Man, just being Franklin is tough in this game.
I was hanging out at this pool party that I "invited" myself into. Used the right arrow to try to talk up some fine honeys. One of them says, "If you don't get out of my face, I'm going to call the police". I try to talk to her. She picks up her phone and calls the cops. I get a fucking 1 star for no reason. God damn it, so I say ok fuck this, I run out onto the hills and go a little bit farther away and hide next to a wall and tree/bushes. Like 2 cop cars show up. Four officers on foot trying to find me, I'm cornered. So I start walking/running away, thinking "well it's only 1 star, and I'm not armed, I'll be able to run away". Police officer sees me, yells "He's black!" or atleast that's what I heard. And they just start blazing away!!! I'm fucking unarmed, and I didn't even touch anyone!! I was just standing next to a white girl. So, I'm getting shot, and I'm like eff this, and I take down the 2 nearest to me. Instant 3 stars, police heli appears out of no where, and they shoot at me on the hillside. I run back into my safe house, a bunch of police follow me though the door. I cap them all as they come in one by one. I run downstairs for a more enclosed area. BAM flanked by police coming through my pool window, one shot with a shotgun to the head.
I got shot by an army of police for standing next to someone while being black.
Oscar worthy.