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Green Lightsaber in the DVD "A new Hope"

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border said:
So Lucas can append his quote to, "Only directors should be able to change classic films, along with people that get the original director's permission, and people that think the original director didn't put in enough work."

Winner! Piss on Lucas' hack ass. <pats LD Classic SW set>


being watched
Willco said:
The problem with Anakin in the whole Force ghost reunion thing is that none of the prequels make that possible without grasping for straws. Anakin was never taught the trick that Obi-Wan and Yoda spent years learning apparently, and the all of a sudden, he's a Force ghost. Amazing!

Whatever next, they'll make a movie about a guy getting super powers from being bitten by a spider.


Hollywood Square
Whatever next, they'll make a movie about a guy getting super powers from being bitten by a spider.

Whatever next, we'll see a guy try to derail the topic by making a horrible comparis- OH WAIT ALREADY HAPPENED.


border said:
So Lucas can append his quote to, "Only directors should be able to change classic films, along with people that get the original director's permission, and people that think the original director didn't put in enough work."

You can buy the newly remastered edition of his previous quote for only $29.99.


the only thing I find odd about the rerelease of ep IV, is that they added all these fancy CG dinosaurs and storm troopers, but they leave the 'egg box' flyby of the deathstar, and the shitty explosion.

Surely they could have completely redone the death star attack in CG (at least the external shots) - look how gorgeous the x-wing flyby was.


Will, it's getting really, really, really, really old. We know your opinions on the PT. You've drilled it into us countless times in EVERY star wars thread. So stfu about it.

As far as the OT DVD release goes, yeah the only problem I really have is the boxed in fighters over a black space drop. I realize it's possible to adjust the tv settings so these are almost invisible, but in some scenes they just really blatantly stand out. I'm surprised these weren't fixed.

The green lightsaber doesn't bother me as much since it only stays that color for a couple frames and then slowly changes back to blue. Just blink a few times and hopefully you'll miss the huge goof up. :lol


Hitokage said:
"I am very concerned about our national heritage, and I am very concerned that the films that I watched when I was young and the films I watched throughout my life a preserved, so that my children can see them." - George Lucas, speaking against the colorization of black and white films.

This is a stupid quote. Why? Because Lucas is talking about movies being colorized against their original creator's wishes. That is different from him changing his films on his own terms.
shantyman said:
This is a stupid quote. Why? Because Lucas is talking about movies being colorized against their original creator's wishes. That is different from him changing his films on his own terms.

Colorization, kinda like a special effect, is it not?

I just think if young George saw what old George is doing, he would kick his ass. But thats just my humble opinion.


Setec Astronomer
shantyman said:
This is a stupid quote. Why? Because Lucas is talking about movies being colorized against their original creator's wishes. That is different from him changing his films on his own terms.
No, he's talking about his children being able to watch what he did, but as you say he gives himself a free pass to screw that up.


What the hell's wrong with the re-colorization of the films? Return to them the same vibrancy that was seen by the people that originally saw them.

So they get some of the colors wrong, but it's better in spirit then watching faded ass film which isn't like the original anyway.

As for the improvements in the old star wars... well, really, the whole series is pretty rubbishy. The cool things are just the settings and designs and darth vader... the prequel trilogy didn't really introduce anything in the way of cool stuff, so that's why it loses completely.


Drunky McMurder
Zaptruder said:
What the hell's wrong with the re-colorization of the films? Return to them the same vibrancy that was seen by the people that originally saw them.

So they get some of the colors wrong, but it's better in spirit then watching faded ass film which isn't like the original anyway.

As for the improvements in the old star wars... well, really, the whole series is pretty rubbishy. The cool things are just the settings and designs and darth vader... the prequel trilogy didn't really introduce anything in the way of cool stuff, so that's why it loses completely.

He was talking about adding color to black and white films.


Hitokage said:
No, he's talking about his children being able to watch what he did, but as you say he gives himself a free pass to screw that up.

Do you guys really not see the difference?

If Trent Reznor put some doo wop backup singers into "Head Like a a Hole" and supresses all original recordings (not technically possible but for reasons of argument), that is his right. You may not like it (as many people, including myself, do not like many changes in the Special Editions) and that is your prerogative.

If TVT Records or insterscope did the same thing, that's fucked up.


Willco said:
Jihad against what? Star Wars? I like Star Wars. I don't like the fucking prequels (correction: I have problems with Episode I, absolutely hate Episode II and currently have a negative opinion on Episode III). Rabid fans need to separate the two, because God knows the rest of us have.

I am amazed on how people can be easily frustrated on stuff they think the filmmakers owe to them.

Personnally, I think that Ep 1 was ok, 2 was pretty good and 3 was the best of the first Trilogy. As entertainment values go, I felt my money wasn't wasted with these movies.

OMG the lightsaber is green! :lol Damn I love these forums.
Willco said:
The problem with Anakin in the whole Force ghost reunion thing is that none of the prequels make that possible without grasping for straws. Anakin was never taught the trick that Obi-Wan and Yoda spent years learning apparently, and the all of a sudden, he's a Force ghost. Amazing!

well in one of lucas's original screenplay/scripts for RoTJ he has a side note about this about how Yoda is so moved by Anakin's change and redemption at the last minute that he absorbs his essense when he does and brings him back as a ghost for him
and not for nothing but Return of the Jedi was the worst out of all 6 of the star wars films

if anyone bitches about Hayden's acting and then has the balls to say RoTJ had good acting they need to lay off the crack, Carrie Fisher delivers one of the worst performances in a major motion picture ever in that movie, and fucking ewoks don't get me started on them, people hate on Jar Jar and then love ewoks, I would pay money for the next set of Super Special Amazing editions to have even more ewok death scenes
Shin Johnpv said:
and not for nothing but Return of the Jedi was the worst out of all 6 of the star wars films

if anyone bitches about Hayden's acting and then has the balls to say RoTJ had good acting they need to lay off the crack, Carrie Fisher delivers one of the worst performances in a major motion picture ever in that movie, and fucking ewoks don't get me started on them, people hate on Jar Jar and then love ewoks, I would pay money for the next set of Super Special Amazing editions to have even more ewok death scenes

Harrison Ford is just terrible in Jedi too. You can tell he's just mailing it in. By the time that movie came out he was starting to become a big star and you can tell he really doesn't want to be in the movie much.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
Harrison Ford is just terrible in Jedi too. You can tell he's just mailing it in. By the time that movie came out he was starting to become a big star and you can tell he really doesn't want to be in the movie much.

He was just killing time until Temple of Doom. He has always said he liked playing Indy more than Han, which is one reason they're doing Indy IV.


Queen of Denmark
Ford also disliked RotJ as a film -- I remember seeing an interview recently where he disgustedly called the ending a "teddy bear picnic".


speaking of inconsistencies... i think im the only one who is perplexed by this:

In Return of the Jedi, Leia is talking to Luke about their mother "she was kind but sad" etc etc (thus his lead in to "you are my sister") and Luke goes on to say "I have no memory of my mother." (meaning that she's the sibling that grew up with her mother while he was tossed to other people)

But since Padme died, that would mean either A) she was talking about her step mother which would make that scene completely pointless (ie who gives a fuck if her step mother was sad?) or B) Lucas could explain it by bullshitting the force "uh the force made her remember her mother blah blah"

Anyone else notice this or please explain to me.


Shin Johnpv said:
and not for nothing but Return of the Jedi was the worst out of all 6 of the star wars films

if anyone bitches about Hayden's acting and then has the balls to say RoTJ had good acting they need to lay off the crack, Carrie Fisher delivers one of the worst performances in a major motion picture ever in that movie, and fucking ewoks don't get me started on them, people hate on Jar Jar and then love ewoks, I would pay money for the next set of Super Special Amazing editions to have even more ewok death scenes

:lol Fisher's performance in Jedi is fine...oh why am I bothering, you're actually defending Hayden's acting(he did improve in EP3, though...). Also: Ewoks don't speak, therefore Ewoks >>>>>>>>>>>> Jar Jar.

P.S.: The whole saga has mediocre acting, especially the 4 films directed by Lucas, I wonder why... :p


Razoric said:
speaking of inconsistencies... i think im the only one who is perplexed by this:

In Return of the Jedi, Leia is talking to Luke about their mother "she was kind but sad" etc etc (thus his lead in to "you are my sister") and Luke goes on to say "I have no memory of my mother." (meaning that she's the sibling that grew up with her mother while he was tossed to other people)

But since Padme died, that would mean either A) she was talking about her step mother which would make that scene completely pointless (ie who gives a fuck if her step mother was sad?) or B) Lucas could explain it by bullshitting the force "uh the force made her remember her mother blah blah"

Anyone else notice this or please explain to me.
Yeah everyone noticed and discussed it quite heavily in the official thread.......almost too much lol


I don't know shit about shit
If a redeemed Anakin died in RotJ, wouldn't he be able to contact the ghosts of Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon and receive the ability to attain ghost-form?
jett said:
:lol Fisher's performance in Jedi is fine...oh why am I bothering, you're actually defending Hayden's acting(he did improve in EP3, though...). Also: Ewoks don't speak, therefore Ewoks >>>>>>>>>>>> Jar Jar.

P.S.: The whole saga has mediocre acting, especially the 4 films directed by Lucas, I wonder why... :p

ohh please Fishers performance is far far from fine, none of them even tried with return of the jedi it was like all of them were just reading their lines off a teleprompter

no ewoks make annoying sounds and noices instead of just speaking, how shitty was the troops the empire sent that fucking teddy bears stopped them


jett said:
:lol Fisher's performance in Jedi is fine...oh why am I bothering, you're actually defending Hayden's acting(he did improve in EP3, though...). Also: Ewoks don't speak, therefore Ewoks >>>>>>>>>>>> Jar Jar.

P.S.: The whole saga has mediocre acting, especially the 4 films directed by Lucas, I wonder why... :p

I disagree, Episode 4 has some of the best acting in all of them IMHO.


The acting in eps 4 & 5 were good, with the acting in ep 5 being the best. It all went to shit after that, because the acting in Jedi was awful. I'm talking TPM awful.


themadcowtipper said:
Cartman: Think about it. Spielberg? Jew. Lucas? Jew. Kyle? Jew. Coincidence?


I think not!
:lol :lol :lol


shantyman said:
I disagree, Episode 4 has some of the best acting in all of them IMHO.

Really? I thought the acting in ANH was fucking horrible, especially Mark Hamill and (I might get hanged for this) James Earl Jones. The tone of voice and the way Vader speaks in ESB is SOOOOO improved from ANH it's not even funny. Ditto for Hamill. A change in the director's chair can do wonders. :p


Time ta STEP IT UP
I never saw ANH, ESB, or RotJ.

Sadly, when I see them this week, they will be the DVD versions so I guess I'll be missing out.

Maybe I'll get to appreciate them more.

Frankly, I don't give a shit, because I have no idea what's going on in this series. Hell, I completely forgot everything that happened in Episode I.


Hollywood Square
A New Hope is the one with the worst acting, although Harrison Ford is pretty good in it. I'll agree that Ford doesn't seem to have the presence he had through the first two, but neither Fisher or Hamill are as bad as they were in ANH.


Hollywood Square
Substance said:
Oh come on! Sir Alec's performance is as valued as the trilogy is itself. Its just magical work.

Guiness gives a good performance in A New Hope, but it doesn't help that Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill range from okay to bad in that film. Everyone picks up the slack with the next two, but I don't know how you could say ROTJ is the worst of the bunch.


Willco said:
Everyone picks up the slack with the next two, but I don't know how you could say ROTJ is the worst of the bunch.

Return of the Jedi is the worst of the bunch. See, it wasn't that hard.

People forget another good actor in the original film: Peter Cushing. He pretty much owned the role of Grand Moff Tarkin.


Hollywood Square
Tedesco! said:
Return of the Jedi is the worst of the bunch. See, it wasn't that hard.

People forget another good actor in the original film: Peter Cushing. He pretty much owned the role of Grand Moff Tarkin.

He had like ten lines. Hardly a pivotal player.

J2 Cool

jett said:
Really? I thought the acting in ANH was fucking horrible, especially Mark Hamill and (I might get hanged for this) James Earl Jones. The tone of voice and the way Vader speaks in ESB is SOOOOO improved from ANH it's not even funny. Ditto for Hamill. A change in the director's chair can do wonders. :p

Totally agree on james earl jones actually. He sounded very.. i don't know. Like upper class royalty giving a thrashing to everyone. Starting in his low voice and hitting the high at the end of sentences. It just sounded so weird, and wasn't Darth Vader. ESB he rocked though.
Totally agree on james earl jones actually. He sounded very.. i don't know. Like upper class royalty giving a thrashing to everyone.

I just noticed this when I went looking for the green lightsaber in the ANH DVD. I didn't think Vader sounded all that different or bad in Episode IV, but then I watched the scene when the dude is filling Vader in after the search of the Millennium Falcon. Vader says "Did you find any droids" in a gay English butler accent. I've seen this movie a thousand times, and that line never jumped out at me before as weird until now.


J2 Cool said:
Totally agree on james earl jones actually. He sounded very.. i don't know. Like upper class royalty giving a thrashing to everyone. Starting in his low voice and hitting the high at the end of sentences. It just sounded so weird, and wasn't Darth Vader. ESB he rocked though.

Yeah, the way he speaks is a little...exaggerated, like a cartoon character even. He sounds more serious, and more "real" in the other two.
Willco said:
The problem with Anakin in the whole Force ghost reunion thing is that none of the prequels make that possible without grasping for straws. Anakin was never taught the trick that Obi-Wan and Yoda spent years learning apparently, and the all of a sudden, he's a Force ghost. Amazing!

He certainly could have learned it from the Emperor in the twenty years not chronicled on film. The ability to become a ghost is never specified to be a power of the Light Side, and even if it is, Palpatine claims to be a master of all sides of the Force. Maybe he is.

Anyway, this is not an issue with the SEs only. Old Anakin appeared as a ghost in the original version of RotJ as well.


Anakin was the chosen one..his gift was the ability to become immortal. Qui-Gon's gift for finding the chosen one was the ability to become immortal, in which he teaches yoda and obi-wan.

Becoming a ghost is only possible through the light-side. The sith never had the ability. Palpatine lied about it.


Hollywood Square
Jonnyboy117 said:
Anyway, this is not an issue with the SEs only. Old Anakin appeared as a ghost in the original version of RotJ as well.

I never said it was an issue with the SEs only. Unfortunately it has become an issue after the SEs since we were banking on Lucas to the resolve the problem with the prequels and he did not.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Jonnyboy117 said:
He certainly could have learned it from the Emperor in the twenty years not chronicled on film. The ability to become a ghost is never specified to be a power of the Light Side, and even if it is, Palpatine claims to be a master of all sides of the Force. Maybe he is.

Anyway, this is not an issue with the SEs only. Old Anakin appeared as a ghost in the original version of RotJ as well.
No, but it wasn't an issue until Revenge of the Sith implied that it was a skill that would take a great amount of time to master. When it was just the OT, it was no big deal. Force users disappeared upon death and could come back as Force ghosts. It just came with the territory.

Come to think of it, did we ever get an explanation why Qui-Gon's body didn't disappear when he died, or hell, all Jedi except for Obi-Wan and Yoda? If this is related to the Force ghost skill, why wouldn't Qui-Gon's body disappear?

Bah, regardless of whether you enjoyed the prequels or not, you have to admit they've introduced an absolute shitload of inconsistencies with the way some OT events unfold or even arrive to being.

btrboyev said:
Anakin was the chosen one..his gift was the ability to become immortal. Qui-Gon's gift for finding the chosen one was the ability to become immortal, in which he teaches yoda and obi-wan.
Please tell me this is stupid speculation and not a real explanation from somewhere. That's dumb as fuck. What, the Force spoke to Qui-Gon and gave him a new skill for discovering 'the Chosen One'? Bah.
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