Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity


Oh fair enough. I haven't seen any of those yet but I'm still pretty early. Assumed there'd be a browsable gallery or something.

They're super rare. I've been rated only once (I have +20 pics uploaded) while i only found 3 pics from other players so far (around 8 hours playing).


Is there any point to Side Missions? I did a longass three part one and all I got was gestures, and another didn't give me anything.

I think the first one at the settlement gave me a talisman, but that's it. I guess I have to grind for those? Not really sure how acquiring them works.

You can get them from mining, certain side missions (usually its gestures), and getting gold medals on challenge missions.


Just fought
Fi. That was really fun. happy to bring a win for the people of Banga lol

Got the camera, and as I feared, I need a save for GR Remastered in order to get the costumes. It cares not about the game being installed, or that I still have my trophies for it lol
How lively and varied are the different environments? I'm mainly interested in this game for the exploration and gravity-flying through the different worlds

Is the combat improved as well? I found it so repetitive in the first game. Fighting was the part I disliked most in GR1.
How lively and varied are the different environments? I'm mainly interested in this game for the exploration and gravity-flying through the different worlds

Is the combat improved as well? I found it so repetitive in the first game. Fighting was the part I disliked most in GR1.

Gravity Rush 2 is indeed a beautiful game, like in Hekseville in the first game, every area has a really distinct feel to it. There are moments like in the first image below that you can skip (during the mining sections, when you're heading back to port), but I usually just take the time to look around instead. The ship design as well as the floating buildings in the city look remarkable as well, it's a joy just flying around the city and watching all the detail that went into it.
The different architectures are wonderful to see. One moment you're in a Brazilian favela, then running up a brutalist concrete high rise and then some Versailles like palace garden.
It instantly makes you aware of your location and that location's position in society.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Man I should stop wandering around aimlessly and focus on missions, but I can't, I just love how everything looks in this game, the buildings, the NPCs, the animals, everything. The last time I felt this way about cities/towns was with Ni No Kuni. Favorite open world setting? Yep.


Is there any point to Side Missions? I did a longass three part one and all I got was gestures, and another didn't give me anything.

I think the first one at the settlement gave me a talisman, but that's it. I guess I have to grind for those? Not really sure how acquiring them works.

You unlock other challenges which reward Gems, etc.
Just picked it up today from gamestop. I asked the clerk how many they got and she said they only got three copies for pre orders (including mine) and received zero extras O_O


Just picked it up today from gamestop. I asked the clerk how many they got and she said they only got three copies for pre orders (including mine) and received zero extras O_O
To be fair this game has a niche audience that is more likely to be hardcore. They'd probably know about GCU and Amazon Prime


I didn't have a preorder, I walked in and didn't see it anywhere. I asked the clerk and he went in back and brought a few copies up. This was about 30 min after they opened. I didn't ask him about preorders, he didn't seem very chatty so I left him alone. This was on Durham NC.


I haven't reached the city yet, but so far the colour scheme is a lot more muted than Hekseville. The dimensions you travel to in sidequests are really vibrant and interesting looking, though.

EDIT: Okay yeah, once you get to Lhao the real GR train starts rolling.

I was kind of feeling the same way at first, but then I really came to appreciate the intro. It's actually good at setting the tone for what's to come, and makes the point at which Kat is "freed" upon the world feel that much more special and satisfying.

The way the original GR started worked because Kat was just coming into her powers. Just letting her lose on a big, beautiful world right from the stat wouldn't have had as much of an impact, I don't think.
Thanks for the motivation, guys! I was sure it'd pick up, but some positive reinforcement definitely helps. Can't wait to progress further. =)

Oh shit, I just realized we can no longer upgrade it. Interesting, I don't know if I prefer that or not lol

Well to be fair, if people are already calling you "Gravity Queen", you're already pretty popular to begin with.


Jeez, is there anyone that ordered from that didn't get fucked over?
Ah so those talismans are the only way to upgrade?? Ugh. That sucks. Gravity shifting is the most fun aspect of the game imo and not being able to boost it from the start is pretty depressing. /:



There's a photo scavenger hunt mode with hints to find things to take pictures of in the environment. I love that kind of shit. Flying around collecting gems is still super fun too. My Crackdown agility orbs crack.


Was able to get hold of the asian release. limited edition.

Nothing fancy with it. The slipcase looks cool though.
I'm taking it slower than I normally would since life is getting in the way and I want to play Nioh.

But man, they really think the players are dumb. When Kat got her powers, I couldn't counterattack, slide dodge or do the spinning kicking like I could in the demo or in the first game (aside from slide dodging since you would drift instead).

They locked them behind easy upgrades so that players would notice that they could do those things.


These side quests are pretty strange. They aren't amazing or anything, but they're a fun step up from the garbage I was doing in FFXV.


I made a discovery, so if you do have the Chinese + English version of the Gravity Rush Remaster, your save will be read and the costumes will be unlocked. Fair to say this is with all regions. So those who got the CE of the Remaster, you're in luck.
These side quests are pretty strange. They aren't amazing or anything, but they're a fun step up from the garbage I was doing in FFXV.

They have cutscenes, story and everything so they're far better than most other games with side quests shoehorned in there. They don't fell like padding to me and actually enhance the game world/characters since it adds more depths to things. Plus unlike that other game you mentioned, this game is actually fun to explore.


Quoting myself froma few pages back in hope that someone has answers :)

I feel I'm about halfway through the game and I've been trying to do the photo collections. However, I haven't found the "Central Port" area mentioned for the first 2 photos in the Men and Women's collections. Is it somewhere obvious and I've missed it, or will I find it later?


This is a really pretty game.

Makes me almost want to get the first remastered game even though I already have the vita version. Almost.


Just fought
Fi. That was really fun. happy to bring a win for the people of Banga lol

Got the camera, and as I feared, I need a save for GR Remastered in order to get the costumes. It cares not about the game being installed, or that I still have my trophies for it lol

Why don't you have a save?

Deleted member 518609

Unconfirmed Member
There's a photo scavenger hunt mode with hints to find things to take pictures of in the environment. I love that kind of shit.

It's a cool idea, but the hints are really bad. Like really, really bad.
"Near the bottom of the building away from the centre" is not a helpful hint at all to find a wall painting in all of Jirga Para Lhao.
That and the trophies for maxing out Kat's stats and "Pull off X move" are all I've got left for the platinum and at this point I think I'll just wait for a guide to list all the locations.


It's a cool idea, but the hints are really bad. Like really, really bad.
"Near the bottom of the building away from the centre" is not a helpful hint at all to find a wall painting in all of Jirga Para Lhao.
That and the trophies for maxing out Kat's stats and "Pull off X move" are all I've got left for the platinum and at this point I think I'll just wait for a guide to list all the locations.

Do you know where the Central Port location is in the game? I think I'm about halfway through but haven't seemed to find it so far, despite it being photos 1 and 2 for the Men's and Women's collections. Will I find it later?


Did anyone else pre order at GameStop? My code only gave me the white outfit, not the soundtrack. Do I need to do anything to get the soundtrack?


Tears in the rain
Just did the (sidequest spoiler)
Invasion of the body snatchers sidequest. I guessed every twist but it was still so goddamn funny.
This game oozes charm and fun, out every pore. I love how the sidequests all tell interesting little stories, and how they use the gravity powers for stuff that's so mundane, yet that enriches the quality of the world, in such a great way.

This game. THIS GAME!
Do you know where the Central Port location is in the game? I think I'm about halfway through but haven't seemed to find it so far, despite it being photos 1 and 2 for the Men's and Women's collections. Will I find it later?

It's part of Marketplace. The engineer is around a crane in the harbour, IIRC.
The verge's article on this made me want to pick it up, but I'm saving for switch. It sounds super interesting though, I will definitely pick it up down the line. I hope it sells well and everyone is enjoying it :)


Did anyone else pre order at GameStop? My code only gave me the white outfit, not the soundtrack. Do I need to do anything to get the soundtrack?

I pre-ordered at EB Games, Canada equivalent. DLC code game me both the costume and an application on the PS4 to listen to the OST
Are these mining missions like Chalice Dungeons?


To import a Gravity Rush Remastered save, you can just start Gravity Rush Remastered and save right away right? Also can you import the save at any point in Gravity Rush 2?


To import a Gravity Rush Remastered save, you can just start Gravity Rush Remastered and save right away right? Also can you import the save at any point in Gravity Rush 2?

It'll be read automatically for you when you start Chapter 2. No need to do anything else.


These side quests are pretty strange. They aren't amazing or anything, but they're a fun step up from the garbage I was doing in FFXV.

Same, FFXV is the last game I beat, so I can't help but compare the two. I like that in this game you get to talk to random NPCS, whether it's just for information or to help them out with a usually interesting/humorous sidequest. Whereas for FFXV, everything comes across as being so sterile. All the NPCs there are essentially just... there, it's all just a bunch of window dressing.

I don't expect some Witcher 3 amazingness from the quests, but so far I see that they're charming as fuck, and show that there's a bunch of amusing characters in this game's world lol

They have cutscenes, story and everything so they're far better than most other games with side quests shoehorned in there. They don't fell like padding to me and actually enhance the game world/characters since it adds more depths to things. Plus unlike that other game you mentioned, this game is actually fun to explore.


Why don't you have a save?

Because I'm stupid. Before I had even saw that the sequel was checking for save files of the first game, I had already deleted it, because every now and then I like to make space. (If only I had waited till I was actually close to being out of space...)

So here I am, a loyal fan, but with nothing to show for it lol

I'll get over it once I get the new costumes.
So I entered the code to redeem the white ohtfit and soundtrack and it showed both were redeemed but I can't find anyway to get the soundtrack to my PS4. It doesn't even show up in my purchase history. Any ideas?

Edit: never mind. I entered the code again I got the prompt to download it.


Had this preordered on Amazon for months, and they ran out of stock before they shipped mine...

Cancelled preorder and downloading it now.



Oh man, this talisman is OP. I pretty much just started the game too...
This is my first talisman with multiple effects. Are they all random?


I had this preordered before but cancelled due to lack of funds. Returned a pair of defective headphones today to amazon that I didn't really need, and used that money towards this game (alone with a Prime discount). Currently out of stock, but I'm in no Rush. Still have the first one to play through and will likely play something else after that for a palette cleanser before getting around to this.

Wanted to order while there were still physical copies that could potentially come in + a prime discount still being applicable, cause who knows, especially here in Canada that didn't even get a physical release for the remaster (that I had to order off of


Man they really nerfed how you collect gems. Not only are there less gems in the hub areas, but side quests don't give you gems and challenges barely give you anything.
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