I know that’s Df video, they specifically pointed out the Trinity scene as the only thing that wasn’t real-time. The finale explosion was real-time but captured and played back due to some outside factors. Or maybe it was the other way around and the Trinity scene was real-time and captured in advance. Regardless , 99.9% of the cutscenes in that demo are real-time.
Gameplay dips were due to the poor cpu utilization and could be mitigated by turning down the traffic and npc density. You can test this yourself. The game is cpu bound on PC and likely the cause of those drops during driving. There are no slowdowns while walking. My 3080 couldn’t hit 60 fps no matter how low i went with resolution.
Think of this- ur pc with much stronger cpu cant hit 60 fps, ps5/xsx drop below 20 with high traffic, and u expecting actual games to look as good yet perform 50% higher at least, cpu wise(20 to 30fps is +50% performance).
Putting aside pc that matrix demo wasnt really optimised for, console wise game with similar looks needs 50% more oomph vs ps5/xsx to even hold stable 30, so maybe ps5pr0/xbox midgen upgrade could give us that.
The less impressive cinematics that run in real time didnt run in 30fps either, but 24fps, but again, fk cinematics, real gameplay is true showcase, it shows things can get much better and competetent devs with big budget + no devtime restrains can get things done, but only if we get much stronger hardware, both cpu and gpu wise.
If devs of the matrix demo were sure that few more weeks of "optimisation work" would make any difference and game(well, the demo;p) would look just as good but run w/o dips, they would get those few more weeks and we would simply see the demo bit later, its not like the demo had hard launch date and was in some danger of not meeting it, hell we would get performance patch by now fixing those nasty dips under 20fps.
I on the other hand believe, that was max they could realisitically take out of current gen consoles.
Hence my conclusion, if u want to have matrix demo quality in game, that holds solid 30(not 24fps in cutscenes, and not under 20fps in real gameplay, but solid 30 stable), u need to wait for ps5pr0/xbox midgen upgrade.