Germany lol,
get debt forgiven in the 1950s after waging a world war then demand other countries 60 years later two pay up
The war Greece has with paying their taxes?what world devastating war did greece just come out of?
Mumei, if you're interested in reading about the French Indemnity and it's shocks to the German economy check out the following.
The war Greece has with paying their taxes?
I heard many Germans would rather they were annexed by Austria. Is this true?I hate Bavaria so much.
what world devastating war did greece just come out of?
Yeah that is the same... all fire bomed cities etc etc.
Indeed. It's just that rhetorics from people who don't know their recent history can be infuriating.
Varoufakis about the new Greek FiMi (turns out they were colleagues);-απουσία
This video is pretty good.Friend of mine is mentioning these numbers. Are they accurate?
It was taken down for the moment when I looked, but Slate had two interesting snippets from it:
Germany lol,
get debt forgiven in the 1950s after waging a world war then demand other countries 60 years later to pay up
I heard many Germans would rather they were annexed by Austria. Is this true?
I know. Pretty much the German version of hill-billies. RICH hill-billies. From what I heard they are closer to Austria culturally.Haha, no. We hate Bavaria because they're what foreigners typically think of "traditional Germany". I'm from the North, we're nothing like the Bavarians and yet people think we're wearing Lederhosen all the time. We're salty. But they make a lot of money, so we endure our saltiness with our Northern coolness.
I know. Pretty much the German version of hill-billies. RICH hill-billies. From what I heard they are closer to Austria culturally.
Germany lol,
get debt forgiven in the 1950s after waging a world war then demand other countries 60 years later to pay up
And the EU subsidies and bailouts Greece received already are far beyond the cost of the Marshall plan and Germany's post-war debt reliefs combined. Germany also paid the remaining loans plus reparations back in full.
It's not like Germany isn't giving back help they received in past.
I know. Pretty much the German version of hill-billies. RICH hill-billies. From what I heard they are closer to Austria culturally.
That depends drastically on which parts of Bavaria you're talking about. Munich, for instance, is nothing like rural Bavaria. Rural Bavaria tends to be more conservative than the German average. For Munich, it's the other way around.
Is this true?
They started some of the biggest shit ever, and they were helped after that becuase the world didnt want the same thing happen twice to Germany. But i always thought they payed their debts when the got up.
Thats why I always thought it was pretty ironic how Germany was treating other countries that needed help now, and if what you say is true (that i really hope not) its even worse.
Munich is the WOOOOOOOOORST.
Bars close at like 21:00!
And the EU subsidies and bailouts Greece received already are far beyond the cost of the Marshall plan and Germany's post-war debt reliefs combined. Germany also paid the remaining loans plus reparations back in full.
It's not like Germany isn't giving back help they received in past.
And the EU subsidies and bailouts Greece received already are far beyond the cost of the Marshall plan and Germany's post-war debt reliefs combined. Germany also paid the remaining loans plus reparations back in full.
It's not like Germany isn't giving back help they received in past.
Germany received a 50% debt relief of about 15 billion Deutsche Mark, applied to debt that it had already accumulated pre-war as well as the debt from loans it received post-war. The rest of the debt was paid back.
Your numbers are not adjusted for inflation and do not compare the relative size of the burden vs. GDP. Piketty is correct, if there was no relief Germany would still be paying up to this day.
Is this like some pubs in London. WTF BAVARIA.Munich is the WOOOOOOOOORST.
Bars close at like 21:00!
Visiting Munich was a culture shock for us Hamburgers. We grew up on the Kiez.
Many things happened. The Greek public sector was called to pay much of it. They had public institutions with cash reserves invest their cash in bonds a week before the haircut then haircut those bonds primarily. Then some private banks took a small hit. But I don't think it was anywhere near 50% of the real bulk of the debt.Can someone tell me what happened to the haircut in 2012? Wasn't there supposed to be a 50% one? Seems like this just vanished into thin air, I can't find anything on the aftereffects (if there were some) or if it really happend.
And the EU subsidies and bailouts Greece received already are far beyond the cost of the Marshall plan and Germany's post-war debt reliefs combined. Germany also paid the remaining loans plus reparations back in full.
It's not like Germany isn't giving back help they received in past.
They will put even more pressure on Greece it seems. I think it's pretty much certain they're leaving the EZ now.
I don't know whether your numbers are true or not after adjusting for inflation.
But I'm pretty sure Greece would be OK with the conditions for payment that Germany got. From Wikipedia:
"An important term of the agreement was that repayments were only due while West Germany ran a trade surplus, and that repayments were limited to 3% of export earnings. This gave Germanys creditors a powerful incentive to import German goods, assisting reconstruction."
I'm pretty sure Greece would agree to similar terms.
Your numbers are not adjusted for inflation and do not compare the relative size of the burden vs. GDP. Piketty is correct, if there was no relief Germany would still be paying up to this day.
They are adjusted for inflation. The total cost of the Marshall plan, including debt that was repaid, in today's currency is ~120 billion dollars. And that was the cost of the entire Marshall plan, not just of the fraction that Germany received.
Asking countries to pay their debt isn't a bad thing. I don't agree with everything Germany does but painting them as evil overlords is misguided.
I hate Bavaria so much.
New article by Varoufakis
New article by Varoufakis
Advertisement for his book. This man knows no shame.
a) When the smaller, southern countries joined the Eurozone, they did not do that because of political symbolism, lured into a trap by a nefarious German scheme that would make only Germany profit from a common currency. They did so, because they got an immediate economic advantage: The ability to borrow money at greatly reduced cost.
b) They used that money to spend more than they could afford long term. Spending cuts were therefore necessary to reduce spending to a sustainable level. That meant reducing services, lowering the number of public employees, selling state owned companies, etc.: Structural reforms.
Is this true?
They started some of the biggest shit ever, and they were helped after that becuase the world didnt want the same thing happen twice to Germany. But i always thought they payed their debts when the got up.
Thats why I always thought it was pretty ironic how Germany was treating other countries that needed help now, and if what you say is true (that i really hope not) its even worse.
And the EU subsidies and bailouts Greece received already are far beyond the cost of the Marshall plan and Germany's post-war debt reliefs combined. Germany also paid the remaining loans plus reparations back in full.
It's not like Germany isn't giving back help they received in past.
Germany and France are probably the main two contenders for the "Lifetime Most Debt Defaulted on Award".
Germany and France are probably the main two contenders for the "Lifetime Most Debt Defaulted on Award".
If they did every single thing the creditors asked, theyd still be deep into debt fifteen years from now. Thats a red herring.If the Greek could reform their system to a degree the creditors believe is sufficient, debt could be reliefed a few years down the road, maybe over several years, so the budgets of the creditors are not hit too hard.
It is not possible for Greeks to take significantly less pay than Germans, because they still need to buy the same food and shelter in order to live, and the prices of those items are denominated in euros and set in the eurozone. Normally, in a developing country, the low wages are offset by the low cost of staples in the local economy (which themselves are offset by the general risk of death being higher in a developing country). But that's not possible here.
Exactly. One more important thing to consider is this:
average cost of goods is the same in Greece and Germany. Meanwhile, greek wages can be as low as 1/4 of its' respective german. This is a major problem.
Greece is also the second most expensive country in Europe in housing costs, after Denmark. UK comes third
Nah bruh, Spain got this on lock with over a dozen of sovereign defaults since 1500. We've turned this shit on a sport.
All hail bad governance and military adventures conveived in vino veritas.
I hate Bavaria so much.
Care to explain why?
You can, if you want, consider this a failing on the part of the debtors and expect them to get soaked -- but keep in mind that that's kind of a revolutionary doctrine.
And Greece has to default. It's the only healthy thing to do. No other solution will fix their structural problems in the economy.
I think the blame on Germany is too harsh, yes they are incredibly paranoid and their economics makes no sense (they know this) however the larger problem is France has totally acquiesced as a voice and opposing influence. Merkel is not a bully but no one else has stepped up to give a different voice and offer different leadership, she and the German's are reluctantly leading.
Well, somebody got to give them their 50%+ and it literally can't be any one else than the bavarians.I hate the CSU as well but I'm indifferent towards Bavaria itself.