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Gran Turismo 6 Review Thread


I don't get the complaints about the venturebeat review, so he's not a driving simulation fan, so what? You have 50 other sites providing reviews from fans of the genre, go read those, lets get some varied perspectives in here. Consumers who are not particularly fans of a genre will often consider picking up a game in that genre getting excellent reviews, their decision will be much better informed if there are some reviews out there from people like themselves.
You should expect that at least the same reviewer that did FM5 does GT6. Seems that someone in charge to that site does not have much interest in GT and don't care to give a quality review.

The gamereactor review is also a disgrace, can't be more hateful about the series, anyone interested use a translator. Even the physics talk makes no sense, like he was playing with all aids on. :/
Yeah, Kaz should just stay in Japan and pretend like he knows how to race and somehow use that lack of motorsport driving experience to help better the game's driving mechanics.
In any case, if that is all he has to offer the direction of the franchise then it is time to step aside.
sounds is a deal breaker. From the GB quick look you can clearly see the frame rate drop in cockpit view as well.

I have to agree with the sound. I was admittedly busy gawking at the premium cars(dat F40) in GT5 to really be too bothered by it, but then I played Forza 4...

I have my problems with Forza 5, but the minor(yes, I think they're minor, I have a PC for my bleeding edge visuals, have you seen my Skyrim?) jaggies and microtransactions get stuffed into the trunk when I crank up the volume and turn down the lights.


Kaz does listen to what the GT community generally wants.

Well... that's very debattable. Sounds (huge point), clutch, not being able to buy multiple cars at the same time, too many GTRs, too many japanses cars, not being able to zap the car delivery, etc... say otherwise.


metacritic is serious business for some.
Clearly. I'm always interested in reading reviews for new games, but the way people get worked up over them consistently amazes me.

This is a PS3 title and won't move any PS4s so MS could easily have given them the OK to throw Sony a bone here, it helps toward maintaining the appearance of objectivity to someone who doesn't pay as much attention.
You're probably entirely serious too, aren't you?
Any mention of the microtransactions and how much they are a pay wall holding your time hostage? Or is the grind not really a grind at all?
I haven't had time to read all the reviews for any mention of such thing (was busy updating the OP), although there has been reports form people who got the game earlier that the payment system is similar to that of GT5, if not slightly better. In other words, it seems as the micro-transaction has no noticeable effect on the game play other than being an option for those who don't want to grind for the cars they want.
Kaz does listen to what the GT community generally wants.

Unfortunately, sometimes (mainly making the game too fucking easy sometimes :)).

Yeah, Kaz should just stay in Japan and pretend like he knows how to race and somehow use that lack of motorsport driving experience to help better the game's driving mechanics.

Yep, just give the direction of the series to Codemasters, I'm sure it would be SO MUCH BETTER and that every new game in the franchise would be SO INNOVATIVE!

GT isn't cool anymore, truthfact.
That's what will happen when you continually ignore what everyone tells you your weaknesses are.

They don't seem them ignoring what people said since they did fix some of the problems .
Still GT6 seems like a rush game since we already know about a whole bunch of patches that going to come .
GT6 a few months from now going to be a different game but that is not best way to do things .
Maybe they should have just waited or just bring out a PS4 version either way it is what it is .


I understand this will most likely sit at a lower score than GT5, but could anyone possibly say that GT5 is superior to GT6? It's a racing game, so there is no story, and I have personally never played a sim racer that was worse than its predecessor. Just trying to put this into perspective for those feeling a bit unsure after the reviews (which are still good anyway). For a newcomer, would anyone recommend GT5 over GT6? I don't think anyone really would, and so if you are a PS3 gamer in need of a racing sim, this is the game to get by the sounds of it (no pun intended).

77%, is it good or bad?

It means it's quite good, but most gamers these days won't accept anything lower than a 9/10 for a AAA release sadly.


It's reviewing pretty much like how every other GT game is reviewed. Which is great if you already love the series like millions around the world do.


[URL="http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation/gran-turismo"]Gran Turismo- 96
Gran Turismo 2 - 93
Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec - 95
Gran Turismo 4 - 89
Gran Turismo 5 - 84
Gran Turismo 6 - 76

I fully expect the latest version's average to go up, but not doubting, that it's the worst reviewed GT by some distance.


Yes. the sound department is complete crap in GT. Don't even bother arguing with anyone saying otherwise.

That they did not fix it in 3 years time, with all the fans feedback begging for better sounds, just shows how, IMO, PD totally lost the sense of priorities. (to be fair: Kaz said that they are working on enhancing sounds...but he is not sure if they will make it for GT6... take that as you wish).

I really, honestly, don't even understand what PD sound engineers have been doing for 3 years.

I'm not going to argue with anyone saying otherwise, I know that pitch / tone like the back of my hand, it's fucking mind boggling.
GTA5 has better car audio, GTA5........... think about that :(

Total and utter stagnation, glad the reviews are reflecting that. I have no idea either what their sound department actually does?
77%, is it good or bad?
It's good, although they are a decline from previous games. However, if you liked the previous games, you should enjoy this one. Hopefully, though, we'll see some improvement in other areas other than adding more contents once GT7 rolls around.


read the danish review.. he (Thomas Blichfeldt) likes his racing games (he is a good games critic)..
- he mentions bad menus (not as bad as GT5 but still bad)
- New physics that sometimes fail to work.
- License tests are a pain.
- Repeats of flaws from older games.
and much more..

Damn that doesn't sound good, what does physics that sometimes don't work mean, just bad behavior in some cars/tracks or does it fail to update ?

I will probably wait until some more sim oriented pages get reviews up.


Gamesreactor - 5/10 (Sweden and Finland)

Realmente tenía la esperanza de que Polyphony Digital, con Kazunori Yamauchi a la cabeza, pudieran acertar a la hora de resolver los problemas que lleva arrastrando la serie de juegos en la última década. Lamentablemente, no es el caso, porque Gran Turismo 6 parece una expansión insípida y descuidada que por desgracia presenta demasiados problemas. El estudio intenta divertirte con muchas cosas, pero a la vez te desinfla las ruedas, y aunque cantidad de todos esos ingredientes tienen un gran potencial o incluso llegan a funcionar, la suma de aspectos positivos se anula con el mismo número de fallos.

Dude, that's spanish.
Gamesreactor - 6/10 (Norway and Denmark)

Gran Turismo 5 warf bereits die Frage auf, ob die Serie mit der Zeit nicht schrittweise ihren Führungsanspruch eingebüßt hat. Damals war ich mir bei der Beantwortung dieser Frage nicht sicher. Gran Turismo 6 macht es mir nun sehr leicht. Der neue Teil ist kein strahlender Superstar mehr, wie es sie Vorgänger der Serie einmal waren. Wir lassen uns eben nicht länger nur von einer Masse an Karren und feinster Polygon-Grafik beeindrucken. Die Welt hat sich verändert, ebenso wie das Genre

And that's german.
77%, is it good or bad?

For a Gran Turismo game? Nobody should have to tell you the answer to that question. Gran Turismo used to be the most dependable 90%+ franchise Sony had in their stable. PD really never got their footing for the PS3 generation. Or, they just got out-creative'd by the guys at Turn 10 who couldn't quite compete on the exquisite details of Gran Turismo, but exceeded anything ever done for racing games' online functionality and features.

Part of the reason PD seems stuck in "old ways" is because Turn 10 has been treading on good, new ground. Things don't look old and stale until competition comes with fresh ideas and executes in a way that changes the baseline expectations of a genre.

I think GT3 may have been my favorite game of all time. Top 5 for sure. So it's kinda sad to see a lack of feature innovation over the last several years of GT releases and waiting.
Ugh. The mentality of hinging a game's quality on metacritic numbers needs to die. How did this shit even get to be standard anyway?
I'm stuck waiting for my copy to arrive! Will read some of these to pass the time.

Reviews are what I expected overall though, GT6 always felt like it would be a refinement of 5 than a true leap forward.
For a Gran Turismo game? Nobody should have to tell you the answer to that question. Gran Turismo used to be the most dependable 90%+ franchise Sony had in their stable. PD really never got their footing for the PS3 generation. Or, they just got out-creative'd by the guys at Turn 10 who couldn't quite compete on the exquisite details of Gran Turismo, but exceeded anything ever done for racing games' online functionality and features.

Part of the reason PD seems stuck in "old ways" is because Turn 10 has been treading on good, new ground. Things don't look old and stale until competition comes with fresh ideas and executes in a way that changes the baseline expectations of a genre.
They've had since 2005 to adjust to the competition from Forza. That's 8 years. In fact they've had longer with Forza as a competitor than they had as the only sim on the market now


I'm not going to argue with anyone saying otherwise, I know that pitch / tone like the back of my hand, it's fucking mind boggling.
GTA5 has better car audio, GTA5........... think about that :(

Total and utter stagnation, glad the reviews are reflecting that. I have no idea either what their sound department actually does?

Both console sim racers are stagnate at this point, forza brings nothing new at all to the table in its latest outing infact bring less than its previous outing and gt6 the same. Its time these games were given longer before release so they can work on bringing a better game to market.


Both console sim racers are stagnate at this point, forza brings nothing new at all to the table in its latest outing infact bring less than its previous outing and gt6 the same. Its time these games were given longer before release so they can work on bringing a better game to market.

Totally not going to deny Turn 10 is fucking up, 100% I'm no hipocrite I assure you. In my opinion the best Forza was Forza 3. Problem is at least they have a good base audio library and the rewind feature (which is fucking dandy) - also the best rumble in a controller based racing game.
(FWIW: I have 0 interest in an Xbox, I bought a 360 just for Forza 3 and sold it a year later when I'd finished with it, goddamn I wish PD would just copy them)


One thing I don't get is...since this is an iteration of GT5 with improvements and more content, why didn't they use the time to add damage modeling since they always get knocked year after year for the whole "run 200mph into a wall and bounce off it"; you'd think this would be the perfect time to add damage like the games they're competing against.

Otherwise sounds great despite the score range being all over. Sounds like they took all the awful interface stuff and general tedium and not-fun-ness out of GT5 and replaced it with an actually enjoyable GT experience like GT4. Sounds good.
It's clear that PD have focused on doing what they do best (content, physics) rather than work on the flaws (sound/damage). Which means if you loved GT5 you will probably love GT6. If you can't stand GT cos of its flaws, then this iteration won't change your mind.

Also if people could please stop focusing on the metacritic score and read the actual reviews to see why GT is being marked down. Apart from that crazy Venturebeat one, the problems reviewers are mentioning seem like the same historical ones GT has always had.
They've had since 2005 to adjust to the competition from Forza. That's 8 years. In fact they've had longer with Forza as a competitor than they had as the only sim on the market now

You'll get no argument from me. You'd think with the kind of time they put between releases...particularly between GT4/Prologue and GT5...well...a comment for a different thread, I suppose. But yes, there are no excuses.



Gran Turismo: 96
Gran Turismo 2: 93
Gran Turismo 3: 95
Gran Turismo 4: 89
Gran Turismo 5: 84
Gran Turismo 6 (Current): 76

I don't personally feel game reviews are very representative of game quality and that they are systematically biased towards a particular type of game, but if we're going to worry about them at all then it's probably reasonable to point out that GT's reviews have been on a steep, fairly consistent decline. My guess: this game will be great if you already know you like Gran Turismo, but won't be particularly good at pulling in new customers.

Dat tag. :(
I am so torn on this game. I think I will wait this one out a bit and might even go with my original plan and make gta 5 my ps3's swan song. One huge improvement that I have not seen talked about much on gaf is all cars are available in the dealership finally no more used car roulette.Plenty of the same old stuff to complain/wish they had fixed sadly ( my thoughts are based on game play videos and review reading).
One thing I don't get is...since this is an iteration of GT5 with improvements and more content, why didn't they use the time to add damage modeling since they always get knocked year after year for the whole "run 200mph into a wall and bounce off it"; you'd think this would be the perfect time to add damage like the games they're competing against.

Otherwise sounds great despite the score range being all over. Sounds like they took all the awful interface stuff and general tedium and not-fun-ness out of GT5 and replaced it with an actually enjoyable GT experience like GT4. Sounds good.
Because they would rather come up with excuses for why it can't be done than actually doing it


Ugh. The mentality of hinging a game's quality on metacritic numbers needs to die. How did this shit even get to be standard anyway


Console wars. I'm starting to think people who bitch about scores all day don't even play games at all, or only play 3 games a generation that score 95+. I can understand disappointed GT fans, but I hate those concern troll posts that add nothing, like ; "Omg, not looking good." etc.

And yeah, there is one concern troll in here that is not going away lol. He/she knows who he/she is. Yes YOU do!
Dude, that's spanish.

Yeah. Not sure if it's a translated review from another language though, as the author seems nordic.

Anyway, this is one of the screen captures in that review, which they sure is "taken from the real game running in real time" implying their captures have no bullshit and are true to the actual aspect of the game:


I mean, holy shit that is bad capture equipment.
So some of the lowest reviews are marking it down because it is a racing sim that is made for fans of racing sims? lol

Please tell me some of them at least marked it down for microtransactions.


Again no.

Would you get FIFA reviewed by someone who hates soccer ? It would just be: "The referee was whistling all the time for some thing called "offside that i did not know anythiong about!"

I have no problem with needing some backround knowledge to enjoy a game. That should not penalize the game.

Imo, you should try to inform those who would be likely to buy the game in the first place. Those who like cars. And then, in the review, make a point about how the game might be hard for "non-experts".

You're coming from the point of view that any kind of reviewing standard should be in place across all websites, which I fundamentally disagree with. The great thing about having so many websites at our disposal is that we can choose which ones have standards that suit that, and ignore those that don't. If we took your route and forced every website to apply similar standards then that only suits your needs, not mine. Which again I don't understand because there already so many websites that suit your needs, get yer mitts off the others.


I'm not an avid player of GT, but I sincerely hope the metacritic score is just a reflection of reviewers being sick of Current-Gen. GT7 on the PS4 probably will be met with more enthusiasm.
The GameSpot Review in Progress video suggested that the car engine sounds will be addressed in the day one patch. I haven't seen this mentioned or read this anywhere else.

For those that have the game now and have applied the day one patch: have the standard GT car engine sounds been addressed or improved at all?

Not hearing any improvement on my end.


Ugh. The mentality of hinging a game's quality on metacritic numbers needs to die. How did this shit even get to be standard anyway?

Maybe because it's plastered on game boxes, or that fanboys love it in arguments. Whatever it was it isn't going away anytime soon, had you shown that mentality in The Last of Us or Bioshock Infinite's review thread they would have shouted you down for being 'salty'.


Damn that doesn't sound good, what does physics that sometimes don't work mean, just bad behavior in some cars/tracks or does it fail to update ?

I will probably wait until some more sim oriented pages get reviews up.

Gamereactor.dk said:
The new system is not noticable from the start, and instead we must again settle for tons of heavy vehicles, regardless of their weight described feels like they are filled with cement.

The experience made ​​all the more frustrating by the fact that it's as if the game at random times dissolves physics rules. Sudden braking or collisions are therefore rewarded with motorsport´s response to a deranged techno-dance where the car's front is sent from side to side as quickly as possible. It looks strange, has nothing to do with reality and makes the whole experience completely unpredictable.

from the review
They've had since 2005 to adjust to the competition from Forza. That's 8 years. In fact they've had longer with Forza as a competitor than they had as the only sim on the market now

The fact is that both Forza and GT at a stand still in certain ways .
GT sounds need to be rework and better online options and Forza still don't have weather , day \ night racing in it's latest version on better hardware.
Still sound is a big problem for GT and much easier to single out since fans have been asking for a change for years .
Get rid of stander cars they going to have 500 good one by then , build the interface around the new PS4 control ( touch pad should come in handy )
Rework sound and online options , weather and real time lighting on all tracks , I feel GT7 going to be the true test for PD .
If things still the same i might have to tell them to fuck off but i so weak .
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