Not really.
You can find all kinds of high-quality animation tests out there, much of it from professional developers; there's also great rundowns and tests of some of the
newer animation blending techniques coming into practice. Project Deniz is showing how all of this can be done well, but they're not showing the rest of the world how to do the job.
What's really nice, though, about what Ethanol Games is doing in their Deniz project is smart use of secondary animation with gift movement from the physical representation of for example the hair. Her hair is portraying the action as well as anything the character is personally doing in these animation movements, flying wildly as she runs or turns and throwing hard as she slams into the wall. In conjunction with the well-coordination and exaggerated audio, the character's stress is well portrayed in this animation test.
I like this work a lot, I'm just not lighting up a torch over this to join some rabble against what the pros have been doing in their work.