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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen

They made her look like a 40 year old woman.
The "hero lighting" makes her look like a cardboard cutout. I know some people dig the look but it makes the scene look unnatural to me.
Go watch division 2 buildings looks way better than Spiderman 2 gameplay graphics
TLOU Remake was 98% not done by ND, for starters

And I feel pretty good about my defense if you cant think of examples to counter argument it. Not having many other open world games in cities tell you exactly what needs to be said: they are hard to make.

Of recent ones, I can think of Watch Dogs Legion. Which doesnt look as good as Spidey 2.

Dying Light 2 with RT looks better than 90% of the games on the market. But again, just like mentioning Cyberpunk, its kinda unfair since the PS5 cant even render RT at that level. Maybe on PS6.

DL 2 without RT looks horrible, imo

Also Star Wars and Avatar arent set in cities. And yet again you fail to understand my point.
I don't think avatar got downloaded we have to wait for pc gameplay to judge it,
And some gameplay section looks identical to initial reveal trailer
I mean you yourself literally posted a realtime cutscene from Bloober that is clearly better than what ND managed in their PS5 only game. We have seen Epic's engineers produce two, one playable, demos that look a generation ahead of TLOU2. You are ignoring Hellblade 2 from Ninja Theory. You are ignoring Fable, Horizon FW and downplaying Death Stranding 2 which looks like this. You are dismissing the Ubisoft games even though Avatar was already downgraded, shown running on PS5 and looks better than TLOU Part 1 despite being open world. Besides, ND are the king of downgrades and fake trailers. You dismiss cyberpunk because it only looks good on PC, well ND is now doing dev on PC so there is nothing stopping them is there?

It turns out a lot of devs have topped ND but you are using arbitrary reasons to dismiss every other dev. When in fact you should be dismissing ND for not even adding RT reflections to TLOU when even this B Tier Insomniac studio managed it in 2020 and 2021 with Miles and Ratchet. Euro jank studios like the Metro dev have got RTGI working on consoles at 60 fps no less. This tech powerhouse with the ICE Team working internally couldnt even get a 40 fps mode working in TLOU Part 1.





Flashless at the Golden Globes
And I know you hate TLOU Part 1 lol, but what don't you like about it? To me it's not a miss, its right up there with Horizon FW, Demons Souls, Ratchet, etc as the best looking games of this mediocre gen.

Like... I don't know how this isn't one of the best looking games of the gen. It speaks for itself. The environments look incredible. And then you add in the incredible faces and it takes it to an even higher level.

Like thats easily one of the best looking games this gen
I posted about the game looking extremely ordinary a few days ago. i think it looks worse than tlou2 despite running on the same engine featuring the same assets. its the lighting choices and the fact that they didnt bother changing the layouts at all. it feels ps3 gen in ways re2 and re3 never did.

It didn’t have to be. Demon souls is also a copy pasta of a ps3 game but it still looks incredible and a Gen above elden ring, bloodborne and ds3.

Part 1 is held back by some very poor art direction and lighting choices. So many levels feature lighting that screams ps3 Gen. I get trying to stay true to the original but my god it is way too familiar even when they change the lighting.

There is no way naughty dog developers went with those lighting choices. It has to be the vsg team. Either that or they have no idea how to do these kind of remakes. Simply copy pasting with better looking assets and lighting isn’t enough. You have to do a full makeover. It feels way too familiar. There is not a single level that looks as good as that forest level, or the island levels with abby or the Seattle day 2 suburb levels with Ellie. The lighting in Pittsburgh, bill’s town and Tommy’s Dam should’ve been lifted straight out of tlou2. It just looks off. Boston looks the best but still pales in comparison to the best areas in tlou2.

I these gifs just kind of illustrate my point. The lighting and assets might be PS4 gen, but it still retains that PS3 look because of the choices made when lighting the scene.




You have to change the entire look of the game. Simply replacing assets is not good enough.

Went back and played a couple of last gen games and honestly, its given me more of an appreciation for FF16 and the UE5 demo lol. Hogwarts, TLOU and RE4 are all firmly rooted in last gen. Especially hogwarts. At least RE4 has some amazing tesselation and volumetric lighting while TLOU's cutscenes look stunning. But hogwarts is just yeesh when it comes to lighting and asset quality.

TBH, I dont think it gets bashed enough for the reasons i mentioned above. I honestly dont think it looks better than TLOU2 despite running on the same engine on a much more powerful hardware.

I went back and recorded a video of my current playthrough. I features both indoor and outdoor areas. I am not seeing any lighting upgrades. it looks meh at best even for a PS4 game. The snow levels in TLOU2 were far more striking. Same goes for virtually every area in the game. It pales in comparison to everything in TLOU2. Now cutscenes are a different story which is why I believe ND did the cutscenes while VSG did the base game. the character models, and especially the lighting used in cutscenes is incredible. Its possible that there was a last second downgrade to the ingame lighting which is why the game looks off to me because if they managed that cutscene fidelity in gameplay, it would probably be the best looking game on any platform.

This is on PC at max settings. Compare this to the TLOU2 video posted above and hopefully you will see why it doesnt look as good as TLOU2.

Here is that video. finally finished processing. I couldnt get the fullscreen toggle to work so this is the best I could do. Looks like it drops to 25 fps when I do the flyover but the rest of the level is roughly 28-35 fps at native 4k though shadowplay does cost a few FPS when recording. Matrix demo ran at 35-40 fps on my 3080 at native 4k. Consoles should be able to run it with some downgrades like a lower resolution.



Gold Member
The RT reflections on the water is good, and don't quote me but I'm pretty sure the symbiote suit is casting RT reflections as well.

DF Direct SM2 trailer analysis confirmed this is the case with RT reflections on Venom. It's these little details of how light is supposed to act that make these visuals impressive to me. Diffuse RT adds so much imo. Motion blur is also really good overall, too. Sorry you lot aren't impressed but I certainly am. I do hope they make Venom's texture more like Peter's symbiote suit.

DF Direct SM2 trailer analysis confirmed this is the case with RT reflections on Venom. It's these little details of how light is supposed to act that make these visuals impressive to me. Diffuse RT adds so much imo. Motion blur is also really good overall, too. Sorry you lot aren't impressed but I certainly am. I do hope they make Venom's texture more like Peter's symbiote suit.


DF Direct SM2 trailer analysis confirmed this is the case with RT reflections on Venom. It's these little details of how light is supposed to act that make these visuals impressive to me. Diffuse RT adds so much imo. Motion blur is also really good overall, too. Sorry you lot aren't impressed but I certainly am. I do hope they make Venom's texture more like Peter's symbiote suit.


Their engine is really weak to simulate explosions and water, waves etc

But to be fair, even the UE5 can be weak on that. Just look at the explosions om matrix demo... very underwhelming....

I remember the volumetric explosions from UC1 on ps3. Those were. I then imagined what it could be achiveved 10 years after, but I dont remember to get impressed by any explosion

The volumetric fire, dust and other elements from Deep Down were never surprassed



The volumetric fire, dust and other elements from Deep Down were never surprassed

Gotta be fair here and not compare actual real gameplay footage vs bullshot trailer which deep down was, its like we would compare ps3/ps4 games to those bullshot killzone 2/motosport trailers back from early ps3 announcements =D


Same here.
Maybe on ps6 with big budget when we get spiderman 2 remaster/spiderman3, so 2028-2030.
There isnt that big of a jump from ps4 to ps5(roughly 3x cpu and 6x gpu jump), u expecting jumps like ps1 to ps2 would only make sense if power difference between ps4 to ps5 would also be somewhere similary big(so dunno 80-100x power gap, which is obviously not the case).

ps3 to ps5 jump is really big, probably close to what ps1 to ps2 was and we can see right away how much better demons souls remaster looks from ps3 og version

Its not fault of the devs we getting really small jumps in power between those mashines as new gens keep on coming.
Maybe on ps6 with big budget when we get spiderman 2 remaster/spiderman3, so 2028-2030.
There isnt that big of a jump from ps4 to ps5(roughly 3x cpu and 6x gpu jump), u expecting jumps like ps1 to ps2 would only make sense if power difference between ps4 to ps5 would also be somewhere similary big(so dunno 80-100x power gap, which is obviously not the case).

ps3 to ps5 jump is really big, probably close to what ps1 to ps2 was and we can see right away how much better demons souls remaster looks from ps3 og version

Its not fault of the devs we getting really small jumps in power between those mashines as new gens keep on coming.

I agree with this sadly. Still doesn't excuse 2 things: 1) Spidey 2 was developed only for PS5- that should mean noticeable upgrades over MM and 2) Insomniac and other Sony studios showing fake reveal trailers and demos that are supposed to be indicative of how the final game will look ..and them looking nothing like it!

And 3) Sony fans not being able to be honest with themselves about #1 and #2!
Maybe on ps6 with big budget when we get spiderman 2 remaster/spiderman3, so 2028-2030.
There isnt that big of a jump from ps4 to ps5(roughly 3x cpu and 6x gpu jump), u expecting jumps like ps1 to ps2 would only make sense if power difference between ps4 to ps5 would also be somewhere similary big(so dunno 80-100x power gap, which is obviously not the case).

ps3 to ps5 jump is really big, probably close to what ps1 to ps2 was and we can see right away how much better demons souls remaster looks from ps3 og version

Its not fault of the devs we getting really small jumps in power between those mashines as new gens keep on coming.

I think it’s company greed with engines being still made for last gen hardware, imagine Spiderman 2 on UE5 (with nanite for character models)…(refer to the Matrix Awakens demo)


Gold Member
3 months? Common man. At this point mods need to do background check on you to see if you don't work for Insomniac, lol.

Two months ago I was accused of shilling for or otherwise defending Insomniac for saying that the game is in development, yet here we are with the new story trailer that proved me right with improved visuals. I was also LOL emojied to hell for saying the symbiote suit had RT reflections, and DF confirmed this today. So how about we introduce a little accountability in this thread? Perhaps a harmless avatar bet?

I agree that the textures, particularly skin rendering, is not up to snuff as it was presented in the trailer. I say this will be resolved by launch/development is still ongoing. You're saying development is virtually finished and nothing will change. Let's have ResetEraVetVIP ResetEraVetVIP be the ultimate judge; he's a level headed guy and it's his thread after all. Pick any particular scene where the skin rendering is off(Miles seems to be the most referenced here) and we'll revisit at launch.

that 4k60 sound like bullshit, a 4090 barely does 4k60 in heavy games without dlss...

Huh? A hypothetical PS5 Pro with RDNA 3.5 based raster and RDNA 4 based RT will have no problem running the games released to date at 4k60.

I think it’s company greed with engines being still made for last gen hardware, imagine Spiderman 2 on UE5 (with nanite for character models)…(refer to the Matrix Awakens demo)

I think it's this, aka the alloush' coined Jim Ryan Theory at work, combined with PC development not allowing Sony to tap into the I/O which is needed to break through the next gen threshold on a system that doesn't have the raw GPU and bandwidth to get there easily on its own.

Which, if you really think about it is the worst situation we as ps5 owners could be in as this gen has unfolded! Not redesigning their engines because they don't need to, marketing and the combined installed base between PS5 and PC will still result in this being the highest selling exclusive ever. Let's be honest, Sony fans are the easiest to please group and so long as when the PC version comes out it has better fidelity than the lackluster PS5 version, they will be happy.

ChiefDada- This recent trailer didn't "prove you" shit! Only thing it proved is your perpetual ability to give Sony studios the benefit of the doubt. If they show ACTUAL GAMEPLAY in the next showing that truly looks better than what's been shown, it will be recognized ! Until then you should seriously consider maybe just not saying anything or else, just like with LoU1, you will continue to be "that guy".

If SM2 actually was looking as good as you and many other fans think it is then why is it being so hotly contested? Why are so many others questioning Insomniacs work? Why are so many textures low quality? If the trailer is really improved why does it still not look as good as the reveal? (Or even close) Why is Sony showing reveals looking so good but the actual games so much worse?

This is the same thing Sony's been doing all gen long. Stringing people along while not delivering the goods and having the media and fans shill for them. It's like a form of gaslighting. Btw I refuse to believe Insomniac is a "b tier" Sony studios. They gave us Spiderman in 2018, MM in 2020, and Ratchet in '21 (Ratchet being one of the only next gen games). Shouldn't Insomniacs previous output also call into question what's wrong with Spidey 2? That as a ps5 only game we have to be having these debates??


Gotta be fair here and not compare actual real gameplay footage vs bullshot trailer which deep down was, its like we would compare ps3/ps4 games to those bullshot killzone 2/motosport trailers back from early ps3 announcements =D
It was playable at TGS 2014:

The simulation framerate was halved but it was volumetric still.

This has to be master level trolling…TLOU 2 is better looking as a whole over UC4…EVERYTHING is better…
No SSAO = automatically inferior.


Two months ago I was accused of shilling for or otherwise defending Insomniac for saying that the game is in development, yet here we are with the new story trailer that proved me right with improved visuals. I was also LOL emojied to hell for saying the symbiote suit had RT reflections, and DF confirmed this today. So how about we introduce a little accountability in this thread? Perhaps a harmless avatar bet?

I agree that the textures, particularly skin rendering, is not up to snuff as it was presented in the trailer. I say this will be resolved by launch/development is still ongoing. You're saying development is virtually finished and nothing will change. Let's have ResetEraVetVIP ResetEraVetVIP be the ultimate judge; he's a level headed guy and it's his thread after all. Pick any particular scene where the skin rendering is off(Miles seems to be the most referenced here) and we'll revisit at launch.

Huh? A hypothetical PS5 Pro with RDNA 3.5 based raster and RDNA 4 based RT will have no problem running the games released to date at 4k60.

Besides you and couple of others ain't nobody seeing any improvements, lol. It's hard to take you seriously on this subject since you were already hyping up Spiderman 2 visuals before we even saw the first gameplay trailer, you even made a thread about it. At this point you're seriously doing yourself a disservice by capping for such an average looking game. When you put a game side by side with last gen games and have to look strenuously to see improvements you know you have a big turd on your face.
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Gold Member
Besides you and couple of others ain't nobody seeing any improvements, lol. It's hard to take you seriously on this subject since you were already hyping up Spiderman 2 visuals before we even saw the first gameplay trailer, you even made a thread about it. At this point you're seriously doing yourself a disservice by capping for such an average looking game. When you put a game side by side with last gen games and have to look strenuously to see improvements you know you have a big turd on your face.

I'll take that as a no. And lol at SM2 being an "average looking game". But I'm the one who shouldn't be taken seriously. Riiiiight


Gold Member
ChiefDada- This recent trailer didn't "prove you" shit! Only thing it proved is your perpetual ability to give Sony studios the benefit of the doubt. If they show ACTUAL GAMEPLAY in the next showing that truly looks better than what's been shown, it will be recognized ! Until then you should seriously consider maybe just not saying anything or else, just like with LoU1, you will continue to be "that guy".

I love you guys but y'all can be too much sometimes! What is so difficult to grasp that a game is still in development? Take a look in the background of the SM2 gif, after the first camera cut. Do you really think those building placeholder cut-outs will make it into the final game? I mean, c'mon people!

"Same visuals"



Flashless at the Golden Globes
Not me. It was clear that Insomniac has been cranking out titles rapidly, and they are going to be iterations on their previous stuff. That goes for Spider Man and Ratchet. And on top of that, also making a new IP in Wolverine. You guys expected too much.
We had high expectations because we were lied to in 2021 when they themselves said that their trailer was realtime.

I remember making a thread to praise how close they came to that Miles CG trailer because someone on twitter made the comparison and the Insmoniac VFX Manager retweeted it knowing full well they were not going to come close to those visuals for the final game. knowing full well it was a bullshot teaser.

Yes, part of me agrees that they stretched themselves too thin with ratchet, miles, wolverine and spiderman 2 in 5 years instead of just doing spiderman 2, but this is what they showed off and then gloated about it two years ago. I trusted these lying shits and I hope everyone here has learned not to trust these lazy lying con artists.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I think it's this, aka the alloush' coined Jim Ryan Theory at work, combined with PC development not allowing Sony to tap into the I/O which is needed to break through the next gen threshold on a system that doesn't have the raw GPU and bandwidth to get there easily on its own.

Which, if you really think about it is the worst situation we as ps5 owners could be in as this gen has unfolded! Not redesigning their engines because they don't need to, marketing and the combined installed base between PS5 and PC will still result in this being the highest selling exclusive ever. Let's be honest, Sony fans are the easiest to please group and so long as when the PC version comes out it has better fidelity than the lackluster PS5 version, they will be happy.
I wouldnt blame PCs for Sony studios not taking advantage of the IO and SSD. I just dont think anyone is going to design or redesign entire genres and their gaming philosophy just because cerny added all that IO stuff in the PS5 APU. Sony Devs just want to make cinematic games. No one is going out there to reinvent gaming. Definitely not Sony studios. Valve, Kojima, and Nintendo EAD are probably the only ones who would do something with it, and I doubt even they are thinking too much about it.

Ratchet used the SSD and IO stuff to the max and it can run on PC without an ssd. And thats a game designed around the ssd and the PS5 IO. Fact of the matter is that IO was never going to be this magic bullet that would change gaming forever. it didnt need a 30 minute section at the ps5 reveal. the GPU is still the most important thing in a console as we can see from some of the latest games.
ChiefDada- This recent trailer didn't "prove you" shit! Only thing it proved is your perpetual ability to give Sony studios the benefit of the doubt. If they show ACTUAL GAMEPLAY in the next showing that truly looks better than what's been shown, it will be recognized ! Until then you should seriously consider maybe just not saying anything or else, just like with LoU1, you will continue to be "that guy".

If SM2 actually was looking as good as you and many other fans think it is then why is it being so hotly contested? Why are so many others questioning Insomniacs work? Why are so many textures low quality? If the trailer is really improved why does it still not look as good as the reveal? (Or even close) Why is Sony showing reveals looking so good but the actual games so much worse?

This is the same thing Sony's been doing all gen long. Stringing people along while not delivering the goods and having the media and fans shill for them. It's like a form of gaslighting. Btw I refuse to believe Insomniac is a "b tier" Sony studios. They gave us Spiderman in 2018, MM in 2020, and Ratchet in '21 (Ratchet being one of the only next gen games). Shouldn't Insomniacs previous output also call into question what's wrong with Spidey 2? That as a ps5 only game we have to be having these debates??
Chief dada isnt the only one. the gaf thread, the era thread, and all of twitter is full of people claiming it looks next gen. he's just their representative in this thread. it is what it is.
Lol. Compare it to miles morals. I’m telling you. There’s no upgrade. There’s cutscenes with miles with SSS in Miles Morales, that look better than any miles model shown in SM2



In the Miles trailer, they were showing 'realtime' clips of him looking like this.



I called out jstevenson on era about this and he got a bit defensive. but i let it slide because i figured its a ps4 game at heart and this is what i would get in the ps5 only sequel. Nope, this was clearly pre-rendered like those TLOU2 character models, otherwise they wouldve simply inserted this model in the ps5 only spider-man 2.

Either they have completely been lying to us for 3 years or this game is a PS4 game and they are hiding that until the day it launches on ps4.
I love you guys but y'all can be too much sometimes! What is so difficult to grasp that a game is still in development? Take a look in the background of the SM2 gif, after the first camera cut. Do you really think those building placeholder cut-outs will make it into the final game? I mean, c'mon people!

"Same visuals"

back to pulling cutscenes into your comparisons now? That's more than just a little desperate....
At least wait till we get actual gameplay again before you continue pretending to see stuff.
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I think it's this, aka the alloush' coined Jim Ryan Theory at work, combined with PC development not allowing Sony to tap into the I/O which is needed to break through the next gen threshold on a system that doesn't have the raw GPU and bandwidth to get there easily on its own.

Which, if you really think about it is the worst situation we as ps5 owners could be in as this gen has unfolded! Not redesigning their engines because they don't need to, marketing and the combined installed base between PS5 and PC will still result in this being the highest selling exclusive ever. Let's be honest, Sony fans are the easiest to please group and so long as when the PC version comes out it has better fidelity than the lackluster PS5 version, they will be happy.

ChiefDada- This recent trailer didn't "prove you" shit! Only thing it proved is your perpetual ability to give Sony studios the benefit of the doubt. If they show ACTUAL GAMEPLAY in the next showing that truly looks better than what's been shown, it will be recognized ! Until then you should seriously consider maybe just not saying anything or else, just like with LoU1, you will continue to be "that guy".

If SM2 actually was looking as good as you and many other fans think it is then why is it being so hotly contested? Why are so many others questioning Insomniacs work? Why are so many textures low quality? If the trailer is really improved why does it still not look as good as the reveal? (Or even close) Why is Sony showing reveals looking so good but the actual games so much worse?

This is the same thing Sony's been doing all gen long. Stringing people along while not delivering the goods and having the media and fans shill for them. It's like a form of gaslighting. Btw I refuse to believe Insomniac is a "b tier" Sony studios. They gave us Spiderman in 2018, MM in 2020, and Ratchet in '21 (Ratchet being one of the only next gen games). Shouldn't Insomniacs previous output also call into question what's wrong with Spidey 2? That as a ps5 only game we have to be having these debates??
Hey mom I am famous now I got name-dropped on GAF:messenger_winking_tongue:.

But in all seriousness I wholeheartedly agree with this post. I also don't believe Insomniac are a b tier studio, I dunno if you said that implying they are an a tier studio but for me they are a tier, look at their output in the tweet below:

Crazy stuff. But I agree with Slimy though, they stretched themselves too thin trying to put out as many games as possible in a short period of time.

We had high expectations because we were lied to in 2021 when they themselves said that their trailer was realtime.

I remember making a thread to praise how close they came to that Miles CG trailer because someone on twitter made the comparison and the Insmoniac VFX Manager retweeted it knowing full well they were not going to come close to those visuals for the final game. knowing full well it was a bullshot teaser.

Yes, part of me agrees that they stretched themselves too thin with ratchet, miles, wolverine and spiderman 2 in 5 years instead of just doing spiderman 2, but this is what they showed off and then gloated about it two years ago. I trusted these lying shits and I hope everyone here has learned not to trust these lazy lying con artists.

Dude I remember seeing that tweet and thinking "holy shit this confirms that the trailer they showed was all in real time, we have finally gotten photorealistic graphics". This tweet still haunts me till this day. I cannot believe they blatantly lied to us, they didn't even try to lie to us in a not so obvious way, no, they lied to us so blatantly that people should freakin call them out and raise hell about it. This was a huge ass lesson that I learned.


If Wolverine does not end up looking like that Miles trailer then this studio is officially declared as incompetent:

I have a feeling it's their engine as well, I do feel it needs a massive upgrade, too. It's not just a matter of stretching themselves thin or creating too many games in a short period of time, I feel like the engine itself has something to do with it.... or they have lost all their talented devs and became a shit ass studio.


Gold Member
Two months ago I was accused of shilling for or otherwise defending Insomniac for saying that the game is in development, yet here we are with the new story trailer that proved me right with improved visuals. I was also LOL emojied to hell for saying the symbiote suit had RT reflections, and DF confirmed this today. So how about we introduce a little accountability in this thread? Perhaps a harmless avatar bet?

I agree that the textures, particularly skin rendering, is not up to snuff as it was presented in the trailer. I say this will be resolved by launch/development is still ongoing. You're saying development is virtually finished and nothing will change. Let's have ResetEraVetVIP ResetEraVetVIP be the ultimate judge; he's a level headed guy and it's his thread after all. Pick any particular scene where the skin rendering is off(Miles seems to be the most referenced here) and we'll revisit at launch.

Huh? A hypothetical PS5 Pro with RDNA 3.5 based raster and RDNA 4 based RT will have no problem running the games released to date at 4k60.

Let's hope so.
I love you guys but y'all can be too much sometimes! What is so difficult to grasp that a game is still in development? Take a look in the background of the SM2 gif, after the first camera cut. Do you really think those building placeholder cut-outs will make it into the final game? I mean, c'mon people!

"Same visuals"

Come on dude no one is taking you seriously anymore, you literally claimed this as best graphics ever and next gen has arrived after seeing this new trailer and have been backtracking ever since.
When do y’all think we’ll see graphics that are a step above what we have now?

So far I haven’t seen anything groundbreaking like we saw with many PS4 games at the beginning of the PS4 generation


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Two months ago I was accused of shilling for or otherwise defending Insomniac for saying that the game is in development, yet here we are with the new story trailer that proved me right with improved visuals. I was also LOL emojied to hell for saying the symbiote suit had RT reflections, and DF confirmed this today. So how about we introduce a little accountability in this thread? Perhaps a harmless avatar bet?

I agree that the textures, particularly skin rendering, is not up to snuff as it was presented in the trailer. I say this will be resolved by launch/development is still ongoing. You're saying development is virtually finished and nothing will change. Let's have ResetEraVetVIP ResetEraVetVIP be the ultimate judge; he's a level headed guy and it's his thread after all. Pick any particular scene where the skin rendering is off(Miles seems to be the most referenced here) and we'll revisit at launch.
Why are you taking victory laps over this new trailer? It still looks last gen as fuck.

Sounds to me that you moved goalposts yourself by saying hey its in development it will look better and then when it did, you claim credit. When in fact, no one gave a shit about that and criticized the game for looking last gen.

All polish will do from here on in will put lipstick on a pig. it will not turn the game next gen in 3 months. This story trailer proves that.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
When do y’all think we’ll see graphics that are a step above what we have now?

So far I haven’t seen anything groundbreaking like we saw with many PS4 games at the beginning of the PS4 generation
When we get PRO consoles.

Even then, I’m not convinced. Gamers nowadays are fine with PS4 graphics at 60fps…. Forever it seems.

They care more about framerate and fucking input lag than pushing technical boundaries and game design.

Extremely low standards and easily satisfied.

we are doomed if our standards don’t change

We have prominent industry shills like Jason schrier blatantly tweeting out “pushing graphical fidelity is a waste of time”.
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