FLEABttn said:Not a fan of no physical copy being locally released with bonus tracks. Someone needs to knock iTunes down a peg.
Great album though.
Luckily the bonus tracks are terrible and out of place on the album.
FLEABttn said:Not a fan of no physical copy being locally released with bonus tracks. Someone needs to knock iTunes down a peg.
Great album though.
BenjaminBirdie said:Luckily the bonus tracks are terrible and out of place on the album.
KingGondo said:Album rocks, surprisingly non-disappointing.
I need to get some more De La Soul as well, their guest spots are always on point on Gorillaz albums.
Buhloone Mindstate is a scarily good album.KingGondo said:I need to get some more De La Soul as well, their guest spots are always on point on Gorillaz albums.
brianjones said:as is Stakes Is High and De La Soul Is Dead
3 Feet High & Rising is probably the hardest album of theirs to get into I think.
KingGondo said:Album rocks, surprisingly non-disappointing.
I need to get some more De La Soul as well, their guest spots are always on point on Gorillaz albums.
De La Soul Is Dead is probably my favoriteKingDirk said:This opinion boggles my mind, not gonna lie. :lol 3 Feet usually the album people champion, and Dead... is a piece of work. Love it, but it is one kooky album.
KingDirk said:This opinion boggles my mind, not gonna lie. :lol 3 Feet usually the album people champion, and Dead... is a piece of work. Love it, but it is one kooky album.
brianjones said:eh.. 3 ft high is a bit too dated for my tastes. it's still a fun album but they have other albums that hold up more.
people champion it because its like written in scripture.. but i wonder how many people really listened to their discography extensively.
The Interrobanger said:I like both AOI albums best, but 99% of others would disagree.
mattiewheels said:Even the happy song, superfast jellyfish, sounds cynical to me :lol Maybe that's just me though.
Yep they performed last year at a Halloween shindig I went to in LA. They're dope!Crazypanda_85 said:Most (if not all) of the album has grown on me but my favorite song is still Empire Ant. I was wondering who Little Dragon was and after looking them up, I ended up finding a new group to add to my favorite bands.
Everyone, please check out Little Dragon's other albums, Little Dragon and Machine Dream. They are such a talented group and they are currently on a US tour!!!
Buhloone Mindstate too.brianjones said:3 Feet High & Rising is probably the hardest album of theirs to get into I think.
brianjones said:eh.. 3 ft high is a bit too dated for my tastes. it's still a fun album but they have other albums that hold up more.
people champion it because its like written in scripture.. but i wonder how many people really listened to their discography extensively.
brianjones said:maybe.. but in general I don't find 80s hip hop to have aged that well.
Oh man I love that disc(s). Punch and Wordsworth. 88 keys. Epic stuff.see5harp said:O it hasn't. I don't listen to the debut album by ATCQ either. Both were sorta playful albums that reveled in their differences from the typical rap of the time. There is a difference with listening to the songs with a fresh ear, and hearing them and all of their contemporaries when the album came out though. Stakes is High is my favorite modern album of theirs. It along with the first Lyricist Lounge double disc was the first time I heard Mos Def.
Haha Nice.see5harp said:"I was there at the first Can show in Cologne....I woke up naked on the beach in Ibiza in 1988."
zombieshavebrains said:So i'm listening to this album for the first time and at Empire Ants so far...not feeling it like the others. Lots of "Ft. <insert artist>" and not enough straight up Gorillaz shit.
Fox1304 said:Exactly. I like collaborations, as long as they manage to keep the original artist's feeling. But that's not what happened on this album
Rlan said:Am I the only one who really likes Some Kind Of Nature? It's my favorite on the album.
KingDirk said:Man if the collaborations maintained 'the original artist's feeling' for Gorillaz we would have never got Demon Days.:lol Give it a few more spins, though? My first listen was kinda lukewarm, but I got pretty hooked on the second or third listen and have been discovering new wrinkles each subsequent instance.
(P.S., the songs that are the furthest from previous Gorillaz are the non-collabs!)
red shoe paul said:A a big Lou Reed fan, I love it also.![]()
I've tried to like this album. Listened to it a lot.
But except 2/3 songs that are really nice, I think that it's very disapointing (for my taste). And for me Demon Days IS Gorillaz![]()
Crazypanda_85 said:Most (if not all) of the album has grown on me but my favorite song is still Empire Ant. I was wondering who Little Dragon was and after looking them up, I ended up finding a new group to add to my favorite bands.
Everyone, please check out Little Dragon's other albums, Little Dragon and Machine Dream. They are such a talented group and they are currently on a US tour!!!