My copy just arrived from Shopto in the early morning post. Am I dreaming? It's only 7.30am here in the UK still!
Nice! Was wondering of R* saying they wanted no retailers to dispatch before today (which I thought was pretty selfish to put people's chances at getting GTAV on release date in jeopardy for...what? Leaked videos? Already there, just punishing legit customers), but cool ShopTo is still on form.
My brother is getting this and he's hoping to go into a shop on launch and get it there. Secretly hoping 360 version is sold out and PS3 version is in stock cause I want it on PS3 more, but win-win either way really.
My tracking code still not active, doesn't look like I'll be getting mine today, last time I use Amazon UK.
That's harsh and stupid, ha ha.
It's a privilege to get a game early, not a right. If you care about getting games early, which isn't guaranteed anyway, ShopTo are usually the best for me.
Amazon UK though have usually delivered games a day before release for me though and that's all I want really. If not on release I'd be pissed, (Like GAME UK... the thing they specialise in they cant do...)but I just see each early day as a bonus.