My custom car has disappeared... Again. I don't know how or why.
My car has been duped too, so it must be possible. Except mine duped in my garage, so now I have 2.some dude duped my car ? was driving around and some dude was following me with the same car...even the same tires and everything
Just bought a 10 car apt. New car time finally.
How much is a 10 car apartment?
Sent some mercenaries on someone just so I could steal this from them:
Sent some mercenaries on someone just so I could steal this from them:
Cheapest is 210k or so.
I love that jeep! I love that you can paint the cage a different color, makes for some ridiculous combos lol
Can you steal someone's personal car or did he just happen to be inside it at the time?Sent some mercenaries on someone just so I could steal this from them:
Can you steal someone's personal car or did he just happen to be inside it at the time?
Poor wording on my part. For clarification, that is the mercenary's vehicle.
"Smithers, release the hounds!"I had some bounty hunter keep ringing my doorbell. I could see him on the security camera waiting for me to come out. I called for mercs and watched him die.
Last night me and one of the PS3 gaf crew tried to do a Martin mission where you are supposed to fly over a mansion, parachute or land on the roof to assassinate some guy. Well this mission does not spawn any planes or helicopters at all. We seacrhed every single spawn point, even went into the airport and nothing. WTF are you supposed to do.
Going in through the front gate is nearly impossible, there are a million dudes waiting and they seem to respawn all the time.
Is there a good guide or wiki for the online portion of the game? I have lots of little questions / wondering about things, but short of constantly posting questions, I'm not sure where to go to read about the various modes / rules etc.
The best bet is enter from both gates at the same time. And alot of grenades.Last night me and one of the PS3 gaf crew tried to do a Martin mission where you are supposed to fly over a mansion, parachute or land on the roof to assassinate some guy. Well this mission does not spawn any planes or helicopters at all. We seacrhed every single spawn point, even went into the airport and nothing. WTF are you supposed to do.
Going in through the front gate is nearly impossible, there are a million dudes waiting and they seem to respawn all the time.
It's a work in progress obviously but I've gained some insight from it.
Others may have some different ones.
They need to up the rp too. The cash amount is probably fair but you get less rp than a race.Somebody at rockstar needs a crash course lesson on creating spawns for survival mode. You don't just let them appear in the middle of the map.
Love the mode but they really didn't put much thought into balancing it out
The best bet is enter from both gates at the same time. And alot of grenades.
Parachuting in is actually worse.
If any ps3 gaffers want to grind motorcycle races to unlock car mods hit me up. PSN: hack-_-646
Yeah I was the same as you. No chopper the first time then I unlocked it and played again - it was like jumping into the middle of a warzone.I am still level 26 so no lester finding a chopper. But if this is the case then I guess I dont need one. That sucks that the mission description tells you a route that is worse.
Lester missions are great, love the teamwork between guys on the ground and some in the air.
Are heists in the game yet? If so what level do you get to them?
Good playing with all the GAFers tonight, Lester and Martin decided to be nice to me tonight and showered me with lots of Parking Garage and Mixed with the Coke.
I can't give money for some reason
EDIT: I can give money to others after robbing convenience stores, but not just cash I withdraw.
Somebody at rockstar needs a crash course lesson on creating spawns for survival mode. You don't just let them appear in the middle of the map.
Love the mode but they really didn't put much thought into balancing it out
There are some defensible positions, look for rooftops or jump inside those giant skips/bins that are in most of them.What are you actually supposed to do? I was in cover, shooting some enemies, only for others to immediately spawn behind me. I don't mind if they start closing in on me, but at least give me some chance of planning by looking at the map.
There are some defensible positions, look for rooftops or jump inside those giant skips/bins that are in most of them.
The Sawmill is insane though.
Maybe I'm just dumb, but anytime I get online I'm in a world all by myself and when I try to start races or anything, nobody ever shows up. I'm only level 3. Is this something on their end or do I have to complete some more stuff to get into true online?
The sawmill is terrible. I've played it 3 or 4 times and haven't seen any player find a decent defensible position.Yeah, the Airplane boneyard has a good rooftop (until the copters come Lvl7).
The Sawmill is the one that I was thinking of.
I'm going to get the parking garage mission soon. When I do we need to get a group and a spectator so we can restart it. Lots of RP, and a little cash.
sawmill is a nightmareThere are some defensible positions, look for rooftops or jump inside those giant skips/bins that are in most of them.
The Sawmill is insane though.
I am still level 26 so no lester finding a chopper. But if this is the case then I guess I dont need one. That sucks that the mission description tells you a route that is worse.
Are you in a crew or have alot of friends playing the game. Get a much better response from those two options rather than auto-inviting the mob from a freeroam session.
You may have a problem with level. Thing is the only jobs you will get are ones most people have done to death. Best to try to accept requests rather than make them (what platform you on, if PSN add me xxDingerxx).
I almost survived a 20k bounty on my head. As soon as he put a bounty on me i fled to the water. I hijacked a wave rider and sped off. Nobody could catch me. A guy came along on a heli and I killed him, and that was that. Suddenly I see a guy in a jet coming fast after me.
I race towards land and hijack a motor cycle, the dude is shooting rockets at me, but missing. Finally I head towards a building, and he ends up crashing. Victory! I' get off my cycle and head into a store. Right as soon as I head towards the entry way a guy comes out of fucking nowhere and runs me over.
I'm not even getting put in free roam with other people. (I assume free roam is what the game puts you in automatically when you join online) Is that normal?
Someone told me that if you complete all the parachute races, you get the parachute permanently. Can anyone confirm this?
Yeah, the Airplane boneyard has a good rooftop (until the copters come Lvl7).
The Sawmill is the one that I was thinking of.
I'm not even getting put in free roam with other people. (I assume free roam is what the game puts you in automatically when you join online) Is that normal?
So has this mode at all stabilized since...last week or so?