How many people in that thread were saying I was crazy for pointing out that a game that started dev in 2014 would be last gen.
Time proves me right again. Didn’t realize this time i would be proven right in under a week. lol
I'd hold your horses on that one lol
I think you are right the game started in 2014 as that sound logical, but being on last gen imho is in the air. This is not only old footage, we don't know what Rockstar's choice would be regarding last gen, for all we know it could be holding back a set of features that make them want to go next gen only or something as we've seen that before. ie made during last gen, but skips last gen.
We've also seen cross gen, as in made for last gen, takes advantage of next gen etc.
I think its too soon to tell on this one as looking at any game won't tell us what Rockstar choose to do. We literally can see a PS4 devkit in this footage and still find out that Rockstar scrapped those versions.
SEEING THIS doesn't prove what Rockstar will do with those versions. So you'll be proven right when Rockstar gives the official trailer or even when it releases as we've seen games get canned last gen versions before release before lol Who knows at this point.
"Why would they target ssds and better CPUs for a gang that started dev that long ago " yeah...look Slim, I like ya, but you go down a tunnel sometimes.
They can target that after PS5 kits are given to them and being in "Development hell" might suggest thats when they turned the game next gen only when they saw it corrected lots of issues fast and could make a different game. Not saying this is what is happening 100%, but it very well could be as a logical reason exist why they'd target that after.
Maybe they feel more then enough PS5's and Series X will be on the market by the time they are ready to release with those fixes. A logical reason exist that would explain that...