But that’s the thing in a few years, if a game comes out that looks just a bit better than incredible The Matrix demo then that, to me at least, is photorealism or very close to it. Any game that eclipses The Matrox demo graphically, and we will see that on the PS6, has reached almost photorealistic levels of graphics. Even Tim Sweeney said you need around 40tflops to reach photorealism, a number we should theoretically reach in the next two gens. Why are some people so against this idea? It is like some people don’t want this to happen for whatever reason, they’d rather be right than games reach new, unprecedented levels of graphics, lol.
I love the matrix demo, probably appreciate what it achieves more than most here, I simply laugh at people trying to claim it's close to photorealism, I can think something is an amazing technical achievement without thinking it's close to photorealism, The matrix demo and unreal engine are both showcases of a ridiuclous graphical achievement, like going from toystory 1 to the incredibles, but there is still a giant gap between the incredibles and the incredibles 2 and claiming the gap the gap is small and will close in a few years is laughable..
but I suppose my eye for photorealistic images is better than most, some people even tried to convince me that they wouldn't have known the matrix demo weren't just shots from the movie if nobody told them.
That last line makes me feel snobby, but the alternative is accepting you all are blind as shit and haven't looked at the real world in a decade.
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