Gay Tony was brilliant, loved it. But that was not forced
I think it was a fun DLC too, the fuck would you know what is "forced" or not? I've read this tons of times and laughed a bit when I'd read shit like the character being a female is forced, when GTA had female characters before and this or that is forced, ohhhh but ONLY with this game, lets ignore the past ones where such things occurred?
nahhhh you guys need to fucking objectively come up with what is or isn't "forced" instead of this funny ass guessing game as using this loose logic, anything can be argued is "Forced", which even then is a odd thing to say as do we have footage of someone putting a gun to a developer to make that character or storyline?
So lets say I tell you Gay Tony was FORCED, how the fuck would one prove that? actually give facts on this one lol So even though I agree that I don't see anything to argue it was forced in some game or something, I also feel the weird logic of trying to cherry pick that is funny as hell as the same argument literally can be made about any damn game.
Arthur Morgan in RDR2, his character is forced...want to know how?
made fun of everyone, it didn't pick sides
I mean, can we say he made fun of everyone including his gender and didn't pick sides? hmmmmmm sounds like a forced right wing agenda to me and he better make fun of a side for us to figure this one out. Only way I'm buying that game btw /s
Unless someone is reading someone else mind or has footage of a gun being put to a developers back being forced to add something in, maybe we should be playing games based on what they are making vs what we believe they openly did or didn't do with some "force".