I dunno maybe I’m softer on ghosts of Yotei because I’ve recalibrated my expectations for graphics this gen and especially from Sony first party studios
Previously, like
, I had hoped the last half of the gen, after crossgen ended would see a return to 30fps and pushing fidelity to the max like every generation before, but after the pro reveal and hearing Cerny talk it’s clear to me the 60fps crowd won and Sony’s boner for 60fps will never go away now. For better or worse.
You can have a generational leap, or you can have 60fps, you can’t have both unless the console cost $1000+. So given that they’ve gone with the latter, essentially rendering the PS5 a 5-6 tflop machine, this is about what I expect. Maybe ND will push technical boundaries a little more but uhhh yeah, Demon Souls, Yotei, Spider-Man 2, I think this is as good as it gets until the PS6 guys. These are 60fps games, souped up for fidelity mode.