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Gran Turismo 5 | NeoGAF Racing League | One-off races

I'm ok with some chance of rain... let's hope it doesn't start raining on lap 1 and keeps on raining until the end of the race though :p!


Risk Breaker said:
I'm ok with some chance of rain... let's hope it doesn't start raining on lap 1 and keeps on raining until the end of the race though :p!
That's always the risk with changeable weather... *Le Sarthe Endurance flashback*
May I suggest going with the no tunning allowed? I'd like to see how a race with an even field, including downforce/transmission would be like.


Metalmurphy said:
My I suggest going with the no tunning allowed? I'd like to see how a race with an even field, including downforce/transmission would be like.

It would be a far fairer fight.

Game with Ferrari F1 cars after?


Metalmurphy said:
May I suggest going with the no tunning allowed? I'd like to see how a race with an even field, including downforce/transmission would be like.
Good idea, I like it. Unless we hit the rev limit at every straight... X1 race after the main race.
Angst said:
Good idea, I like it. Unless we hit the rev limit at every straight... X1 race after the main race.

Oh god




Lol yeah, something like that.

I'll try to do a practice session on Friday at 23.00 CET - 01.00 CET. Hopefully US GAF can join as well then.

Everybody planning on participating should join, if possible.


Metalmurphy said:
May I suggest going with the no tunning allowed? I'd like to see how a race with an even field, including downforce/transmission would be like.

I'd like that too. I think it could only make the racing closer and thus more fun :)


Updated the race OP:

Tuning allowed:
  • Nada. Lounge will be set to no tuning allowed.
To be able to enter the race you will need to reset everything. I.e. transmission, suspension, LSD and all other tweakable settings.


Angst said:
Updated the race OP:

Tuning allowed:
  • Nada. Lounge will be set to no tuning allowed.
To be able to enter the race you will need to reset everything. I.e. transmission, suspension, LSD and all other tweakable settings.

This is good news.


Angst said:
Updated the race OP:

Tuning allowed:
  • Nada. Lounge will be set to no tuning allowed.
To be able to enter the race you will need to reset everything. I.e. transmission, suspension, LSD and all other tweakable settings.

It'll be a good race!


I tested a couple of laps now and the ZR1 doesn't hit the limiter at all, so this looks good. :)

Also and I can't stress this enough:

If I see people using the run-off areas when exiting corners and in Eau Rouge to avoid slowing down I will come down hard on you after the race. If it's consistent and not to avoid traffic etc you will end up with a nice "DQ" result. :p Of course I'll try to be reasonable and I won't say anything if it happens by accident, but it's pretty obvious if someone uses it as a strategy. If it happens by mistake, don't enter track ahead of someone - fall back.

Same thing goes for dive bombs, but that goes without saying.

I should also say that I think we're a pretty disciplined group and I won't spend hours going through the replay afterwards. So don't take the warning above as a sign that I don't trust you guys. I just think we need to be clear on what the rules are. I can post nice MS Paint pics if you want me to show the run-off areas I'm going on about.


Good to see you ruling with an iron fist angst :p

From my "practice" in a public setting this week a lot of people love cutting eau rouge and it can really help them cheat because of the massive straight just after it. The last chicane is usually a big problem to but I'd assume everyone racing in here would know not to cut any chicane.

The only other problem turn is Pouhon which is the big sweeping left turn towards the end of the track. It's got lots of tarmac run off but I'd say it's not as big of a problem since you will lose time going off there.
Dibbz said:
Good to see you ruling with an iron fist angst :p

From my "practice" in a public setting this week a lot of people love cutting eau rouge and it can really help them cheat because of the massive straight just after it. The last chicane is usually a big problem to but I'd assume everyone racing in here would know not to cut any chicane.

The only other problem turn is Pouhon which is the big sweeping left turn towards the end of the track. It's got lots of tarmac run off but I'd say it's not as big of a problem since you will lose time going off there.

There's a bit of grass between the road the the "safety" tarmac which makes it very dangerous. I span like crazy there once because a wheel touched it -.-


Dibbz said:
Good to see you ruling with an iron fist angst :p

From my "practice" in a public setting this week a lot of people love cutting eau rouge and it can really help them cheat because of the massive straight just after it. The last chicane is usually a big problem to but I'd assume everyone racing in here would know not to cut any chicane.

The only other problem turn is Pouhon which is the big sweeping left turn towards the end of the track. It's got lots of tarmac run off but I'd say it's not as big of a problem since you will lose time going off there.

When I gave the track a try so many people were cutting Eau Rouge.

It was a pain.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Also, I'd love a short 125 Kart race (or even non dlc karts) on the space track after that to dick around... 16 karts races, it must be glorious and super fun and we could even make it (fun) aggressive and have a bit of shoulder by shoulder :p


Full grid, awesome!

@Funkystudent: you're the first reserve and going by my experience that pretty much guarantees that you will be able to participate. Show up in the lounge sometime before qualifications starts. If everyone on the regular list shows up you'll have to leave room to them.

@Everyone: full room means loads of cars to keep track of, which of course is extremely important during the first lap when everyone is close together. 1st hairpin needs to be negotiated extremely carefully and you will have to start braking way before your usual brake point. Eau Rouge (the corners at the first uphill section) is the next point where you need to be really careful and go slower than usual. After that we have a long straight and you need to be careful to keep you wheels on the track. One touch of grass and you might spin out and take several other cars with you. The long straight ends in a sharp chicane and during the first lap you will have to brake earlier than usual due to cold tyres and traffic. After the chicane cars will start spreading out a bit and you can increase your pace.


Regarding shortcuts and using run-off areas to gain speed the areas where this might be an issue are: 4 and 5 (shortcut), 12 (run-off area), 18 (run-off area) and 19 and 20 (shortcut). I've seen loads of people taking 18 at full speed by using the run-offs and that is not acceptable. Same thing goes for 4 and 5. You will need to downshift (4 and 5) or tap the brakes (18).

The final chicane (19 and 20) - just stay on track. Curbs are part of the track. Outside the curbs is not part of the track.

When in doubt, just imagine these guys are watching the race:



Xun said:
Just over 2 minutes I believe.
Staying on the track at all times and with real grip levels I think my times were in the 2:12.xxx time range. Not sure though. Remember that you can't mess with suspension/transmission etc.
What are the penalties gonna be for corner cutting? Pretty sure we're gonna see alot of them in this race.

My suggestion:

1st infraction = Implied warning
2nd infraction = -10 seconds of the final time
3rd infraction = -30 seconds of the final time (10+20)
4th infraction = -60 seconds of the final time (10+20+30)
5th infraction = Disqualified

This ofcourse, applies only to intentional corner cutting, it's pretty easy to see in replays either you meant it or simply lost control of the car or something.


Angst said:
Staying on the track at all times and with real grip levels I think my times were in the 2:12.xxx time range. Not sure though. Remember that you can't mess with suspension/transmission etc.
Of course.

I think mine was around the same time as yours, I just forgot the exact times I was doing. I just knew it was closer to 2 minutes than 3 minutes.


Metalmurphy said:
What are the penalties gonna be for corner cutting? Pretty sure we're gonna see alot of them in this race.

My suggestion:

1st infraction = Implied warning
2nd infraction = -10 seconds of the final time
3rd infraction = -30 seconds of the final time (10+20)
4th infraction = -60 seconds of the final time (10+20+30)
5th infraction = Disqualified

This ofcourse, applies only to intentional corner cutting, it's pretty easy to see in replays either you meant it or simply lost control of the car or something.
Something like that yeah, but structuring it like that also means I would have to look through the replay from every car's perspective :/

I think this is how I will do it:

After the race I investigate the infractions I've seen together with the ones people bitches about after the race. Especially are the infractions where people gain a position. If someone gains a position by intentionally doing the things I've laid out as not allowed they're automatically disqualified. If people use short cuts to gain on the guys ahead they will get warnings in accordance with your system above.


1st infraction = Implied warning
2nd infraction = -10 seconds of the final time
3rd infraction = -30 seconds of the final time (10+20)
4th infraction = -60 seconds of the final time (10+20+30)
5th infraction = Disqualified

Cutting a corner or using a shoot-off area intentionally to gain a position results in a disqualification. If you do this by mistake (or intentionally) you should slow down and let the overtaken car get back it's position, doing this will save you from the DQ result.

This should work I think?


Angst said:
Staying on the track at all times and with real grip levels I think my times were in the 2:12.xxx time range. Not sure though. Remember that you can't mess with suspension/transmission etc.
I don't doubt you because it's probably possible but 2:12 is awfully fast. 2:14 was my average run. the tires deggregate very quickly. I think the real strategy call will be whether to go for a 1 stop strategy or 2 stop strategy, assuming 20 laps.


paskowitz said:
I don't doubt you because it's probably possible but 2:12 is awfully fast. 2:14 was my average run. the tires deggregate very quickly. I think the real strategy call will be whether to go for a 1 stop strategy or 2 stop strategy, assuming 20 laps.
I'm going by memory so it was probably a higher time. I'll check later.


MikeDub said:
As long a you don't start the race midway through qualifying again we should be fine :p

Be careful of this guys, it has happened the last 2 races.

Also, changing lanes repeatedly to avoid drag is not acceptable. Xun, I believe you did this last race. Please be careful.


Niks said:
Also, changing lanes repeatedly to avoid drag is not acceptable. Xun, I believe you did this last race. Please be careful.
I know and I've already apologised for the last race countless times.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
MikeDub said:
As long a you don't start the race midway through qualifying again we should be fine :p
LMAO, touché :p

I didn't do it on purpose, I wasn't even watching the screen but fighting with my gf and you can tell by the replay since when I looked back we were on the grid so I hit full throttle and immediately had a false start with penalty going last of the bunch.

I didn't even know each and every one of us could start the race, I thought only the room's host could!


Niks said:
Be careful of this guys, it has happened the last 2 races.

Also, changing lanes repeatedly to avoid drag is not acceptable. Xun, I believe you did this last race. Please be careful.
Is Toxa racing? LOL I still remember our race at Tokyo Toxa in the Super GT League!! :p
How does the "No tunning" option handle the BHP as far as brake-in and the oil trick go? Does it force you to limit the BHP to the stock value?
Metalmurphy said:
How does the "No tunning" option handle the BHP as far as brake-in and the oil trick go? Does it force you to limit the BHP to the stock value?

You can't do the oil trick on a RM, and angst will be able to limit the HP for cars that are broken in. The restricted tuning option doesn't limit your HP though.
weekend_warrior said:
You can't do the oil trick on a RM, and angst will be able to limit the HP for cars that are broken in. The restricted tuning option doesn't limit your HP though.

Yeah but the BHP limiter on online lounges is by steps, we won't be able to limit it to an exact value, which means some people can go over it.

I think it would be wise to limit it a little under the stock value if necessary.


So the no turning option means you cannot tweak any settings that are already available on the car? I assumed it meant that you couldn't add parts that it did not come with.

Anyway no tuning suspension might make the race a little more close even though it could be a pain for me to race with stock settings.


Dibbz said:
So the no turning option means you cannot tweak any settings that are already available on the car? I assumed it meant that you couldn't add parts that it did not come with.

Anyway no tuning suspension might make the race a little more close even though it could be a pain for me to race with stock settings.

Yeah, no tuning means means keeping the car completely stock, including the suspension/transmission/LSD settings.

I'm kinda regretting voting for it, I did a few laps with the car today and I'm not so happy with how it handles. But it's the same for everybody and it'll definitely make the racing closer.


ashk said:
Yeah, no tuning means means keeping the car completely stock, including the suspension/transmission/LSD settings.

I'm kinda regretting voting for it, I did a few laps with the car today and I'm not so happy with how it handles. But it's the same for everybody and it'll definitely make the racing closer.

Yeah it over and understeers almost at the same time. I think a lot of this has to do with the tires. RH are pretty slippery. Also the performance drop off once you hit the cliff is quite drastic. Like, it goes from maybe a second a lap slower at around 60-55% wear and then all the way to 3-4 seconds once you hit 49% or below. The car gets very unstable.
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