Passive Mode should be removed altogether. If you want to play with the world without the worry of being shot then create closed or solo sessions. In it's current state it's far too easy to abuse.
passive mode is BS
you can get shot if you're riding something, but cant shoot back at all, including the cops
i dont see anything that allows us to give feedback or vote to kick people either, if their "bad player pool" isnt tracking people killing those in passive mode then, thats BS too
Passive Mode should be removed altogether. If you want to play with the world without the worry of being shot then create closed or solo sessions. In it's current state it's far too easy to abuse.
passive mode is BS
you can get shot if you're riding something, but cant shoot back at all, including the cops
i dont see anything that allows us to give feedback or vote to kick people either, if their "bad player pool" isnt tracking people killing those in passive mode then, thats BS too
I don't understand why they don't at least let you have one autosave on your system that backs up to the cloud.
lol, people are so randomly violent in GTAO. I was doing a mission for Simeon when some guy starts stalking and trying to kill me. I lose him and get to the docks to drop off the car. Dude shows up again so I ran onto a nearby ship and then jumped off into the ocean. Guy still follows me to a nearby shore so I cap him and then retreat to a strip club to get a few seconds. I deposited the money from the Simeon job and changed to a new session. Another guy capped me twice after I joined that session. I said fuck it and just put a bounty on his ass.
Any idea what their "Bad Sport" stuff tracks? Seems like the whole game is based around being a bad sport. And I don't want to get dinged because I've been spawn camped or ran down a couple dozen times, and then start defending myself by killing anyone that gets remotely close.
Leaving missions early, blowing up people's personal vehicles.
When someone blew up my personal vehicle by accident they had to pay for full insurance anyway.
When someone blew up my personal vehicle by accident they had to pay for full insurance anyway.
That's not random. The open world Car Theft missions from Simeon (where a green car logo shows up on the map for you to steal) is open to everyone in the room. When you steal the car, your map marker goes red similar to having a bounty on you. Anyone can then kill you, take the car, and spray it/deliver it to Simeon at the docks and collect the cash.
Ok then I just wouldn't play. It's like saying there should be no PvE servers in MMOs which is crazy because different people want different things out of their online games.Passive Mode should be removed altogether. If you want to play with the world without the worry of being shot then create closed or solo sessions. In it's current state it's far too easy to abuse.
Ah, that explains things. I noticed the car icon disappear before, but it never struck me that people were completing the mission. lol, no honor among thieves it seems.
Leaving missions early, blowing up people's personal vehicles.
Passive Mode should be removed altogether. If you want to play with the world without the worry of being shot then create closed or solo sessions. In it's current state it's far too easy to abuse.
should I just start a new dude? my profile shows nothing.
OK what websites are permitted for image uploading?
No. Just wait until servers are back up and try later. Or if you absolutely can't wait, create a new character on a different slot. Don't do it on the same, or it really will be deleted.
Can confirm. My friend was being a dick and shot out all my tires and windows. I raged out, and set his car on fire using the jerry can. Instantly I had to pay for the full insurance after it blew up.
Does Free Roam separate free-aim vs lockon or is that only for actual missions and deathmatches?
guess I'll level another character....... my basketball character on 2k14....
Again, there's an option for that. Make a closed session with friends and/or crew, or even a solo session.Ok then I just wouldn't play. It's like saying there should be no PvE servers in MMOs which is crazy because different people want different things out of their online games.
They should just have the entire session be passive, or not. There, end of issue.
How is 2k14? I've been falling back on 13 when GTA messes up. But what I'm more concerned about is the collision. Is it better? How about defense and offense?
Woah that is pretty cool.
Yep, my character is also gone at the moment but he'll be back with the cloud servers later.
Polygon ran an article this morning saying that GTA Online Server Issues had been resolved, quoting rockstar.
I think it's fitting that the PSN servers had been down for about 2 or 3 hours when this article was published.
How do i start a private session? I'm tired of these assholes fucking with me
Back to SPHow do i start a private session? I'm tired of these assholes fucking with me
Why should they do their own jobs and, I dunno, INVESTIGATE when they can just regurgitate an incorrect press release?
How do i start a private session? I'm tired of these assholes fucking with me
Free roam, I honestly don't think that you can ...... :|
You can create a private "job" but not free roam, I don't think
Lol for the record, I never do shit like that. But my friend was being an asshole for some reason that day. He kept doing stupid shit. Like I was a passenger in his car and he drove my side into a gas station and blew me up (lost 2k in medical). Then we were doing a repo mission and we had to drive across town to get it. RIGHT as we were about to reach the car, he starts shooting out his window, and drew cops on us. We would also be flying around a helicopter to do missions, and he would get distracted and start flying off to random areas. He got the bright idea to go into a military base where we got 4 stars and were killed. Was pretty aggravating.
He was being a little shit. So I just raged out. He's usually not that stupid. But the problem with GTA online is for many years, a lot of people ran around doing mayhem in the sand box style games. But you can't really do that with GTAO, because of how easy you lose money.
you can, in single player go to the online tab and create an invite only lobby.
When someone blew up my personal vehicle by accident they had to pay for full insurance anyway.