Man, I don't know if this shot is so crazy. This is Cyberpunk, a 2020 game.
Before someone quotes me: I'm talking about this specific shot / buildings.
Buildings are also my favorite part of Cyberpunk graphics, probably
They look amazing even with only raster lighting, no RT. Can look photorealistic sometimes. I always walk on foot looking up, admiring the buildings
But they look best with this specific lighting condition, I think. Of heavy shadows/penumbra.
And even then, I believe due to the materials, they dont look so real. Your 1st shot is much more realistic than the 2nd or 3rd one due to this reason (tho they still look great)
Notice how in the 2nd/3rd shots the buildings dont look as impressive where there's light from the sun
What impresses me in that GTA VI shot is how correct the lighting is and how real it looks while being baked by sunlight
Most of the best looking games right now (Cyberpunk, Alan Wake II, Callisto Protocol) look best in heavy contrast situations, where the limitations are mostly hidden
But here GTA VI is looking absolutely amazing in direct sunlight. And that's so, so tough to nail.
Also notice how in the GTA VI screenshot, there's a more gradual transition from direct sunlight to shadowed area, giving it a more reaslitic look.
Instead of going from direct sunlight to almost penumbra looking shadows
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