I like to shuffle PBGM through the menus and I noticed one of the updates fixed the
repeat-same-track-over-and-over-if-it-didn't-play-all-the-way-thru issue (thank you) but now it doesn't seem to hold the shuffle setting from the select folder menu prompted by GT music selection option.
Maybe this never worked in this game and I didn't notice cause I ditched the menu music early on because of the track repetition? Maybe this is a console issues that has nothing to do with the game. Maybe it's another example of
PD's you-can't-have-it-all-dumbass way of doing things. IDK
BTW, my login bonus has climbed successfully to 170% but put in at least an hour of racing each day. If it were to reset, I would probably be pissed enough to do this:
It is bonus for credits and you can bypass the system with changes to consoles Time Zone settings in the XMB. I live in Europe, CET +1 and I always use bypass around 18:00 summer/19:00 winter time, because of the +15 minutes differences in TimeZones regarding my zone in the Nothern hemisphere. It is possible to hop from basic 110% bonus to 200% max within one hour of cheking and rebooting the game for 5 times in total and then start playing for real.
EDIT: Ok, issue fixed. if I exit out to console ui and reset same folder to shuffle there - it holds it in GT6....