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Gran Turismo 5 Super GT League, presented by Mush & the NeoGAF Racing League.


Junior Member
Niks said:
However, I do wonder what tune would you be singing had you crashed lapping a limping car while on the lead ;)

I'll be pissed off, it happened to me once at Suzuka and I was in second place and I didn't ask to disable the full damages but this is racing and you must accept this situation.

but I must admit some backmarkers are sometimes dangerous !

anyway slow and steady wins the race;)


Is that what this league is about? Who is the best at avoiding obstacles? I'd rather we level the playing field a bit for everyone and make it about who is best at driving. From there, as people improve their skills, we can make it more hardcore.

People aren't asking to lower damage because of one race...they're asking because for the last 5 races we've had the same problems, and it's getting old. I understand that.

If putting light damage on allows people to get back in the race faster and make things more competitive, I'd rather sacrifice realism for more competition. That's why I joined this league, to compete with real drivers instead of crappy AI in GT5. lol

If not light damage, as others said before I do think the idea to allow TCS and ASM would do wonders in itself. The main reason people get damaged in the first place is due to failure to control their car.

Anyways, (I always end up typing more than I want to ugh..) we have debated this for a couple days now...it would be nice to hear what Mush has to say on the matter. Everyone who wanted to say something has done so at this point, so I'd say we're ready for some kind of conclusion.

I want to get back to practicing and less into debating...lol

PS I love you all


Junior Member
UFRA said:
Is that what this league is about? Who is the best at avoiding obstacles

avoid walls was important at SSR5 and R246.

I checked the replay and except the incident with gutter/ace the backmarkers wasn't the issue.

it's all about racing behavior ! at GVS the start was a failure , at R246 when you see 3 cars in the straight line trying to overtake themselves in the part where track is getting narrower we realize that something is wrong and turning the damages on light won't prevent that kind of crash and some of us will be always pissed off by the behavior of some drivers.




some drivers need to realize that they are racing and what it implies and training will improve their behavior !

imo we should at least maintain the full damage for the next race and see what happen

Dead Man

ashk said:
The thing is you drive differently during a qualifying lap and a race lap. If you go light damage you will most likely try to go faster than you would if it were heavy damage but not as fast as a qualifying lap since you don't want to spin out, but hitting the wall isn't such a big problem.

Also, light damage might make people more aggressive regarding overtaking (or defending from an overtake) - a bump with another car (not necessarily deliberate) doesn't have the same risk involved.
I don't think people can GET more aggressive than what we have now.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I love how I'm in that picture of the crash. D:

In all honestly, I left the last turn in 2nd (like staying on the rev limit) gearing up to 5th in the manual for the straight and honestly get sideways. I don't know if I caused the accident (as I didn't see anyone coming up on me) or not. D:


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The Calsonic.

My version of the events would be:

START! "Okay, they want me to stay in second..." (REV LIMITER CRYING OUT FOR THIRD) "But they want me to stay in second..." (Niks/Dibbz swerving, slowing down) "Shit, I'm catching up with him... and I'm still on the limit." (Brake brake, stay on limit while trying to keep a distance reasonable to last corner)

"Okay, third is off. Time to rev up and hit 5th and watch for the--"
"WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?" (spinning, counter steering while trying to make sure not to go into the lane, see Ace go past) "What that Ace!? Who the fuck/what the fuck hit me!?"

(Damage to center: Engine? Damage on top left/right wheels)

"Fuck, I'm too far from the pitlane and going backwards probably isn't smart with the faster cars with this heavy damage, I'll do a lap. FUUUUCK."

(Pretty much out of the race at that point despite starting fourth, cue disappointment and anger)
Toxa said:

Going by this picture I don't think it was your fault, unless you slammed into someone in front of you. I can't think of one reason why that Epson should be where it is, it's right into your rear quarter panel.

And you don't need to stay in second for the entire parade lap, you just need to maintain a 2 to 3 car gap between you and the person in front. Nobody should need the rev limiter to maintain their speed. We had one guy during practice lagging way behind and his excuse was thats as fast as he could go in 2nd. Come on dude. That's fucking ridiculous. I used 4th gear during the testing without any problems, it was very comfortable.
Before it goes any further, I'm going to address what happened.

Parade lap goes smoothly. On the straight, The Ace Nismo makes a move to the inside. I cannot see this happen as I gave The Seks GTR space by taking the outside. At this point they are so close they look like one arrow.


Ace Nismo tries to squeeze through at full speed and makes contact.



From the impact, this sends Seks towards me, which by the first pic you can see I gave him space and only saw one arrow and did not expect anything that came next.



Here you'll see that if it were two cars wide, there would have been no inside bump therefore no issue.


By this point Ace is going clean while me and Seks are goners. In the last photo, you can see the Ace Nismo bumper that had contact.




Ace Nismo continues down the straight. Tears ensued.



Race results after 20 laps


Team points standings after Round Five


Drivers standings after Round Five
(please note, this only shows the drivers who have competed so far)



Fastest Lap during Main Race: Gutterboy44 +10 points
Most Lead Laps: Toxa +10 points
MVP: Toxa +15 points
Spirit of Translator-san: Angst +15 points


Copy these to your XMB and import them to GT5 in the Replay menu.

Round Five - Tokyo R246



I'm 99% certain I've fucked up the points again so as always, feel free to yell at me.

UFRA said:
Anyways, (I always end up typing more than I want to ugh..) we have debated this for a couple days now...it would be nice to hear what Mush has to say on the matter. Everyone who wanted to say something has done so at this point, so I'd say we're ready for some kind of conclusion.

PS I love you all
Ahh, well... um... ok? There's nothing I can really do about it as...

1. There is no clear majority among everyone.
2. We are well over halfway into the season.

What I think? We fine tune a few things but not make any drastic changes for the remainder of the races. Yes, I know a lot of you are sick of certain things and want things done differently, but that's how Mush rolls. Those changes will be voted on by you for Season 2, by using feedback and blah blah blah you get the idea.

Edit: Most of the problems stem from a Kaz/game design thing, so if you're reading this Mr. Yamauchi, that patch better be something mind blowing.
To be fair the incident with fear effect and seeks wasn't anyones fault. When we changed the rules to 'you start from the last corner' we should have added that there is no overtaking before the start finish line. We had a bunch of cars, myself included who were damaged before the race had actually started.

Oh and Mush I think these 3 races are the best time to start changing things, hopefully set us up for a hassle free second season.


Mush said:
I'm 99% certain I've fucked up the points again so as always, feel free to yell at me.

Ahh, well... um... ok? There's nothing I can really do about it as...

1. There is no clear majority among everyone.
2. We are well over halfway into the season.

What I think? We fine tune a few things but not make any drastic changes for the remainder of the races. Yes, I know a lot of you are sick of certain things and want things done differently, but that's how Mush rolls. Those changes will be voted on by you for Season 2, by using feedback and blah blah blah you get the idea.

Edit: Most of the problems stem from a Kaz/game design thing, so if you're reading this Mr. Yamauchi, that patch better be something mind blowing.
That's why you need to make an executive decision! :D When we're bickering like school children you should just come out and say "this how it will be". You can't make everyone happy so you just have to decide.


Thats unfortunate.

I guess practices are now irrelevant. Will have to improvise come race day and hope for the best.


Why were you guys starting from the last corner? The finish/straight is so long that this was bound to happen. Starting from the beep (finish/start line) would have made more sense. That's the conclusion we came to when we practiced it.


Junior Member
Mush said:
I'm 99% certain I've fucked up the points again so as always, feel free to yell at me.

indeed xD


Fastest Lap during Main Race: Gutterboy44 +10 points
Most Lead Laps: Toxa +10 points
MVP: Toxa +15 points

pole position for gutterboy but fastest lap during the race for Niks

305+125 = 430 for Capsule Corp Racing

also I am interested in the solution to make the qualifying session the day before the race ! and race day all we have to do is make sure everyone is synchronized and start the race


Dibbz said:
Why were you guys starting from the last corner? The finish/straight is so long that this was bound to happen. Starting from the beep (finish/start line) would have made more sense. That's the conclusion we came to when we practiced it.
That was my idea... I felt it was really silly going down the long straight at 60 mph, so I suggested we start it from the corner instead. We tried it in practice and it worked well. Didn't work so good in race. Bad idea from me :p

What I didn't like with starting at the finish/start line was that car#1 was going up the long straight in an arrow straight line, while car#2 and #3 where swerving back and forth - making the distance between #1 and #2 too long. And I was in car#4 seeing #1 pull ahead and hence I thought it was a bad idea. No slalom on the long straight would have worked as well.

Toxa said:
also I am interested in the solution to make the qualifying session the day before the race ! and race day all we have to do is make sure everyone is synchronized and start the race
I think we would have some of those pesky time zones issues. People in the league are from NZ, Europe and the US. So in order to make it work for everyone it would have to start around 22.00 GMT and end 6.00 AM GMT...


Junior Member
MikeDub said:
We had a bunch of cars, myself included who were damaged before the race had actually started.

in the replay I saw you turn around and go into the pits, and that kind of move should be banned ! I know you were pissed off but ineffect mode, seks... did the entire lap before to go to the pit
Toxa said:
in the replay I saw you turn around and go into the pits, and that kind of move should be banned ! I know you were pissed off but ineffect mode, seks... did the entire lap before to go to the pit

It was either that or I was turning it off, didn't make a difference anyway.


Junior Member
MikeDub said:
It was either that or I was turning it off, didn't make a difference anyway.

turning off = no points for your team ... :(

Angst was damaged in the parade lap and he managed to reach the podium, gutter crashed + drive through + another pit stop and he managed to get second.

anything is possible, your race in never over until the finish line


Toxa said:
turning off = no points for your team ... :(

Angst was damaged in the parade lap and he managed to reach the podium, gutter crashed + drive through + another pit stop and he managed to get second.

anything is possible, your race in never over until the finish line
How did that even happen? I saw it in the replay, but couldn't figure out why his car never stopped for repairs.


Junior Member
Angst said:
How did that even happen? I saw it in the replay, but couldn't figure out why his car never stopped for repairs.


gutterboy44 said:
Edit:rage dump 2

Not to mention after Konosuke took me out, I went to pit, the AI takes control yanks me into a wall, and my car just drives through the entire pit lane without stopping. Had to do another entire fucking lap with massive damage, to pit again.

I am so pissed. GVS I was competitive and taken out, ok I can deal. This I was easily in the lead, pulling away, 11 second lead and get smashed.

huge bug
Dibbz said:
Why were you guys starting from the last corner? The finish/straight is so long that this was bound to happen. Starting from the beep (finish/start line) would have made more sense. That's the conclusion we came to when we practiced it.

Any pre established rules got thrown out of the window due to the hassle we had getting sync'd up and all that, the organisation in general was not one of the finest moments.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
[In//Effect-Mode] said:
Before it goes any further, I'm going to address what happened.

Okay, so I was right in my assumption that Ace hit me. I ain't mad, just pissed about going from 4th to being totally out of the race from the get-go over that. Shit happens, but I went the lap, pitted and then was too slow to continue. I knew I was gonna be near dead last, but I'm more annoyed that I had no chance/competition after that. :/

In any case: I won't be back for Season 2. I don't have the skill/ability for this, sorry guys.

My opinion is:

Mush needs to be a neutral third party or find someone that can be. If he's racing, he needs someone outside of the "league"/racers to establish rules. Dovetailing into that: He needs someone(s) that can BE THERE ON TIME to establish the pecking order and "okay, we're qualifying, we're practice, we're racing..." Sitting around waiting for Mush is annoying and not very "professional."

I ain't saying "LOL YOU GUYS SUCK YOU NEED TO DO BLAH BLAH BLAH" but if you're gonna have a league and set up an established time: BE THERE ON TIME OR EARLY so we/the league can hammer issues out quickly instead of being yet-again another hour behind.

Edit: Oh, and Mush: You need to lay down the law. "We needed people to fill the sixteen slots" is okay. But the thing is, we/you don't have that many people. Either start to go hardcore (and lose some people) or go casual (and lose a few people). YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE. You need to make a decision man. Or hammer it/throw the ball back and forth and get more ideas before you make a decision. It's your league/topic, we're just the followers.


BTW The Seks - did you try to do the changes to your car's setup I sent you via PM? Should make it more controllable.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Angst said:
BTW The Seks - did you try to do the changes to your car's setup I sent you via PM? Should make it more controllable.

Not yet. I'll be doing that tomorrow.


Mush said:
Ahh, well... um... ok? There's nothing I can really do about it as...

1. There is no clear majority among everyone.
2. We are well over halfway into the season.

What I think? We fine tune a few things but not make any drastic changes for the remainder of the races. Yes, I know a lot of you are sick of certain things and want things done differently, but that's how Mush rolls. Those changes will be voted on by you for Season 2, by using feedback and blah blah blah you get the idea.

Edit: Most of the problems stem from a Kaz/game design thing, so if you're reading this Mr. Yamauchi, that patch better be something mind blowing.

My bad, next time there is a big debate going on in the league I will not ask the opinion of the leader of the league. How silly of me. :p

I assume the whole "court in session" thing was a joke? I thought we were actually going to decide on something.

I don't care if it's "dealwithit.gif nothing changes" or "we change this and this" I just want to know what we're doing, since right now a lot of people are under the impression we want to change stuff.

Sorry but you can still do something, we're 62% into the season (only 1 race past the half way point). Now is a good time to make a decision so that if you do change something, we can see how it works and we'll have a lot more knowledge on what to do for season 2. :)


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Toxa said:
Love that bug. Happened to me on the very first round at Suzuka. Can really make you feel special..
I say we run Fuji with heavy damage, but allow traction control and whatever else. See how that works and if we still have a lot of problems run the last 2 races with light damage.


Junior Member
blu said:
Love that bug. Happened to me on the very first round at Suzuka. Can really make you feel special..

LMAO, an unscheduled pit stop, the team was not ready, very realistic :D


weekend_warrior said:
I say we run Fuji with heavy damage, but allow traction control and whatever else. See how that works and if we still have a lot of problems run the last 2 races with light damage.
Agree. Minus Skid Recovery as that makes it totally unfair IMO. "Hand of God" as Kaz described it in a tweet. No thanks :D


weekend_warrior said:
I say we run Fuji with heavy damage, but allow traction control and whatever else. See how that works and if we still have a lot of problems run the last 2 races with light damage.

Good point, I think that's a simple enough idea that's worth a shot.

Start chipping away at the problem a little at a time so that we can find the right mix of settings.

TCS and ASM are all we'd need to allow really, ASM will really help those who are having trouble with the cars as far as spinouts go. Personally even I would turn TCS to "1" if we did this because even my car gets pretty tail happy sometimes lol.


weekend_warrior said:
I say we run Fuji with heavy damage, but allow traction control and whatever else. See how that works and if we still have a lot of problems run the last 2 races with light damage.

I agree with enabling assists. (Maybe we can get a clear majority on this point at least?)


On the previous page when Angst originally brought up the idea of assists, Toxa and Dibbz both were for it as well.

Up to 7 votes for assists already! :)
Mush, 2krunners should have more than 465 points. That´s what i got in those four races.

It needs to be 465 + what Chimilosky got in his first race.


I´m ok with letting people use assists, as long as skid recovery remains off.


Awesome practice session! The battle I had with Ufra in the last race were really good. And I believe Toxa and Ashk had a nice battle in the race before that.

Some pics:

I get sandwiched between Weekend Warrior and Toxa - Toxa spins out but as I got hit from both sides at the same time I make it away:

Toxa at the back, swearing in French :D

Ufra about to slipstream past me:


TheSeks said:
In any case: I won't be back for Season 2. I don't have the skill/ability for this, sorry guys.

My opinion is:

Mush needs to be a neutral third party or find someone that can be. If he's racing, he needs someone outside of the "league"/racers to establish rules. Dovetailing into that: He needs someone(s) that can BE THERE ON TIME to establish the pecking order and "okay, we're qualifying, we're practice, we're racing..." Sitting around waiting for Mush is annoying and not very "professional."

I ain't saying "LOL YOU GUYS SUCK YOU NEED TO DO BLAH BLAH BLAH" but if you're gonna have a league and set up an established time: BE THERE ON TIME OR EARLY so we/the league can hammer issues out quickly instead of being yet-again another hour behind.

Edit: Oh, and Mush: You need to lay down the law. "We needed people to fill the sixteen slots" is okay. But the thing is, we/you don't have that many people. Either start to go hardcore (and lose some people) or go casual (and lose a few people). YOU CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE. You need to make a decision man. Or hammer it/throw the ball back and forth and get more ideas before you make a decision. It's your league/topic, we're just the followers.
I'm glad someone has had the balls to finally put me in my place and speak up. TBH, I have always thought I had done a far from ideal job in running this League so far; this post confirms it.

Yes, I've had a heap of praise dished out from a lot of you, and I thank you for your support, but I know deep down I haven't been doing that well. You guys have spoken up and made your voices heard, and I have decided that we will be making no changes to the League format for the remainder of this season. All rules and settings will remain as they are. However, I will review this decision if Fridays patch contents demand it.

With that said, I am starting to put plans together for a possible Season 2 (if the interest is there of course). One possible idea I have is to separate a portion of the field into 2 classes, with the one class using the GT300 Super GT cars, ideal for those who aren't as quick as everyone else.

Let us work together and make Season 2 the best for everyone.

Mush away!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Okay, good to know. Tomorrow I'll try Angst's tweaks after putting my backup file back up (need to send one car from the online dealership to my alt before that) with no assists. Se how that helps.

As it is, you do need to work on things. That isn't saying "LOL YOU'RE DOING A POOR JOB" as it's your first outing, but you do need to improve on things: the time/WWMD? before a race especially is notable for me (and forgetting whoever) that were getting annoyed waiting around for you to be there so we could get started on racing.

I say: You take these last 2 (3? I signed up for three back-to-back-to-back and Dead Man was doing the 'ring? Where is the extra race coming from?) races times and think about what you want to do. Do you want to be more accessible, or do you want to be a true "simulation" (within GT5's simulation that is) and have the vocal/more hardcore portion of GAF (however small) join you for the second league?

That said, I think the biggest issue you have is that the interest in the league in general died a few weeks after GT5 launched. People got kids, or they got turned off from GT5's numerous issues. You're probably never (no offense) gonna get 16 hardcore racers. And as it is, you're probably not gonna get 16 casual/middle-of-the-roads either.

This is probably because:
-Aforementioned interest in GT5 dying
-Time zones (US/NZ, AU/Asia and EU all having to work at the same time for a weekend race)
-SuperGT minority (no offense)

So you... as mushy (no pun intended) as this sounds: need to "look into your heart" and figure out what you want from this.

It's typical GAF. Outside of shooters (and even then not very much) you don't get a hardcore set of people that are willing to put in time with one game for more than a couple of weeks.
Mush said:
I'm glad someone has had the balls to finally put me in my place and speak up. TBH, I have always thought I had done a far from ideal job in running this League so far; this post confirms it.

Yes, I've had a heap of praise dished out from a lot of you, and I thank you for your support, but I know deep down I haven't been doing that well. You guys have spoken up and made your voices heard, and I have decided that we will be making no changes to the League format for the remainder of this season. All rules and settings will remain as they are. However, I will review this decision if Fridays patch contents demand it.

With that said, I am starting to put plans together for a possible Season 2 (if the interest is there of course). One possible idea I have is to separate a portion of the field into 2 classes, with the one class using the GT300 Super GT cars, ideal for those who aren't as quick as everyone else.

Let us work together and make Season 2 the best for everyone.

Mush away!

The Dude abides.

I'd like to make a suggestion for Season 2- Open the field to all race cars. Personally I'm just not digging on the SuperGTs. I can think of about 20 cars in my possession that are more fun to drive, and honestly, that's all that matters. If you take the MetalMurphy League for example, all the cars are different, some are clearly faster then others, but nobody really cares because they picked their car because they love to drive it and it suits their style, not because it's the fastest thing out there.

So I think if we open the selection to any race/RM car, set tentative hp/weight restrictions, then everybody will get a car their more comfortable with.

Juicy Bob

As a quick aside to all this, I'd just like to say that after completing three full races in this league I can honestly say that this has been a shit load of fun and it'd be a shame if I don't get to continue racing with you all after this particular season reaches its conclusion. I don't regret getting involved for a second.
weekend_warrior said:
The Dude abides.

I'd like to make a suggestion for Season 2- Open the field to all race cars. Personally I'm just not digging on the SuperGTs. I can think of about 20 cars in my possession that are more fun to drive, and honestly, that's all that matters. If you take the MetalMurphy League for example, all the cars are different, some are clearly faster then others, but nobody really cares because they picked their car because they love to drive it and it suits their style, not because it's the fastest thing out there.

So I think if we open the selection to any race/RM car, set tentative hp/weight restrictions, then everybody will get a car their more comfortable with.
I would be against this, I like that we all have the same type of cars. Personally I am looking forward to driving the lexus again next season as I have grown to like it. At the end of the day though I just want to be able to get a nice group of people together and have some great racing.


Same here, I love racing in my car and racing with you guys. The battles I had yesterday in practice were the most satisfying moments I've had in a racing game. Actually it is worth being in the league just for the practice sessions.


Junior Member
MikeDub said:
I would be against this, I like that we all have the same type of cars. Personally I am looking forward to driving the lexus again next season as I have grown to like it. At the end of the day though I just want to be able to get a nice group of people together and have some great racing.

I agree with mike, this is SuperGT I do not see no reason to allow other cars.

IMO MM League should be open for everyone while the SuperGT league should be restricted to a class of vehicle / driver.

so far I'm still ok for a second season, I like racing with you and I hope the new update will help to balance the gap between some cars.

Mush said:
With that said, I am starting to put plans together for a possible Season 2 (if the interest is there of course). One possible idea I have is to separate a portion of the field into 2 classes, with the one class using the GT300 Super GT cars, ideal for those who aren't as quick as everyone else.

I was thinking the same for the next season (and I was about to submit this idea) IMO both class should race at the same time but in separate room
Toxa said:
I agree with mike, this is SuperGT I do not see no reason to allow other cars.

IMO MM League should be open for everyone while the SuperGT league should be restricted to a class of vehicle / driver.

so far I'm still ok for a second season, I like racing with you and I hope the new update will help to balance the gap between some cars.

I was thinking the same for the next season (and I was about to submit this idea) IMO both class should race at the same time but in separate room

Theres a first.

I wouldn't mind a multicar race season, on the same track at the same time. Would make things pretty interesting, you could even make it so they can have whatever assists they want, that would be a nice blend.
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