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Gran Turismo 5 Super GT League, presented by Mush & the NeoGAF Racing League.


Junior Member
Dibbz said:
Nice pics guys.


Toxa you got ahead hear because I got clipped from the back by someone and basically drifted around the previous corner.

Was fun racing because everyone was just full on, luckily we didn't have damage on :D

yes I know I was hoping it happens, it was the best coa and it payed :)


coa? If that means illegally blocking someone on a straight when they're about to blow past you then yes you are the best at that :p


Junior Member
Dibbz said:
coa? If that means illegally blocking someone on a straight when they're about to blow past you then yes you are the best at that :p

COA = Course of Action ;)

IMO win a race with splitstream sucks (there's no driving skills), the splitstream effect is overused in online race especially when your opponent has almost 30 HP more than you (505 vs 530)

I've never seen a Formula 1 race a driver winning in the last lap one the finish line with the splitsteam.

if it wasn't the last lap I let you overtake me.

imagine that you lead the entire race in Fuji and you lose it on the finish line because of the splitstream effect ... no it sucks

I Started the race in last position and I managed legally to take the first place I think I deserved this victory and my move was legitimate.

in the last race you did the same thing in the last lap and I managed to overtake you but it wasn't for the win.

So I think that kind of move is legitimate if it's for the win


Here is the replay I uploaded.


It was a fun race and I'm not bothered about the block, I found it funny but if it were to happen in a race I'd be mad.

Personally I think we should have F1 rules in regards to slipstream overtaking where you cannot make multiple turns on the straight to block an opponent. I think they allow the lead car to make one swerve but any more and it becomes illegal.

Dibbz said:
Here is the replay I uploaded.


It was a fun race and I'm not bothered about the block, I found it funny but if it were to happen in a race I'd be mad.

Personally I think we should have F1 rules in regards to slipstream overtaking where you cannot make multiple turns on the straight to block an opponent. I think they allow the lead car to make one swerve but any more and it becomes illegal.


I don't like blocking on straights at all during the middle of the race, but on the last lap? Yeah I'm gonna try to block and preserve my lead. I have to at least try and make you earn that win.


If someone tries to block me on the last lap on the finish start straight, I'm gonna pit maneuver them.

Racing is supposed to be clean and to compensate for the slipstream advantage one turn to block from the lead car is enough imo to make up for it. If you start moving erratically around the track or start pushing the other guy towards a wall as he is passing is not on imo.


I agree with Dibbz that there should be some rules regarding blocking, basically just something that says you're not allowed to swerve every time you opponent tries to go around you. F1 allows one move in one direction to try and block, and then another one to get back on the racing line. That's how I've been trying to race and I haven't had any problems either with overtaking or being overtaken. It shouldn't make any difference if it's the first or the last lap, a rule is a rule. Fighting for the win is good and all, but there has to be some fair play involved.


Junior Member
weekend_warrior said:
I don't like blocking on straights at all during the middle of the race, but on the last lap? Yeah I'm gonna try to block and preserve my lead. I have to at least try and make you earn that win.

totally agree I understand that kind of move in the last lap especially if it is to preserve the first place, I've done it in the practice session and I'll do it again in the race if I lead the last lap (only in the last lap)

the finish line becomes narrow in r246, it's easier to block with the walls where it is almost impossible at Grand Valley or fuji.

Racing is supposed to be clean

and it was clean you didn't crash into the wall, I did the fastest lap in the race I started in last position and you tell me I should sit down and let you pass me and not have my efforts rewarded.

the fastest lap in the last lap and I must let you pass, you think that make sense?

you did the same in the last race I didn't complain


Toxa said:
totally agree I understand that kind of move in the last lap especially if it is to preserve the first place, I've done it in the practice session and I'll do it again in the race if I lead the last lap (only in the last lap)

the finish line becomes narrow in r246, it's easier to block with the walls where it is almost impossible at Grand Valley or fuji.

and it was clean you didn't crash into the wall, I did the fastest lap in the race I started in last position and you tell me I should sit down and let you pass me and not have my efforts rewarded.

the fastest lap in the last lap and I must let you pass, you think that make sense?

you did the same in the last race I didn't complain
Toxa I'm not complaining about what happened yesterday but rather it made me realize this is something that we had never addressed.

What I'm saying is you should not make excessing maneuvers to stop the other driver at all costs. Using yesterdays race as an example (I'm not bothered about it since it was practice) I was leading, got spun out, saved it and still managed to keep right up your back. I think in a race that I would deserve not having you swerve all over the track to try and stop me from passing.

Blocking or defending is fine as long as it's not excessive, and the definition of excessive in this case should be making more than one attempt at a block.


You guys bring up a good point.

Mush??? What is your ruling here?

The current league rules don't mention anything about blocking specifically.

IMO I like what Dibbz said of the F1 style rules where you can make one movement to block, but after that it would result in a penalty.


Junior Member
Dibbz said:
Toxa I'm not complaining about what happened yesterday but rather it made me realize this is something that we had never addressed.

What I'm saying is you should not make excessing maneuvers to stop the other driver at all costs. Using yesterdays race as an example (I'm not bothered about it since it was practice) I was leading, got spun out, saved it and still managed to keep right up your back. I think in a race that I would deserve not having you swerve all over the track to try and stop me from passing.

Blocking or defending is fine as long as it's not excessive, and the definition of excessive in this case should be making more than one attempt at a block.

We did a lot race together and until today no one ever complain about excessive move.

I agree with you during the race bloking is excessive, but in the last lap on the finish line it's legitimate and I repeat only in the last lap.

saved it and still managed to keep right up your back.

because I have slowed down to avoid you and remember you car is faster and you were not capable to evade the lexus



you spun it wasn't your fault and I'm sorry but you lost the race here .

I would also say that Nab is a very good driver, he managed to fight with a lexus and I think he's restrained by his car and with a GTR it could run as fast as Fas or salascious


Toxa said:
I agree with you during the race bloking is excessive, but in the last lap on the finish line it's legitimate and I repeat only in the last lap.
The last lap is where it matters the most though. If you don't enforce the rule then what if I slam into the side of your car and spin you out on the last lap before the finish? That's excessive but if you're going to swerve to block me then whats stopping people from ramming people from behind?


In all of the races so far this has not been an issue. This happened because it was a 3 lap shootout, during a 30 lap race cars are far more spread out.

But I agree with Toxa on this one.
If its the last lap and I have someone on my tail, Im going to block block block, no matter if you are way faster. I have all the right to defend my position. If a crash happens it happens. Im sure it will be reviewed and penalties will be given if comes to that.

This would only apply in a last few laps scenario where position is at play. Any other lap it should be penalized. You are allowed to guard the inside line of turns and it the straights change lanes only once.

Also see the porsche vs Corvette battle.


Junior Member
UFRA said:
You guys bring up a good point.

Mush??? What is your ruling here?

The current league rules don't mention anything about blocking specifically.

IMO I like what Dibbz said of the F1 style rules where you can make one movement to block, but after that it would result in a penalty.

no the real question here is :

Is it legitimate to block a someone on the finish line for the win ?

check the replay and tell me what would you do ?

so far weekend_warrior is agree with that


Niks said:
In all of the races so far this has not been an issue. This happened because it was a 3 lap shootout, during a 30 lap race cars are far more spread out.

But I agree with Toxa on this one.
If its the last lap and I have someone on my tail, Im going to block block block, no matter if you are way faster. I have all the right to defend my position. If a crash happens it happens. Im sure it will be reviewed and penalties will be given if comes to that.

This would only apply in a last few laps scenario where position is at play. Any other lap it should be penalized. You are allowed to guard the inside line of turns and it the straights change lanes only once.

Also see the porsche vs Corvette battle.
Yeah I know it hasn't happened yet but we need to look at it now in case it does happen so people know what they can do in that situation.

Look at it from both perspectives guys. Both of you are just looking at it if you were in the lead. What if you were chasing, has a great exit and the guy in front slammed you up against a wall as you were passing.

Also on the Porsche and Corvette incident both drivers were at fault. The Vette bumped the Porsche and the Porsche driver clearly felt that was the sole reason the Vette was getting ahead so he ran him into the wall.
Listen, no one here is advocating smashing someone into the wall to block them from the win. But if you're coming down the last straight of a race there's nothing wrong with swerving a little to prevent drafting and if need be to set up a block. If someone has a real head of steam on you then it can be expected that they can cleanly pass without blocking being an issue, but if it's so close that they're sucking every last MPH they can from drafting you before attempting a pass, then there's nothing wrong with putting a block on them.

The bigger issue is people who block in the middle of races. It can be very difficult to safety pass on some tracks, so you shouldn't ruin a faster cars only chance to pass by being a dick.


After hearing more discussion on this, I can look at it from both ways:

If I was in the lead (hell, or any position really), and it was the LAST lap, I would feel that I would want to block someone from taking my position. This is the final lap afterall, and it's the one that counts the most. Any other lap I would NOT block someone.

If I was trying to overtake someone and it was the LAST lap, if they blocked me from passing when I just took a better driving line or something and had more speed, I'd be pissed. If they blocked me while I was just slipstreaming them on the final straight, I'd understand and accept it.

And when I use the word block, I mean basically doing what it takes (within reason) to prevent someone from passing - i.e. swerving to prevent slipstreaming, or moving in front of someone trying to pass ONLY if they are passing due to slipstreaming. I would NOT try to crash them or touch their car in any way, and I would NOT block someone who just took a better exit out of a corner than me and was faster. If they get their nose past my rear bumper then that's that. I'm not going to smash into them and prevent them from taking me.

That's my 2 cents on it.


One thing to pay extra attention to on Saturday (and practices) is the pit exit. You basically exit the pit at the wrong angle (too steep into the long straight) and need to take care to move over to the right side of the road to allow cars speeding down the straight pass you by.

And of course the whole track has no run-off zones, so everybody need to practice the track quite a lot, preferably with damage set to heavy.

Toxa said:
Feel free to join us !

I would like to, but I feel the need for some sleep... :) Some earlier practice sessions later in the week perhaps?


Hey guys, sorry for missing some races, I had lent GT5 to a friend during the holidays. But now I have it back so I'm ready to practice and race this Saturday : D


Konosuke said:
Hey guys, sorry for missing some races, I had lent GT5 to a friend during the holidays. But now I have it back so I'm ready to practice and race this Saturday : D
Thanks dude, I was just about to chase you up along with some other truant racers as well! :p
Konosuke said:
Hey guys, sorry for missing some races, I had lent GT5 to a friend during the holidays. But now I have it back so I'm ready to practice and race this Saturday : D

Awesome! 'cause you need to find a new teammate. I'm dropping out of the League, I hit the 4 race limit anyway, so you'll have to take on the remaining 4(?). Good luck, have fun!


BrLvgThrChmstry said:
Awesome! 'cause you need to find a new teammate. I'm dropping out of the League, I hit the 4 race limit anyway, so you'll have to take on the remaining 4(?). Good luck, have fun!
Wait what? You can still race if Konosuke can't make it dude. Points won't count towards your Drivers Standings, but they'll still count towards your Team rankings.
Mush said:
Wait what? You can still race if Konosuke can't make it dude. Points won't count towards your Drivers Standings, but they'll still count towards your Team rankings.

Unfortunately I won't be able to. I have found another replacement, waiting for for to accept -- BroseyBrose from the NRL, he was a teammate. He'll cover Konosuke in case he can't make it to any races. If Brosey declines, I'll find another.

Sorry about bailing out, I really appreciate all the work you pick into organizing the League. It was fun, lots of fun but some stuff has come up so... passing on the torch!



Course Map


Race Info

-20 Laps/63.57mi/102.32km


GT5 Race/Replay

Preview write-up by Mush

With the Drivers Championship now (mathematically) sealed away,and the mid-season break now over, the remaining 3 rounds are for pride and redemption for those now out of the hunt. However, one other important prize is still up for grabs; the Teams Championship title. Capsule Corp Racing lead the race for 2nd, with the next 3 contenders separated by only 25 points. Tight and narrow walls once again play a major part on this track, the 2nd of the planned street circuits. Tokyo R246 has a much faster flow than the previous round, Special Stage Route 5, with fast sweeping turns featured through out Sector 2 and beyond. Drivers will have to be even more careful as higher speeds could potentially lead to more mistakes. Of particular note is the 1st corner, which slows from well over 200kph to only round 100. During the opening laps when the tires will still be cold and everyone will be still trying to find their rhythm, any mistakes could be costly to their car and anyone around them, so drivers are advised to play it safe when passing.


He hasn't been online for quite some time. 10 days or something.

Nice preview mush! I have the honor of racing for my team on Saturday. I guess I will be up against you as usual toxa?


Niks said:
Should be the case yes.

What laptimes is everyone running?

I think 1.35-1.36 is possible if I really push it. I expect to do 1.38-1.39 laps at the race due to tyre conservation and slowing it down a bit to avoid slamming into walls...


Junior Member
Angst said:
He hasn't been online for quite some time. 10 days or something.

Nice preview mush! I have the honor of racing for my team on Saturday. I guess I will be up against you as usual toxa?

yep ;)
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