The damage is done, there is nothing anyone can do stop it. Money can buy A LOT of things but sadly time is priceless and there is no way to reverse this damage in any shape or form. The entire industry is going on their days, shit happens, strap in for a Rollercoaster fellas..
Our publication is writing a piece right now on how leaks are horrible and affect devs and how it can ruin things for a lot of people, particularly for those who worked very hard behind the curtains to on what is arguably the largest title in existence. Our goal is to make it an educational piece and make it so the audience can really see the bigger picture here not just for GTA6/Rockstar bit the gaming industry as a whole.
As big as Zelda, Elder Scrolls or God of War are, there is nothing as massive as GTA. It's the franchise that always pushed the boundaries in many ways, particularly for the open world genre. You can hate all you want but Rockstar is Rockstar and GTA is titan among the giants and you can't deny that.