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Gradius V - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"If you weren't playing these types of games 10 or more years ago, then it's true that you might not appreciate Gradius V as much as someone who was. However, if you fundamentally agree with the notion that action games should deliver challenging, intense experiences that reward cool under fire, practice, and skillful play, then you'll like Gradius V no matter what. It's a loving tribute to a classic series and to a style of gaming that may be old fashioned, but judging by how fun this game is, one that certainly isn't obsolete."


It rocks, 2 player mode is gold, but I wish there were more weapon alternatives available. I mean, I don't see much of a point with using anything other than Type 2 (with the direction option).


Mistaken iRobbery!

Can't wait to try this out.


It rocks, 2 player mode is gold, but I wish there were more weapon alternatives available. I mean, I don't see much of a point with using anything other than Type 2 (with the direction option).

Once you unlock the edit option you can get tons of different options (a flamethrower, the ring gun (yay), the charge laser, the different types of shields ect)
Ferrio said:
Once you unlock the edit option you can get tons of different options (a flamethrower, the ring gun (yay), the charge laser, the different types of shields ect)

its called RIPPLE laser. :D any old fan would know. I want this.


Ferrio said:
Once you unlock the edit option you can get tons of different options (a flamethrower, the ring gun (yay), the charge laser, the different types of shields ect)
How's that done? Just beat the game? On any particular difficulty?



8.2 - Gamespot
5/5 - Gamespy
7/10 - Eurogamer
7.0, 8.5, 8.0 - EGM
8.25, 7.75 - GI
8/10 - OPM
8/10 - OPS2

Seems pretty solid.


hyperbolically metafictive
it's much more than a solid game. it's just that most mainstream publications have a hard if unspoken cap on how high a 2d shooter can possibly score. probably based on patronizing notions of what their "target audience" wants. but i remember when shumps were roundly dismissed as contemptible relics of the 16-bit era, so i can't complain too much. i guess they're cool to like again. however temporarily.

that gamespy review is terrific. clearly written by a genre enthusiast. i assume it's the same BenT who posts here and at the shmups forum. i think that makes two shmup fans in the enthusiast media. david frothing smith being the other one. it's a start!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
it's just that most mainstream publications have a hard if unspoken cap on how high a 2d shooter can possibly score
Very true. Gradius V ceratainly has the luck that it's not only great playing, but also features high-end graphics and sound. I don't think Espgaluda, for example, could ever get scores this high, despite how brilliant it certainly is, simply due to it's 2D graphics.


is this a budget titile?

at $30, I would say yes. especially if you've pre-order it at certain places, i.e. GameStop.com, you get a U.S. Gradius V DVD free as a bonus.

at least one place, Outpost.com I think, has (or will have) Gradius V for $20 without the DVD.


hyperbolically metafictive
and if you look at review scores for r type final, for example, they're very similar to gradius v's. in fact they currently have exactly the same score at gamerankings, not that this is particularly meaningful. the thing is, while r type final's alright, gradius v is vastly better. it's more polished and the level designs are richer, but as a gestalt it's just tremendously more accomplished and more enjoyable. and where r type final is an undeniable step back for its franchise, gradius v is a much needed step forward.

of course when all shmups are more or less equally quaint nostalgia pieces, distinctions like these aren't significant; just write a confused review, slap an 8 on it, and be sure to toss in an earnest conclusion about how legitimate those games still are. gee thanks. no one thinks to make every fps or rpg review they write a referendum on the genre. in a way the new, tolerant shmup reviews are just as reactionary and irrelevant as the old, dismissive ones.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
and if you look at review scores for r type final, for example, they're very similar to gradius v's. in fact they currently have exactly the same score at gamerankings, not that this is particularly meaningful. the thing is, while r type final's alright, gradius v is vastly better. it's more polished and the level designs are richer, but as a gestalt it's just tremendously more accomplished and more enjoyable. and where r type final is an undeniable step back for its franchise, gradius v is a much needed step forward.
I think RTF is highly enjoyable, just in a different way than most other shooters. It offers things that no other shooter has, which IMO, is not a bad thing, as if you want "classic values" there's tons of otehr shooters to choose from. Nothing else however offers such crazy assortment of different ships with unique and imaginative set of weapons. Or the ability to replay game multiple times going through pretty much completely different set of levels (all of which being pure eye candy). Besides, it has Mr Heli, dammit :)


And even i am moderately surprised
"8.2 - Gamespot
5/5 - Gamespy
7/10 - Eurogamer
7.0, 8.5, 8.0 - EGM
8.25, 7.75 - GI
8/10 - OPM
8/10 - OPS2"

fucking burn the sub-8 score heretics.

in fact... fucking burn everyone under 9.... Gamespy is your only survivor.


hyperbolically metafictive
i do enjoy the unique things r type final offers. including mr. heli. but the fact that it stumbles on some of the fundamental things makes it harder to appreciate: the first three levels are just boring. and while the huge roster of ships is neat, this is counterbalanced by the arbitrary tedium involved in unlocking them. i remember hearing somewhere that the designers spent so much time and effort on all the ships that they couldn't button up the engine or the levels to their satisfaction. which figures.

and i haven't articulated why at all, but gradius v really is much better. you'll see when you play it, if you haven't already. it just feels so lively and so invested with imagination. it's one of those serendipitous games that just gets everything right. it's inspired.


And even i am moderately surprised
"it's inspired"

indeed. one of the big rewards is you can feel yourself getting better and better. Troidal discussed this with me before i played it , but i didn't quite "get" it....

The first time you play it , you get to some parts and you will think "no way, how am i supposed to do this?" - then you figure stuff out, learn how to use whatever option array you have and it all comes together. Before you know it, you can get to level 4 without losing a life - but even then it's still a challenge and insanely fun.

Gorgeous graphics, thumping sound track (some parts are very Orbitally - especially the first boss), lots of bosses, it's just dreamy-dreamy-love-time-sexiness...

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
i do enjoy the unique things r type final offers. including mr. heli. but the fact that it stumbles on some of the fundamental things makes it harder to appreciate: the first three levels are just boring. and while the huge roster of ships is neat, this is counterbalanced by the arbitrary tedium involved in unlocking them.
Hehe, that is true. Much like in Gran Turismo games, the enjoyment it offers is always paired by going through seemingly endless motions to get to the best it has to offer. There's certainly something masochistic about undertaking such gaming endeavours, but I find it easier to accept in RTF, as that's a genre I actually really love, and the ships sometimes offer some really crazy and surprising weapons. Plus, by the time you play through all the secret levels and level variations, you get to unlock large number of ships.

and i haven't articulated why at all, but gradius v really is much better. you'll see when you play it, if you haven't already. it just feels so lively and so invested with imagination. it's one of those serendipitous games that just gets everything right. it's inspired.
I'm getting it tomorrow, and I can hardly wait! G5 and Katamari are my only locked purchases for this month.


And even i am moderately surprised
"I'm getting it tomorrow, and I can hardly wait! G5 and Katamari are my only locked purchases for this month."

may i also suggest you purchase a box of tissues?

both titles are awesome.

Katamari is worth it for the sound track alone.


hyperbolically metafictive
Jonnyram said:
I want Treasure to have a go at Parodius before Contra, though :)

i was thinking the same thing. it's been...what...seven years since the last paro game? and the series would be a great fit for treasure's weirdness and visual humor, which aren't represented in the otherwise exemplary gradius v. and of course they've proven they can handle the gameplay.

and besides, kcet seem to have contra pretty well covered. i loved shattered soldier, and neo contra's shaping up beautifully.


Gradius V is fucking awesome. Kinda hard for a non-shooter-aficionado(like me), though. I still haven't finished it, and I'm just playing on easy. The stage with the green fog is fucking ridiculous. :p


hyperbolically metafictive
on second thought, we might have to strip david smith of his shooter fan credentials. from his 1up review:

Exactly how Hitoshi Sakimoto (of Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy Tactics) wound up scoring a shooter is a hard one to peg.

sakimoto scored soukyugurentai and radiant silvergun. brilliantly in both cases. and he remixed the battle garegga soundtrack for the saturn version. sort it out, smith!

it's otherwise a fine review, though. and the 9.0 saves him from immolation at dcharlie's hands. oh, link: http://www.1up.com/do/reviewPage?cId=3134612
GigaDrive said:
at $30, I would say yes. especially if you've pre-order it at certain places, i.e. GameStop.com, you get a U.S. Gradius V DVD free as a bonus.

at least one place, Outpost.com I think, has (or will have) Gradius V for $20 without the DVD.



is beloved, despite what anyone might say
1up's David Smith (aka the guy people were bitching about yesterday) gave it a 9.0, as well... good to see some high scores for this game, Life Force was my favorite shooter ever in the NES days, and this is definitely a spiritual successor. Gonna pick this one right after work today, have it reserved at Funcoland. But I hear there's a problem getting the DVD or something?


This is so mine today. Has anyone read about how it plays w/ a stick? I used one for Ikaruga (good ole Agetec) on the DC and now just prefer my shmups that way.


drohne said:
on second thought, we might have to strip david smith of his shooter fan credentials. from his 1up review:

sakimoto scored soukyugurentai and radiant silvergun. brilliantly in both cases. and he remixed the battle garegga soundtrack for the saturn version. sort it out, smith!

it's otherwise a fine review, though. and the 9.0 saves him from immolation at dcharlie's hands. oh, link: http://www.1up.com/do/reviewPage?cId=3134612

No shit? Yep, I lose nerd points for that one, definitely. Thanks for the tip. In my sorta-defense, I played Silvergun (and beat it! so back the fuck up!) before I got all that into game music geekdom.



Kiriku said:
It rocks, 2 player mode is gold, but I wish there were more weapon alternatives available. I mean, I don't see much of a point with using anything other than Type 2 (with the direction option).

That's funny -- I never could get the hang of the direction option. I like to be able to move around a lot, ya know? My favorite was type one, the freeze option, you can do all kinds of nasty stuff with that. Watch the attract movies, they show the CPU doing cool freeze option gimmickry.


Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Ok, you people have a point. This game is awesome! Far superior to Gaiden even given the first 3 levels. Manual option control really opens up new approaches to fighting beautifully.

I do miss the distinct personalities of each ship choice though. Type 1-4 isn't as creative as the unique names given to the Gaiden cast.


drohne said:
no one thinks to make every fps or rpg review they write a referendum on the genre.

Might have something to do with the fact that maybe 2 or 3 2D shooters come out in a given year, compared to roughly 20,000 FPSs and RPGs.

And 2 player mode is nice as a lark, but too insane/confusing for serious play, imo. Awesome game--everyone buy it!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Oh yeah, about to pop it in...

I'm suprised that it shipped on a CD, though. Haven't seen a PS2 CD based game for a WHILE.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
God, this game is fantastic... I was worried about how options would control, but it controls very nice, so easy to pick up... I love using Type 2 with a laser, and spinning the options around . Made it to the part of the third stage where you need to scroll vertically down while being chased by a constant array of Cores... This game feels like a total cross between Life Force and Einhander - the 2player mode, continue where you die of LF, with the cold, mechanical settings and vertical scrolling sections of Einhander. Except it's a lot more forgiving than Einhander :p. The graphics look gorgeous, they look even better on a TV, which smooths things out somewhat, the frame rate is nice and smooth, too. Been playing on Normal mode, the difficulty is definitely there, but it seems doable (I've recently come off playing games like DoDonPachi on MAME and RS on Saturn, it's a lot easier than those :p). The best part for me was the whole boss rally at the end of stage 2... where you fight some oldskool Gradius III and Life Force bosses, with all new maneuvers. While a remixed Life Force boss song played! Haven't played it 2 player, yet, it looks like it'd be pretty confusing. But my brother is pretty decent at shooters, so maybe we'll do alright :p

My only problems with this game so far are that the little grey diamond bullets are a bit hard to see, and the music is a bit lower than the sound effects, so it's kind of hard to hear. And I heard there's no Moai in it :(

This game definitely deserves 9.5/10.

Also got to play a demo of The Red Star... control was a tiny bit stiffer than I expected, but the game seemed pretty good, too. Nice aesthetics, some cool bullet patterns, good Japanese game design influence. I'd definitely pick this up if it came out with a nice budget price. And I played Donkey Konga... I'm not a fan of music games, so it wasn't my thing. Plus I didn't like any of the music, aside from "Busy Child" :p


djtiesto said:
Haven't played it 2 player, yet, it looks like it'd be pretty confusing. But my brother is pretty decent at shooters, so maybe we'll do alright :p

It's actually not very confusing in 2 player. You can only have 4 options max shared, which could for example mean 2 for each player (or 1-3, 4-0 and so on). Also, if you die you'll drop your options, but you and the other player can pick them up again if you're fast enough.

And yes, nothing beats type 2! I don't see much of a point with using anything else. I mean, how can you beat being able to shoot in ANY direction at all times? Only bad thing is that you can't move your ship while moving your options...but if that had been possible, the game would've been kinda broken, I guess. :p


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
just picked the game up... amazing!

i dont proclaim to be a shootemup god by any means, but i do enjoy a lot of em (ikaruga, mars matrix, and einhander off the top of my head), and gradius v looks to top all of them. intense crazy shit goes on CONSTANTLY, with beautiful graphics, sound and music. the games stages (what few i've seen thus far) really really rock. basically, i'm loving it!


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
ok, little help... is there anyway to recover after gettign killed? i can get to the stage 2 boss without dying, but once i'm shot down once, its fucking hard as shit to do much... am i missing something?

EDIT: nevermind. i see i just need to alter the resapn option to start at preset points when you die...
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