All of the issues present at the launch of GT5 and now at the launch of the first and likely last DLC for the next 6-10 months, further confirms my suspicion that the entire core of GT games is flawed and hasn't been rebuilt...ever. The driving model (which is fine because it is the best on any console) and the car models have been the sole focus of PD. The same event setup, license test, modding, oil changing, replay system, saving system (or lack there of) t has been nearly identical fashion since GT 1 or 2. All of these new features like B spec in GT4, online modes, gifting, DLC etc that they are trying to add to their game have to bend and twist to fit this archaic structure that PD has built. Seasonals are great, but they are silly. Why not have them implement into the A-spec game? Tons of other games manage the blend of DLC and original content with ease. Trophies separate without issue, the same game mechanics exist without issue. Look at Borderlands. Jumping between DLC and original content is flawless, and it juggles way more game mechanics than simply what cars you own.
Outside of the physics, modeling and lighting, GT6 needs a complete overhaul.