the biggest change in Congress since the early 1900s.
- Trump loses in 2020 in a landslide and Democrats gain even more seats
- ???
- Medicare for all
You guys shouldn't be too confident that they won't do this. They are pretty determined. Not repealing it will hurt them in the mid-terms and repealing it will hurt them in the mid-terms. Not repealing it means no large tax breaks so they will do it eventually.

Right now they are trying to sabotage it and maybe wait until the mid-terms are over.

We're past reconciliation now, there's no way they can get 10 democrats to agree with a repeal on top of resolving the wedge between moderates and far-rights. Sure, they could try and kick the can down the road past 2018, but there's a pretty good chance that Dems will take the House anyways. GOP wrote themselves into a corner with this nonsense.


Patients will illnesses who would get segregated into high-risk pools because of this new health plan are basically getting condemned to a life of fear and poverty because their plans would be caught in a spiral, no? And the rest of us would get sold "too good to be true" plans because the mandatory minimum coverage requirements would get removed. It sounds awful at first blush. This is a "moderate-friendly" solution?

Unfortunately a lot of people have present-bias in addition to vastly underestimating their own health risks.

Let hope people remember the bad times pre-ACA.


The confusing thing to me here is that this plan they're proposing wouldn't work with Tax Reform because too much is up in the air. If every state is given the option of possibly waiving benefits, then there's no way to factor in costs.
It's almost like they didn't expect to win and are now winging it or something.

As I understand it, tax reform is much harder than health care reform with a lot more moving parts involved. It took Reagan until his second term to finally get tax reform passed, that's how hard it was. So I don't see how it'll be possible, especially without the budget "savings" made possible by throwing millions of people off health insurance.

Ehhh. Regan's reform bucked the trend of higher income tax for the rich which was a lot harder to do back then than now. As a different example, both of Bush's tax cuts were passed before his first term ended.

Now, Bush's republicans were far more competent than the clowns in now, but it's still a lot easier than health reform, which is something no president before Obama was able to accomplish.

The problems in our health care industry are much greater than those in our tax code, though both are very important to fix.


I mean, isn't it impossible for them to pass it now without democratic votes since they can no longer use the budget reconciliation to force a vote with a simple majority? What's the point of even trying now lol

they can still use budget reconciliation, but some of the provisions in this bill aren't going to fly

I thought the reconciliation deadline passed already. What is the actual date?


Under a revised timetable in effect since FY1987, the annual budget resolution is scheduled for
final adoption by the House and Senate by April 15. The current timetable prescribes June 15 as
the deadline for completing action on any required reconciliation legislation, but there is no
explicit requirement to that effect.


- Due to unknown reasons, half of the GOP was asleep over the last two weeks and aren't scared out of their minds that their district doesn't swing 20 points in the opposite direction and this passes the house
- The Senate laughs at the bill, chops it into a million pieces so it doesn't explode the entire health industry instantly
- Democrats filibuster the bill
- Mitch McConnell has a mild brain aneurysm and decides to end the legislative filibuster to brute force a bill that an overwhelming majority of Americans do not like
- The Frankenstein of a bill is sent back to the house where they fight with each other because Mitch McConnell didn't want to kill children or whatever
- Somehow, through all of this, they manage to pass something
- The entire industry crashes overnight and 2018 is the biggest change in Congress since the early 1900s.
- Trump loses in 2020 in a landslide and Democrats gain even more seats
- ???
- Medicare for all
They can't sit on their asses for the next three years and pass nothing of significance when they have complete control of gov't. They are fucked either way (I'm agreeing with you btw).

Holding all branches of gov't is a poisoned chalice for the GOP. If they do nothing then the Democrats are on verge of permanent power.
I have to believe repealing it would be much more disastrous for Republicans than leaving the ACA alone. I mean a lot of people voicing concern at town halls are also Republicans, and polls have shown a considerable improvement in ACA approval numbers now that people actually kind of know what ACA is and what they stand to lose.


They really want to die on this hill huh? This new plan would hike the price on those with pre existing conditions. Do they really think this will play well with the American people?


The only reason they will try to do this is to later pass tax cut legislation for the rich through reconciliation.
These assholes need to get over undoing Obama and look forward.

But if the white working class realize that black people aren't scary and can actually help them it could destroy the pervasive prejudice that underpins the white dominance (and the subsequent Republican power over) of US society!
Congresspeople should no longer be given healthcare as a perk, and should have to pay, out of pocket, for the most expensive plan legally allowed. You'd see healthcare reform within a week.




the right: "America has a mental healthcare problem, not a gun problem."

also the right: "...And that's why mental healthcare shouldn't be an essential health benefit and also everyone who uses it is a snowflake and just pretending to get out of work"
It's interesting how the last time a single party controlled all branches of government they passed a monumental change to our healthcare system.

Now, with the other party in power, they're at threat of government shutdown from in-fighting.

Democrats can't govern though, those crybabies.


They're just trying to cobble something together that will pass the House so they can blame the Senate when it dies.
They can't sit on their asses for the next three years and pass nothing of significance when they have complete control of gov't. They are fucked either way (I'm agreeing with you btw).

Holding all branches of gov't is a poisoned chalice for the GOP. If they do nothing then the Democrats are on verge of permanent power.

This is seriously naive.


Sounds like they'll try to win over both moderates and conservatives in the GoP by ultimately making the healthcare bill a "choose your own adventure" on a state by state basis.

That cannot possibly work because you will still need federal funding at some level...


You can't really please the moderates AND Freedom Caucus at the same time soooo...

but they do agree on this

even though this plan is even more obamacare-lite than the old one

it's really just obamacare with a shittier subsidy system and no mandate

and some tax breaks for the wealthy


This is seriously naive.
Yep. Incumbent parties are at a natural disadvantage come midterms, because it's impossible to enact sweeping fixes, and see tangible results, to critical problems in America over the course of one to two years. Furthermore, the policies that Democrats pursue, while they may be smarter, produce benefits only several years down the line. Take the ACA, which had a messy launch to severe opposition and hasn't been seen as valuable until 8 years after the bill's passage. And voters have extremely short political lifespans.
Anything to make Mitch look bad I'm cool with.

They plan to blame the Democrats for healthcare reform not passing. Then, if Trump and Price refuses to pay the subsidies to the insurance companies and the market implodes the Democrats own it because they set up Obamacare in the first place and in their eyes it was a failure from the start. The fact that Trump and Price plunged a knife into its heart won't really make a difference. Especially once Trump says something along the lines of "we were spending HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS on propping up Obamacare. Just goes to show without spending HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of your money Obamacare was toast! NEW HEALTHCARE NOW!"


The changes are that some states get to opt out of Guaranteed Issue, along with states being able to opt out of Essential Health Benefits (and basically for any reason, because first they say "opt out if it proves it will benefit health care," but then adds the weasel words "other compelling interests of the state.")

Then they implement cross-state buying and the race to the bottom starts, while getting to claim that Guaranteed Issue still exists.


The changes are that some states get to opt out of Guaranteed Issue, along with states being able to opt out of Essential Health Benefits (and basically for any reason, because first they say "opt out if it proves it will benefit health care," but then adds the weasel words "other compelling interests of the state.")

Then they implement cross-state buying and the race to the bottom starts, while getting to claim that Guaranteed Issue still exists.

is there more info than the draft in the politico article? because the changes you mention don't jive with that



It's so weird trying to have the House start this discussion because when it reaches the Senate, it's deader than a door nail. If Republicans want to have any sort of appeal, it'll have to start there with McConnell and Schumer negotiating something together so there would be some bipartisan deal that can muster some votes.

This bill is just a ruse to make Senate Democrats look bad. If it passes the House, then the GOP can at least say they tried. There can be no bipartisan approach to health care these days.
And if this passes, Georgia will be just a lost cause for the Republicans. Don't fuck with people's healthcare. Last straw.

Remember, there are some that are so fucking blind to back anything Republican that they are okay if it means that they will lose any sense of health, sense or money.


I want to see the world burn. Go ahead and pass it. You'll fuck up so many lives that you'll lose all relevancy for the next 10 years.
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