Jonnyboy117 said:
He certainly could have learned it from the Emperor in the twenty years not chronicled on film. The ability to become a ghost is never specified to be a power of the Light Side, and even if it is, Palpatine claims to be a master of all sides of the Force. Maybe he is.
Anyway, this is not an issue with the SEs only. Old Anakin appeared as a ghost in the original version of RotJ as well.
No, but it wasn't an issue until Revenge of the Sith implied that it was a skill that would take a great amount of time to master. When it was just the OT, it was no big deal. Force users disappeared upon death and could come back as Force ghosts. It just came with the territory.
Come to think of it, did we ever get an explanation why Qui-Gon's body didn't disappear when he died, or hell, all Jedi except for Obi-Wan and Yoda? If this is related to the Force ghost skill, why wouldn't Qui-Gon's body disappear?
Bah, regardless of whether you enjoyed the prequels or not, you have to admit they've introduced an absolute shitload of inconsistencies with the way some OT events unfold or even arrive to being.
btrboyev said:
Anakin was the chosen one..his gift was the ability to become immortal. Qui-Gon's gift for finding the chosen one was the ability to become immortal, in which he teaches yoda and obi-wan.
Please tell me this is stupid speculation and not a real explanation from somewhere. That's dumb as fuck. What, the Force spoke to Qui-Gon and gave him a new skill for discovering 'the Chosen One'? Bah.