Once the trailer drops, this thread will absolutely explode.
Indeed, regardless of whether it's good or bad.
Once the trailer drops, this thread will absolutely explode.
Big budget +talented dev team, game was really good quality/gameplay wise too, not just amazing graphics, shame what rocksteady became nowadays after those past games they did =/How can this game still looks this good even today and PS5 only games like SP2 or even new games from Rocksteady looks a gen behind? And Batman wasn't even an exclusive, Rocksteady really did some sort of miracle back in the days.
Indeed, regardless of whether it's good or bad.
Whenever the light is brightest makes it look the worst - night time looks the best for sureI personally think that full daytime looks better than early morning. Night time is the best at hiding game shortcomings and looks very good when swinging around. Evening has beautiful skybox.
I’m yet to experience any kind of weather effect.
I say it again: this game should have full day and night cycle.
Whenever the light is brightest makes it look the worst - night time looks the best for sure
Path traced Cyberpunk ruined graphics for me. I want to be blown away by GTA6 but I’m afraid my expectations are unreasonable.
It might not impress visually, but it will put any other studio to shame in terms of AI, density and coherence of the world. You'll likely be blown away when you play it. The game should look incredible though but remember they'll likely show the console version and it's a 500€ machine at the end of the day so there will be limitations. I'm not even sure there will be Ray tracing.
It looks like a shitty flat surface with even worse physics to me but ok.Yh it looks great. I checked out both Arkham knight and horizon before making that post. Spider-Man looks better to me. You guys see big waves and immediately cum all over your screen. The water shading and reflections in Spider-Man are way better than horizon, Arkham and sea of thieves.
Miles'uncle model was literal walking comedy for how bad it looked.
Kz4 shadowfall has better models than this game...it's embarassing.
The pace and story are worse than spidey 1 but combat and traversal are better.
If it continue like this i'm probably gonna score the game like the first one.
I think horizon and sea of thieves are rendering the ocean while Spiderman is rendering the hudson river which is why they look different. Hudson river can get that rough during some storms, but it wouldnt make sense to have waves like horizon, sot and AK. though i wont lie, if they did, i would be ecstatic.
I am comparing just the look of it. Looks far less gamey than these overanimated waters. Which again is fine. Give me over the top over subtle any day. But I am also a big of Spiderman 2's water shading, the rendering, and just how beautiful it looks. I dont even care about the building reflections. I just love whatever effect they are using to light up the ocean. it feels like the sun is being reflected off of it and it produces are more realistic water than the much more expressive and animated water in sea of thieves and arkham knight.
Already passed the cutscene with him, search on yt, it's the first time you see him in person with miles.Post a pic of him so we can compare with the one in Miles Morales.
Same, I was about to take a shot at missing shadows in one of your spiderman 2 screenshots when I realised cp overdrive was what had increased my expectations in that regard and it's probably unreasonable.Path traced Cyberpunk ruined graphics for me. I want to be blown away by GTA6 but I’m afraid my expectations are unreasonable.
Same, I was about to take a shot at missing shadows in one of your spiderman 2 screenshots when I realised cp overdrive was what had increased my expectations in that regard and it's probably unreasonable.
If there is a trailer for gta6 due soon they better at least look better than the natural vision mod. Which i'll leave here for a refresher.
i wont give a damn. flight simulator new york water looks better than spiderman
problem with spiderman is that they use that obnoxious sharpening filter which increases the frequency detail but also makes it look weird
Yeah I’m not getting this being good looking water when the physics are what they are and the splashes look terrible - again horizons was on another level comparativelyIt looks like a shitty flat surface with even worse physics to me but ok.
How much is chief paying you?
I’m not even “that guy” but this game is horribly woke. I’d be more forgiving if it was maybe handled with any artistry or gravitas. Perhaps some sharp writing. But of course these clowns can’t pull that off so it’s all exactly as bad as you’d expect from a Spider-Man video gameLmao of course
the milionaire white man stole stuff from a black music museum for personal pleasure and the resetter with purple hair teras him a new one in his shitty podcast...
This shit is so hilariously hamfisted
I'm straight up not doing any miles sidequest anymore, this stuff is beyond terrible.
Sony managed to make me skip cutscenes in a game not called the division, incredible result.
Half of what insomniac is paying him.How much is chief paying you?
Draw distance is the best ever in a game.
It also looks way way better on my TV. Screenshots degrade the fuck out of the colours and resolution.
Draw distance is the best ever in a game.
Sounds atrocious, but about what you expect from this MCU kinda crap. I'll continue not giving them my money.I’m not even “that guy” but this game is horribly woke. I’d be more forgiving if it was maybe handled with any artistry or gravitas. Perhaps some sharp writing. But of course these clowns can’t pull that off so it’s all exactly as bad as you’d expect from a Spider-Man video game
The writing is genuinely awful. The dialogue writing to me is noticeably worse than SM2018. It’s bounces between a mediocre Saturday morning cartoon and a mass audience slop MCU movie for dummies.
These Sony studios man. They cannot fucking help themselves.
Nah your forgetting about Uncharted 4 lows. Some game will really have to go out it's way to top that!Jesus miles sidequests sucks asses, now i have to
play as his girlfriend
Kill me please.
And people thought the section with little shit and angrboring were terrible in ragnarock but this is a new low.
i wont give a damn. flight simulator new york water looks better than spiderman
problem with spiderman is that they use that obnoxious sharpening filter which increases the frequency detail but also makes it look weird
Revisionist history. Arkham knight has its own strengths and weaknesses. They just did a great job hiding its flaws behind rain and night time. I have posted clips of how awful the games assets look during day time.How can this game still looks this good even today and PS5 only games like SP2 or even new games from Rocksteady looks a gen behind? And Batman wasn't even an exclusive, Rocksteady really did some sort of miracle back in the days.
I'm trying to erase u4 from my memory, please and thank you.Nah your forgetting about Uncharted 4 lows. Some game will really have to go out it's way to top that!
My man is not out here simping for Gotham Knights and Spider-Man 2 but trying to put down the legendary Batman Arkham Knight…It looks roughly on par. Very good looking. Spider-Man doesn’t have disappearing reflections that you see in this video, but the lighting in flight sim is arguably the best lighting of any game and enhances everything around it including the water.
Revisionist history. Arkham knight has its own strengths and weaknesses. They just did a great job hiding its flaws behind rain and night time. I have posted clips of how awful the games assets look during day time.
I was with you until you said PS5 games look a gen behind. Even Gotham Knights an average looking game does things better than Arkham Knight. Way better interiors. Way better volumetric lighting. Way better asset quality. It's lacking mostly in art direction which is piss poor but i would hardly call even Gotham Knights a gen behind when its doing many things better than AK.
Spiderman 2 is on another level compared top Gotham Knights. I would say Spiderman 1 already did a lot of things better than AK. SP2 takes it to another level. It's fine to praise AK for what it did right. Fantastic art design, lighting, rain, and water rendering, but not sure why we need to use it to knock Spiderman 2's accomplishments when we could do the same to AK by pointing out all its flaws in comparison to spiderman 2.
Ignore the youtube artifacts, but look at every other asset quality. it is clearly behind modern games. They made a fantastic decision to set it at night time and not changing the lighting conditions at all, but the game's flaws wouldve been exposed if they had to do a full daytime and nighttime cycle.
Spiderman 2 SHOULD look a gen ahead of Arkham Knight, and it doesnt, and that sucks. But its also doing things AK simply wasnt. The setpieces alone are just mind blowing in terms of fidelity. And not just because of the ssd stuff. The scale of these setpieces is simply not possible on the PS4. Everything is cranked up to an 11. These are like an Uncharted setpieces, only on steroids. Maybe it doesnt look next gen while doing it, but it definitely looks better than any ND game ive played.
And i did a great job at it because you couldnt come with a single argument to prove me wrong.My man is not out here simping for Gotham Knights and Spider-Man 2 but trying to put down the legendary Batman Arkham Knight…
do you have 120hz mode enabled?The game has a lot of ghosting and shimmering when you move, the IQ is not clean at all even in fidelity mode, there is something wrong with the iq of this game in motion.
It's not a low res problem (i played for years at 1440p on pc), spidey has something weird around him like a shimmering or whatever the term is during fast traversal, and the iq in general is not great in motion.And i did a great job at it because you couldnt come with a single argument to prove me wrong.
do you have 120hz mode enabled?
disable it. play in fidelity smoothed. its mostly a locked native 4k. the 40 fps mode brings the resolution down to 1440p.
The game looks phenomenal at times.
“Prove you wrong”? Lol yeah I’m gonna come with my thesis and you’re gonna reply “you’re right Arkhamguy123. I see now my subjective taste are invalided and it looks better than these two games”And i did a great job at it because you couldnt come with a single argument to prove me wrong.
cmon dude that pic is horrible. the assets are not that bad;It looks roughly on par. Very good looking. Spider-Man doesn’t have disappearing reflections that you see in this video, but the lighting in flight sim is arguably the best lighting of any game and enhances everything around it including the water.
Revisionist history. Arkham knight has its own strengths and weaknesses. They just did a great job hiding its flaws behind rain and night time. I have posted clips of how awful the games assets look during day time.
I was with you until you said PS5 games look a gen behind. Even Gotham Knights an average looking game does things better than Arkham Knight. Way better interiors. Way better volumetric lighting. Way better asset quality. It's lacking mostly in art direction which is piss poor but i would hardly call even Gotham Knights a gen behind when its doing many things better than AK.
Spiderman 2 is on another level compared top Gotham Knights. I would say Spiderman 1 already did a lot of things better than AK. SP2 takes it to another level. It's fine to praise AK for what it did right. Fantastic art design, lighting, rain, and water rendering, but not sure why we need to use it to knock Spiderman 2's accomplishments when we could do the same to AK by pointing out all its flaws in comparison to spiderman 2.
Ignore the youtube artifacts, but look at every other asset quality. it is clearly behind modern games. They made a fantastic decision to set it at night time and not changing the lighting conditions at all, but the game's flaws wouldve been exposed if they had to do a full daytime and nighttime cycle.
Spiderman 2 SHOULD look a gen ahead of Arkham Knight, and it doesnt, and that sucks. But its also doing things AK simply wasnt. The setpieces alone are just mind blowing in terms of fidelity. And not just because of the ssd stuff. The scale of these setpieces is simply not possible on the PS4. Everything is cranked up to an 11. These are like an Uncharted setpieces, only on steroids. Maybe it doesnt look next gen while doing it, but it definitely looks better than any ND game ive played.
cmon dude that pic is horrible. the assets are not that bad;
they look ok. it would be wise to remember that this game had to strand itself to 2-3 gb memory limitation due to gtx 700 series at the time. it used around 3.5-4 gb if you max it out but texture quality was still tailored to run compliant with 2-3 gb gpu of pathetic vram
so the fact that these assets are a product of limited 2-3 gb vram target, it is even more impressive.
considering spooderman has like 6x more memory budget and an ssd tha can help with asset streaming, it is actually rather funny that there's not even a full gen leap between them
maybe truly devs hit a wall. it is very possible.
look at alan wake 2. do u know why most people are angry? because the demos or videos they show... while super in terms of lighting, shadows and etc... textures look like dogcrap. why? because all that lighting, path tracing or mesh shading or whatever takes up immense amount of VRAM. so there practically no vram budget left in 10-12 gb cards to get meaningful texture upgrades. hence the game still looks subpar somehow. even with all its glory.
cyberpunk is very different as it uses out of ordinary texture streaming and texturing systems so it still somehow produces good textures (up close or close) when you actually investigate them
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read about it. it is why this is the only game that can match good looking textures with gorgeous advanced lighting with pathetic vram budgets (8-10-12)
cyberpunk, where it matters, do not even use the classic textures as we know it. once you actually see it, you can't unsee it. most characters and their clothes are definitely not "regular" textures that most other games use.
read the 1st comment. pretty informative
alan wake 2 clearly an offender. its textures look lastgen. simple as that. and there's no remedy for it, unless remedy could be even go bolder and make the game exclusive to 16 gb cards lol
You would think calling Spiderman 2 a generation behind Arkham Knight would be a laughable take but instead of just clowning it, you left it a like, and then trashed the guy who chose to offer a measured response pointing out that Spiderman 2 does indeed NOT look a gen above Arkham Knight.With this foresight it’s easier to just clown on such a laughable take instead of wasting my time and energy
Well, previous games were running a PS4 game at native 4k. They have added a more this time around and obviously its too much for the PS5 to handle.It's not a low res problem (i played for years at 1440p on pc), spidey has something weird around him like a shimmering or whatever the term is during fast traversal, and the iq in general is not great in motion.
Previous games on ps5 were far cleaner.
On reee a lot of people noted this (and if a bunch of insomniac fanboys notice that, you can bet it's true).
30 locked is far too choppy for a game acrobatic like this, too fast paced for 30, 40 is barely acceptable but perf mode look like absolute ass so it's not an option.
Perf mod in horizon look light years better (after the patch)
“Factual arguments”? Lol what. Let me scroll up as I’m typing this.Yeah, that still looks like shit though.
Arkham knight was developed on the same consoles as the first spiderman 1 and it had some pretty piss poor textures and asset quality. I dont much care about textures tbh. I want everything to be modeled like it is cyberpunk and the matrix. no more bs painted on textures, thank you. Thats been my one gripe with insomniac's buildings.
Regardless, if we are making the vram argument then by definition, spiderman 2 and gotham knights with their better asset quality are better right? why are we allowing people to say that these games look a gen behind?
I honestly have no idea whats going on what alan wake 2 right now. will discuss when i get the game next weekend. but i just checked arkham knight and even at 4k ultra settings with maxed out nvidia settings, it maxed out at 5GB.
You would think calling Spiderman 2 a generation behind Arkham Knight would be a laughable take but instead of just clowning it, you left it a like, and then trashed the guy who chose to offer a measured response pointing out that Spiderman 2 does indeed NOT look a gen above Arkham Knight.
By your logic, i shouldve clown that post but i offered to point out the things spiderman does better in terms of tech. You know acting like an adult presenting factual reasonable arguments which is what men do. You are just acting like a woman right now. You have made up your point that spiderman 2 looks bad, and any argument no matter how reasonable or logical is something you feel compelled to rebel against.
I mentioned the poor textures, asset quality, volumetric lighting, static lighting and single time of day that i consider AK's weaknesses. I pointed out its art design, rain, lighting and water as its strengths. Finally i pointed out the SCOPE of Spiderman's setpieces as a strength. Fairly level headed and reasonable compared to what you did which was LOL DIDNT READ PISS OFF CLOWN.“Factual arguments”? Lol what. Let me scroll up as I’m typing this.
Ummmm yeah just got back. Don’t seem to see any. It’s an opinion piece of you just making statements. That doesn’t make them factual.
It’s seems like an overestimation of your assessments and opinion to say that your Spider-Man 2 uhh “”arguments”” are so “”logical”” and “”reasonable”” any dissent is just tantamount to a rebellious teenager being a dick to their parents. When I’m not even the only one here that has openly disagreed with you. In fact it’s highlighted as more hilarious because you post Spider-Man 2 screenshots to showcase how good it actually looks and 9/10 times you post it looks very subpar
Nah, i played for years at native 1440p, dlss wasn't as common nor as good.Well, previous games were running a PS4 game at native 4k. They have added a more this time around and obviously its too much for the PS5 to handle.
The performance mode in the first game was native 4k-1800p and now its 1440p to 1008p. litearlly sub 1080p. are we really surprised that it is not cleaner?
You are playing the game at 1440p without dlss. When was the last time you played a game at native 1440p or using FSR2? DLSS has spoiled us all.
Thats not to say that they couldnt improve it, but since im playing in native 4k 30 fps mode, im not seeing the shimmering. I see some buildings in the distance exhibiting artifacts that i also saw in the Matrix demo. but other than that, i havent seem much shimmering. I did see A LOT of shimmering when the game accidently enabled performance mode when i first started the game, but its been a very smooth 30 fps experience after i restarted from scratch. its really not that bad. i told you to stop switching. just stick with one mode and you will get used to it.
Arkham Knight on PC. Just started playing. Amazing presentation.
Art direction is wow.
Me when they didn’t go make a Superman trilogy with the same quality and instead made a 2013 PS4 lookin shooter game that bleed them talent for a decade including their two founders