The Greeks are fine with higher taxes, they will not be paying them anyway. If the Greeks actually paid what they owed their own government the hole would not be the size of the Pacific Ocean and growing. Problem is now that this hole is at this level no amount of raising taxes or even collecting will help. Greece needs to default and leave the Euro. Going to a new currency and get that competitive advantage for the three cores of their economy. The hole is too big to throw money into and without Greece being able to manufacture their way out, little manufacturing in the country compared to other EU states, this will just fester around.
Deutsche Bank is going to get plastered because of the Greeks yes, but Germany can do some bailouts with all their gains from having Greece drop the Euro's value for years.
Deutsche Bank is going to get plastered because of the Greeks yes, but Germany can do some bailouts with all their gains from having Greece drop the Euro's value for years.