Impressions update:
-Still enjoying the improved physics but it still has some flaws that other GT games have had
-Friends racing line in Seasonal TT and Licenses tests! This is the little kind of thing GT needs way more of. Bring in some life and some competition in every little spot possible because you aren't gonna get shit for competition against the AI
-Mission Races, Coffee Breaks. Anything that isn't AI racing is so much more fun. I could do these all day.
-The Eco Challenge Coffee break. This is exactly what I have been talking about in all the GT improvements posts. Do something with the cars that teaches you about the cars a little more, and all of the different aspects of racing and driving. Give me a challenge with completely worn tires. Give me a challenge where the suspension is setup wrong. Give me a challenge where it highlights how tuning can drastically change the car feel. The very first few seasonals in GT5 were actually indirectly tuning challenges that taught you the valuse of non PP affecting upgrades. You had to have the upgraded gearbox to pass that Fiat one or what ever it was. Play to these strengths damn it!
-Goodwood and Moon. I wish there were about 50 more Goodwood challenges. I don't even know how I golded them all because I was a few whiskeys deep that night and when I turned it on in the morning I was like, "I finished those?" So yeah, X1 drunk up Goodwood for the win. The moon is classic GT fun/silliness. Just shows how much they dropped the ball with the Top Gear license last time. That show is loaded with sillyness and the best PD could muster was a VW bus around the TG track.
The absolutely biggest con is the complete lack of transmissions/drivetrain in the physics modeling. Maybe it is because the tires and suspension are better it highlights the other flaws more, but it just feels terrible. Cars are so numb in braking and corner entry. Aggressive downshifting does nothing, it is as if the transmission is a one way street. If I am boming around in a Miata, a good chunk of my braking is going to come from the proper down shifts to slow the rear. I can't for the life of me get cars to feel lively in corner entry with TBO or TTO. I can get TTO but you have to do it so exageratly or I have to really flick the car in there. I feel like the physics don't even "turn on" until you put the power down or post apex. So much of driving these lower cars is finessing the coasting of moments between brake and gas and there is just nothing without the transmissions being modeled correctly. All of the coasting feels the same, whether it is a Honda Fit or a nutso Mercedes Vision concept car. I don't think they have to model each transmission exactly how it is for each car, but break it down into some general categories. This is a 4-speed feel, this is a modern 6-speed, paddle shift, race grade transmission, etc. This is almost becoming worse than the sounds for me. It takes away so much of the feel.

-Tearing is still annoying in cockpit view, but I am keeping it at 1080p cause I don't like how it looks in 720p at all. I typically look past it when focusing on the road.
The AI is bollocks and 100% broken as always. Really? The cars are applying the brakes on and off and on and off through the apex into corner exit? This would be like playing an FPS game where the AI 's bullets shot out backward through the butt of the rifle. It is such a basic concept of racing it blows my fucking mind and makes the AI a sideshow every time the approach a corner. Then, on straights, it gives them little extra acceleration to make up for the laughable corner effort. There are also some weird physics going on with the AI cars. I have seen cars endo while braking and it seems it shifts way too much weight forward when some cars brake hard. I have to think the AI doesn't "drive" the cars so much as a system is just moving around the cars at a pre determined rate, so it can always brake harder or accelerate more to keep it right in that window of speed. Hilarious to watch, but pathetic in such a distinguished franchsie.
-The light bloom. Ok we get it, transitions into light makes things brighter for a bit. However, I can squint my eyes in real life, in your game, when you make 95% of my screen pure white, squinting doesn't reveal any more detail. For the masters of lighting, the over done bloom is a huge turn off. I had to switch to the hood cam at Willow Springs it was so bad in one of the challenges.
-Changing the same settings in every fucking challenge/event. Give my driver a profile, and let that carry everywhere. Also, give me the same little HUD icons for TCS,ASM, etc right at the pre-grid menu so I can tell if this is a car I disabled all assists on without going into all the menus. I swear I am in menus more than on the track for some of these challenges.