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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen


But that’s the thing in a few years, if a game comes out that looks just a bit better than incredible The Matrix demo then that, to me at least, is photorealism or very close to it. Any game that eclipses The Matrox demo graphically, and we will see that on the PS6, has reached almost photorealistic levels of graphics. Even Tim Sweeney said you need around 40tflops to reach photorealism, a number we should theoretically reach in the next two gens. Why are some people so against this idea? It is like some people don’t want this to happen for whatever reason, they’d rather be right than games reach new, unprecedented levels of graphics, lol.

I love the matrix demo, probably appreciate what it achieves more than most here, I simply laugh at people trying to claim it's close to photorealism, I can think something is an amazing technical achievement without thinking it's close to photorealism, The matrix demo and unreal engine are both showcases of a ridiuclous graphical achievement, like going from toystory 1 to the incredibles, but there is still a giant gap between the incredibles and the incredibles 2 and claiming the gap the gap is small and will close in a few years is laughable..

but I suppose my eye for photorealistic images is better than most, some people even tried to convince me that they wouldn't have known the matrix demo weren't just shots from the movie if nobody told them.

That last line makes me feel snobby, but the alternative is accepting you all are blind as shit and haven't looked at the real world in a decade🤷‍♀️.
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Ok so bring the quote in the thread. They only ever used 2d billboards for non playable areas in the first game so this would be a weird quote from an Insomniac dev. The entire playable area from NY financial district to Harlem had 3d geometry for all buildings.
I did a quick google search and they seem to suck now at searching tweets (x's?) And I dont have an account so I cant search. I believe i may have seen it in a screenshot posted at Beyond3D forum. Its real but its also not suprising since thats how its always been done before pre-virtualized geometry based LODs ala Nanite.

A couple things....

1st its not nessasary to have real geometry at a great distance since its impossible to tell the difference. 2D "far distant" LODs are totally acceptable I only mention it because yall keep bringing up the distant LODs "density" as a technical achievment which it isnt really.

2nd i didnt make my post about it to convince you I made it to communicate the facts to others about how much more "technically" impressive what nanite is doing. I wont try to convince you of anything SM2 related since I dont think your capable of a reasoned conversation about it. You regurgitated your crow after the reveal way too fast.
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Thats a shame. Almost every interior i go into is immaculately detailed and lit. I am keeping the hazy filters on unlike other PC gamers because I feel like it gives the lighting a volumetric effect, and preserves the original artist intent.




There are some that look great. Ironically, the bigger the interior the better. But ships, most stores, etc are blown out lighting wise.

Those screens from PC look fantastic. Truly one of the most impressive games.

It's an interesting video about speculations and rumours concerning next gen consoles. There are three points in the video that concern me. Firstly it mentions that we'll probably won't see path tracing implementation in games. Wouldn't you think that we would see path tracing in some degree? At least at the level rtx 4090 can handle right now? Secondly it talks about how ps6 is rumoured by developers to offer big advancements in game physics. Although that would be exciting I'm concerned that maybe they'll again offer a lukewarm upgrade in graphics. Long story short, ideally i would like to see a big leap in all three, physics, graphics and AI. And lastly it is mentioned that although Next gen xbox will be a sufficient step up from Series X, Microsoft wants to keep the price of the console low and even launch earlier than Sony, as early as 2026. Maybe that will prevent it from being a true generational leap graphically?

How can they revolutionize games and NOT have path tracing? Just like this gen, without real ray tracing we'll always be a step behind the real revolutionary platform, the PC

It's annoying seeing from RedTech that ps6 will revolutionize things since he spent years hyping up ps5 and sx


How can they revolutionize games and NOT have path tracing? Just like this gen, without real ray tracing we'll always be a step behind the real revolutionary platform, the PC

It's annoying seeing from RedTech that ps6 will revolutionize things since he spent years hyping up ps5 and sx
CPUs and GPUs could already do ray/path tracing,the difference is the ability to do it for gaming.


How can they revolutionize games and NOT have path tracing? Just like this gen, without real ray tracing we'll always be a step behind the real revolutionary platform, the PC

It's annoying seeing from RedTech that ps6 will revolutionize things since he spent years hyping up ps5 and sx
Red Tech Gaming only scraps clicks with console launches 🤣 wouldn’t read much into this info .



It's an interesting video about speculations and rumours concerning next gen consoles. There are three points in the video that concern me. Firstly it mentions that we'll probably won't see path tracing implementation in games. Wouldn't you think that we would see path tracing in some degree? At least at the level rtx 4090 can handle right now? Secondly it talks about how ps6 is rumoured by developers to offer big advancements in game physics. Although that would be exciting I'm concerned that maybe they'll again offer a lukewarm upgrade in graphics. Long story short, ideally i would like to see a big leap in all three, physics, graphics and AI. And lastly it is mentioned that although Next gen xbox will be a sufficient step up from Series X, Microsoft wants to keep the price of the console low and even launch earlier than Sony, as early as 2026. Maybe that will prevent it from being a true generational leap graphically?

I find it hard to believe that the next gen consoles coming in like 4-5 years won’t have path tracing.

I love the matrix demo, probably appreciate what it achieves than most here, I simply laugh at people trying to claim it's close to photorealism, I can think something is an amazing technical achievement without thinking it's close to photorealism, The matrix demo and unreal engine are both showcases of a ridiuclous graphical achievement, like going from toystory 1 to the incredibles, but there is still a giant gap between the incredibles and the incredibles 2 and claiming the gap the gap is small and will close in a few years is laughable..

but I suppose my eye for photorealistic images is better than most, some people even tried to convince me that they wouldn't have known the matrix demo weren't just shots from the movie if nobody told them.

That last line makes me feel snobby, but the alternative is saying you all are blind as shit and haven't looked at the real world in a decade🤷‍♀️.
Ahh the ever down to earth Lethal, we are not worthy :messenger_weary: (you still my boi, Lethal, despite you being an annoying bastard:messenger_sunglasses:)


I find it hard to believe that the next gen consoles coming in like 4-5 years won’t have path tracing.
If you think next consoles will be doing path tracing with games designed for that generation then it's fantasy talk. Current gen $1500 GPU can only do path tracing light in a game like Cyberpunk (full on path tracing is just not feasible currently). Remember Cyberpunk is not even fully current gen game and GPU like 4090 needs frame generation to even make this playable. A proper current gen game will be even more taxing when doing this light version of path tracing. It's highly likely PS6 and next Xbox will be able to do path tracing with older games or less demanding light titles, but it's a pipe dream to think that they will do path tracing as a norm.

More than likely you will have RT global illumination in almost all games, but not path tracing. Even Nvidia who like to hype up RT said in their roadmap in 2020 that they only expect full path tracing to be a thing no earlier than 2034-35. Basically you need to wait till PS7 if consoles are even a thing by then.
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If you think next consoles will be doing path tracing with games designed for that generation then it's fantasy talk. Current gen $1500 GPU can only do path tracing light in a game like Cyberpunk (full on path tracing is just not feasible currently). Remember Cyberpunk is not even fully current gen game and GPU like 4090 needs frame generation to even make this playable. A proper current gen game will be even more taxing when doing this light version of path tracing. It's highly likely PS6 and next Xbox will be able to do path tracing with older games or less demanding light titles, but it's a pipe dream to think that they will do path tracing as a norm.

More than likely you will have hybrid lighting solutions and RT global illumination in almost all games, but not path tracing. Even Nvidia who like to hype up RT said in their roadmap in 2020 that they only expect full path tracing to be a thing no earlier than 2034-35. Basically you need to wait till PS7 if consoles are even a thing by then.
That’s interesting. Yeah I am not gonna pretend to know how all this works. You guys honestly know better. But I just went with the logic of “if today’s gpu’s can do it so can the next gen consoles”. I think going by what you said that it is hella taxing, then PT will only be done on either cross gen games or lighter games.

Having said that, what other forms of light tracing do you reckon will be achievable next gen other than PT? Just regular RT but at a higher level than what we see today? Or something more advanced?
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That’s interesting. Yeah I am not gonna pretend to know how all this works. You guys honestly know better. But I just went with the logic of “if today’s gpu’s can do it so can the next gen consoles”. I think going by what you said that it is hella taxing, then PT will only be done on either cross gen games or lighter games.

Having said that, what other forms of light tracing do you reckon will be achievable next gen other than PT? Just regular RT but at a higher level than what we see today? Or something more advanced?
Expect RT global illumination to become a standard with next consoles. Think of Lumen but fully done with RT hardware while being way better. It's the next best thing to path tracing.
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Can’t Git Gud
Thats a shame. Almost every interior i go into is immaculately detailed and lit. I am keeping the hazy filters on unlike other PC gamers because I feel like it gives the lighting a volumetric effect, and preserves the original artist intent.



The game looks really good sometimes.
Especially with driveclub effect but on full screen 4k it's also not too shabby


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
What, can't you also see that unprecedented geometry complexity with the vehicles being a few pixels tall each in that tiny gif? :messenger_tears_of_joy:
It actually blows my mind you have people shitting on the matrix demo ITT, that shit was and still is insane and it made me so excited for future open world titles. I wish you were trolling Chief bro but I know ur legit, ur just insane bruv

It's an interesting video about speculations and rumours concerning next gen consoles. There are three points in the video that concern me. Firstly it mentions that we'll probably won't see path tracing implementation in games. Wouldn't you think that we would see path tracing in some degree? At least at the level rtx 4090 can handle right now? Secondly it talks about how ps6 is rumoured by developers to offer big advancements in game physics. Although that would be exciting I'm concerned that maybe they'll again offer a lukewarm upgrade in graphics. Long story short, ideally i would like to see a big leap in all three, physics, graphics and AI. And lastly it is mentioned that although Next gen xbox will be a sufficient step up from Series X, Microsoft wants to keep the price of the console low and even launch earlier than Sony, as early as 2026. Maybe that will prevent it from being a true generational leap graphically?

I wouldn't put too much credence into what RGT is saying. Sony are are still balls deep in PS6 R&D and the specs won't be finalised till the end of 2025/26 at the earliest. Unless he knows Mark Cerny himself then I doubt any of this is true.

Also him claiming the PS6 will feature improved physics and ray-tracing, then no shit... any of us could have speculated that those are some of the things Sony would want to look into. Sounds more like a wish list disguised a leak.

I said months ago before the Xbox FTC leak, that the next-gen consoles would focus heavily on AI/ML upscaling and ray-tracing (following Nvidia as usual).


It's a shame the Matrix Awakens demo didn't become an iterative demo. They should have updated the version on PS5/XSX over time with each upgrade to the engine, further optimisations, perhaps even features & easter eggs. It could become a giant, rolling showcase for all the latest stuff. It would have been nice to get it at a stable 30 with clean image quality (the temporal artifacts and noise are hideous and undermine an otherwise momentous achievement in visuals); and if a PS5 Pro comes out, upgrade it for that too. They also should have released the Lumen In The Land Of Nanite UE5 Reveal Demo to consoles; and also taken an iterative approach to that.

I appreciate this stuff is on PC, but without the whole intro part it's just not as slick.

I would have loved to have seen the 5.0 version and the latest "5.9" version of these demos on consoles in a DF comparison near the end of the gen, to see how far things have come.
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But I didn't ask you about the tech. My questions were simple:

You said:

And I asked if that included the areas of:

Remember, "I was wrong" is a perfectly acceptable answer, despite the tendencies of this thread.
Because all the things you pointed out is not tech, of course...
I highly doubt your answer deserves an "I was wrong". But nice try.
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Gold Member
Because all the things you pointed out is not tech, of course...

Discussing the tech without proper context is futile. Can you imagine what Insomniac or any other top tier studio can "accomplish" or show off if they didn't need to account for image quality, playable framerate, and most importantly game logic? Insomniac could put out code with insane visuals working under a 1080p/20-30fps budget. But they are in the business of making actual games, not tech demos. Look at the actual UE5 games that have released. They all run terribly. So yeah resolution/framerate (i.e. how well implemented tech can be presented) belongs in the tech conversation because it is a significant indicator of engine quality.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions

This is honestly fucking disgusting. Thank god that guy is out of here. Hopefully they scrap all of his stupid plans. Imagine thinking making fucking TWELVE live service games is a good idea. Jesus. TWELVE?! He literally ruined this generation. Can we even look forward to anymore single player games from 1st party?

The fact that they had NOTHING to announce at their PlayStation "showcase" was super telling. They are all sturuggling, making absolute GAAS trash. And arent ready to show anything because they dont know wtf they are doing.

Christ am I glad hes gone.

Now pivot.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions

Surprised no one is talking about this in here. This is a doomsday scenario for graphical fidelity moving forward for the rest of the gen.

We're going from Series S being the weakest link, to now Switch 2.

You can drink all the "but cloud streaming!", "but DLSS!" kool-aid you want. Its all BS. This WILL put a cap on graphical progress for the rest of the gen if this is true. It will essentially be cross-gen for the entire gen if Switch 2 is getting heavy support.

Honestly, between Sony's big hitters making fucking MP GAAS trash, and Switch 2 getting support, my faith in high quality next gen graphcis moving forward is at an ALL TIME low.

We are fucked. Not an ounce of positivity left in me.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes

Surprised no one is talking about this in here. This is a doomsday scenario for graphical fidelity moving forward for the rest of the gen.

We're going from Series S being the weakest link, to now Switch 2.

You can drink all the "but cloud streaming!", "but DLSS!" kool-aid you want. Its all BS. This WILL put a cap on graphical progress for the rest of the gen if this is true. It will essentially be cross-gen for the entire gen if Switch 2 is getting heavy support.

Honestly, between Sony's big hitters making fucking MP GAAS trash, and Switch 2 getting support, my faith in high quality next gen graphcis moving forward is at an ALL TIME low.

We are fucked. Not an ounce of positivity left in me.

Dude, no one gives a shit about the 4 tflops series s holding them back. They are willing to release 480p games on that thing. why would they care about the 2 tflops switch 2?

if they treat the series s like a bastard child, the switch 2 versions will be treated as step kids. being fed crumbs while the lead platform will remain the ps5. if anything this gen has shown that devs dont even optimize games for xbox series x anymore. just ask any xbox fan and they will write you a thesis on why the ps5 versions perform better than their specs.

I would urge optimism based on what ive seen so far this year. Starfield was 30 fps on consoles at 1440p. no bullshit native 4k or 1440p 30 fps mode. FF16 targeted 1440p with drops to 1080p in its 30 fps mode. Immortals and Remnant devs had no issues targeting really low resolutions on consoles while pushing fidelity. i mean 480p on the series s gives me hope lmao.

then you have avatar targeting 30 fps 1440p as its base mode. the 60 fps looks fairly downgraded so clearly this was a 30 fps game. remedy confirmed that alan wake 2 is a 30 fps game. good luck porting that to a 2 tflops handheld.

Mortal kombat's switch version is so bad that it is obvious that the devs will treat the switch with disdain and utter contempt. it literally looks worse than PS3 MK9.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
at least Sony Studios can focus on own hardware.
they are not. herman has already confirmed that all 12 gaas games they are making will be released on pc day one. so thats 60% of their first party output for the next 2 years with no focus on single hardware.

Means nothing if they are making 12 GAAS trash games.

We have graphical Gods like Guerilla Games making this right now:


this. good thing is that factions is done. the game by the ex-treyarch guys is all but done with half of the studio laid off, and i bet insomniac's own avengers/suicide spinoff was cancelled after the disastrous reception to suicide squad earlier this year. jim ryan's sudden retirement hints at discontent among sony studios so i wouldnt be surprised if this trash and insomniac's marvel multiplayer games are canned as well.

my guess is sony will ship jade raymond's gaas trash, helldivers firewalk studio's gaas trash, and whatever bungie puts out. the rest will be canned or revamped into single player experiences like bend's next game which supposedly had online elements.
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Surprised no one is talking about this in here. This is a doomsday scenario for graphical fidelity moving forward for the rest of the gen.

We're going from Series S being the weakest link, to now Switch 2.

You can drink all the "but cloud streaming!", "but DLSS!" kool-aid you want. Its all BS. This WILL put a cap on graphical progress for the rest of the gen if this is true. It will essentially be cross-gen for the entire gen if Switch 2 is getting heavy support.

Honestly, between Sony's big hitters making fucking MP GAAS trash, and Switch 2 getting support, my faith in high quality next gen graphcis moving forward is at an ALL TIME low.

We are fucked. Not an ounce of positivity left in me.

Playstation exclusives + we don’t know how powerful the switch 2 is. Could be above the series S + developers could always just drop support ala the Wii and Wii U and switch. Lotta precedent for that actually. Tom Henderson or whatever is just a clown on Twitter keep in mind

Also “but they’re making GAAS trash” yes it’s true we’ve lost gems like Bend and a few others but Sucker Punch, Bluepoint, Santa Monica, and ND all are graphical heavy hitters working on single player PS5 only games
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
my guess is sony will ship jade raymond's gaas trash, helldivers firewalk studio's gaas trash, and whatever bungie puts out. the rest will be canned or revamped into single player experiences like bend's next game which supposedly had online elements.
God I hope youre right. I will gladly wait another half decade for them to cook up SP games if it means they are canning the GAAS trash they are currently making. 3rd party will have to hold down the fort until then. I imagine there was a sigh of relief throughtout the dev teams after Jim announced his departure.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
God I hope youre right. I will gladly wait another half decade for them to cook up SP games if it means they are canning the GAAS trash they are currently making. 3rd party will have to hold down the fort until then. I imagine there was a sigh of relief throughtout the dev teams after Jim announced his departure.
thats pretty much what jason said after speaking to his sources.

but i suspect herman will have to go as well. i just hope this is a real shakeup. that sony saw zelda, gow, hogwarts, baldurs gate sell 10-12 million copies within weeks and started asking just why the fuck we only had one sp game release in a year that had over a dozen sp games release and almost all of them sold millions. starfield has 6.5 million users on steamspy which is typically not a good indicator of sales because a lot of people on steam gameshare, but here it might be within 10-20% accuracy because MS did not allow game sharing for this game. my guess is that at least half of starfield's 10 million users are actual sales. not bad at all for a single player game.

spiderman 2 will break all playstation records when it launches. its shocking that sony didnt have days gone 2, death stranding 2, and ghost of tsuhshima 2 lined up for this year. they wouldve sold millions. instead kojima didnt get the greenlight for ds2 until sometime last year, 3 years after shipping the first game. bend were being jerked around by naughty dog until april of 2021. no wonder they arent ready. and i bet GoT2 was asked to become a gaas title seeing as how Sucker punch was adding PvE elements in the base game for the first year after release.

these studios needed more bodies, not being forced to split into multiple teams making multiplayer stuff. i always wondered why gow and horizon took almost 5 years to make despite being iterative sequels. well, aside from being long, they clearly didnt have enough manpower to get the game out in time. every sony studio needs to double in size going forward or risk being left behind.


Neo Member
What you guys think next gen xbox and ps6 will bring to the table? Personally I'd like to see a big leap in graphics and ray tracing, advancements in physics and the implementation of AI such as chat gpt for conversations with NPCs.


This is honestly fucking disgusting. Thank god that guy is out of here. Hopefully they scrap all of his stupid plans. Imagine thinking making fucking TWELVE live service games is a good idea. Jesus. TWELVE?! He literally ruined this generation. Can we even look forward to anymore single player games from 1st party?

The fact that they had NOTHING to announce at their PlayStation "showcase" was super telling. They are all sturuggling, making absolute GAAS trash. And arent ready to show anything because they dont know wtf they are doing.

Christ am I glad hes gone.

Now pivot.
Imagine Sony spent 20+ years building their games’ portfolio just for this idiot to come in and burn everything down to the ground in just what, 4-6 years?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Imagine Sony spent 20+ years building their games’ portfolio just for this idiot to come in and burn everything down to the ground in just what, 4-6 years?

Investment in single player games has actually gone down since 2019. It will go back up in 2025 to match Fiscal Year 2019's single player budget, but in 6 years the cost of making single player games has likely gone up and sony just hasnt allocated enough to keep up with their ps4 era output. thats why you are seeing one single player game release this year from sony first party with nothing lined up for next year aside from wolverine and maybe that also gets delayed. and why we havent seen sony studios set a new bar in visuals like they did the past 3 gens. they just dont have the resources to get games out faster. cross gen focus didnt help either.

Had they stuck to their single player focus and drove all their extra investments into single player, this thread would not be so antsy and suicidal every other week. third parties always chase trends and fads like gaas, they always choose easy cross gen crash, but first parties were different. jimbo turned ps first party into EA, Activision and Ubisoft if not worse considering how EA and Ubisoft are now releasing more next gen only games than sony.

Im not a fan of phil spencer, but he made starfield and forza next gen, and both are shipping with realtime GI that has allowed them to do things they couldnt do next gen. both are heavily flawed with lots of compromises but their PC versions offer us that rare taste of next gen we simply havent seen from sony studios that were held back by cross gen.
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Investment in single player games has actually gone down since 2019. It will go back up in 2025 to match Fiscal Year 2019's single player budget, but in 6 years the cost of making single player games has likely gone up and sony just hasnt allocated enough to keep up with their ps4 era output. thats why you are seeing one single player game release this year from sony first party with nothing lined up for next year aside from wolverine and maybe that also gets delayed. and why we havent seen sony studios set a new bar in visuals like they did the past 3 gens. they just dont have the resources to get games out faster. cross gen focus didnt help either.

Had they stuck to their single player focus and drove all their extra investments into single player, this thread would not be so antsy and suicidal every other week. third parties always chase trends and fads like gaas, they always choose easy cross gen crash, but first parties were different. jimbo turned ps first party into EA, Activision and Ubisoft if not worse considering how EA and Ubisoft are now releasing more next gen only games than sony.

Im not a fan of phil spencer, but he made starfield and forza next gen, and both are shipping with realtime GI that has allowed them to do things they couldnt do next gen. both are heavily flawed with lots of compromises but their PC versions offer us that rare taste of next gen we simply havent seen from sony studios that were held back by cross gen.
Question, don’t studios have their own say in this? Like for example ND, don’t they have any say in what kinda game they produce, the tech used, the decisions that get made like if its a next gen only game or cross gen, if it includes RT or not and so on and so forth? Sony cannot be making all these decisions by themselves surely?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Question, don’t studios have their own say in this? Like for example ND, don’t they have any say in what kinda game they produce, the tech used, the decisions that get made like if its a next gen only game or cross gen, if it includes RT or not and so on and so forth? Sony cannot be making all these decisions by themselves surely?
It used to be that way for sure. Sony studios enjoyed complete autonomy. ND, SSM and GG boasted about sony not micromanaging them and letting them choose their own projects.

That said, do you see graphics whores like GG choosing to make a cross gen game just 3 years before next gen consoles came out? KZ3 had come out in Februrary 2011, they decided to make KZSF a next gen only game and shipped it at launch just 2 years and 8 months later. why would the studio so focused on pushing the bar handicap themselves a generation later if their new boss didnt force them?

same goes for SSM. Released a game 2 years and 6 months before a console laucnh. we had AMD gonzalo (the first 8 tflops ps5 chip) benchmarks out by then. they chose to limit themselves. cory said that it was his decision. sorry, im not buying it.

the biggest red flag is what they did to kojima. they signed him for a two game contract in 2015. death stranding was always supposed to get a sequel but didnt start shooting until 2022. 3 years after launch? why? why not begin dev on ds2 right away? something changed after jimbo took over. he probably saw sales of ds1 and days gone in the millions, not in the tens of millions and said fuck it. then in 2022 when realizing how empty his 2024 and 2025 are went ahead and greenlit ds2. i kept wondering why kojima was out begging ms and stadia to fund his new project when he shouldve been working on ds2. turns out sony didnt want greenlight him immediately despite having herman and cerny pal around with him at award ceremonies.


It used to be that way for sure. Sony studios enjoyed complete autonomy. ND, SSM and GG boasted about sony not micromanaging them and letting them choose their own projects.

That said, do you see graphics whores like GG choosing to make a cross gen game just 3 years before next gen consoles came out? KZ3 had come out in Februrary 2011, they decided to make KZSF a next gen only game and shipped it at launch just 2 years and 8 months later. why would the studio so focused on pushing the bar handicap themselves a generation later if their new boss didnt force them?

same goes for SSM. Released a game 2 years and 6 months before a console laucnh. we had AMD gonzalo (the first 8 tflops ps5 chip) benchmarks out by then. they chose to limit themselves. cory said that it was his decision. sorry, im not buying it.

the biggest red flag is what they did to kojima. they signed him for a two game contract in 2015. death stranding was always supposed to get a sequel but didnt start shooting until 2022. 3 years after launch? why? why not begin dev on ds2 right away? something changed after jimbo took over. he probably saw sales of ds1 and days gone in the millions, not in the tens of millions and said fuck it. then in 2022 when realizing how empty his 2024 and 2025 are went ahead and greenlit ds2. i kept wondering why kojima was out begging ms and stadia to fund his new project when he shouldve been working on ds2. turns out sony didnt want greenlight him immediately despite having herman and cerny pal around with him at award ceremonies.
That’s interesting. But studios releasing their games close to the launch of new consoles isn’t new. ND literally released TLOU 1 in 2013 a couple months before the PS4 came out. They did the same in 2020 with TLOU2 right before the release of the PS5. And it always seemed bizarre to me as to why would ND choose to do this. I know releasing games on current gen consoles would mean more copies sold rather than the new next gen consoles that have just come out.

Jimbo did screw things up for sure, I wonder if he truly retired and he actually wanted to or the mothership back in Japan told him to pack his bags and call it a day.


I’m still working my way through a Plague Tale: Requiem on PC, and imo, this game is still one of the best looking current gen only titles we’ve gotten so far, even 3.5 years into the generation. Especially late into the game, it’s absolutely stunning; the environments are extraordinary. Hell, even the facial features can be super impressive at times, and the whole 10,000 rats on screen at once feature is still very cool and doesn’t have that much of an impact on performance at all.

Innocence was always a good looking game, but Requiem is a substantial leap forward. Give it a try, for anyone who may not have played it yet.
I’m still working my way through a Plague Tale: Requiem on PC, and imo, this game is still one of the best looking current gen only titles we’ve gotten so far, even 3.5 years into the generation. Especially late into the game, it’s absolutely stunning; the environments are extraordinary. Hell, even the facial features can be super impressive at times, and the whole 10,000 rats on screen at once feature is still very cool and doesn’t have that much of an impact on performance at all.

Innocence was always a good looking game, but Requiem is a substantial leap forward. Give it a try, for anyone who may not have played it yet.
Yeah it is, character models are not the best though but then again neither are Cyberpunks but everyone seems to be blown away by that. That’s probably more about the lighting more than anything else though.
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