If the game is set in San Andreas, please god please don't let the main character be a whiny little bitch. I could barely finish San Andreas, because I *puts flame suit on* couldn't stand CJ. I am in the minority here, but for me, I thought Vice City was more fun then San Andreas. Better protagonist too.
I want to see something along the lines of you being an undercover cop, but as the game progresses you can choose to become a bad cop, or a good cop.
I just want something different for once as opposed to the same generic story formula from GTA past. I mean even Red Dead allowed you to either be good, or be an outlaw, so why not do something similar for GTA?
I will still buy it day 1 regardless but the thought of the main character being a whiny cry baby, who receives constant phone calls every 5 minutes, in a game focused on too much realism makes me want to cry.
I just hope they keep the car handling though