To add to this thread, iCEnhancer 2.5 alpha footage is up as of a few days ago -
Not sure on release date.
Any significant addition? I'm not a fan of his cartoony color scheme of the latest iterations.
To add to this thread, iCEnhancer 2.5 alpha footage is up as of a few days ago -
Not sure on release date.
Anyone know why Episodes of Liberty City isn't working on my PC?(Still in the process of downloading GTAIV from steam) It keeps telling me I need service pack 1 or higher for Windows Vista even though I have Windows 7.
I say use no texture packs.I finally went through the OPs instructions and the game looks amazing! Great job, thanks so much.
Any advise on good texture packs? I am downloading Better City texture and Ultimate Textures now.
And can anybody explain how car sound modding works?
There is an option in vehicle mod installer, but it doesn't seem to do anything? Any good sound packs?
Another curiosity is that my modded cars break way too fast. Why is that?
I say use no texture packs.
They always bug out and they don't look that good to begin with, but that's just me.
I uploaded some little script mods I like to use which some people might like:
Set bombs under cars and remote detonate them
Fire Fighters actually respond to fires
KungFu fighting mod (lets you do finishes all the time)
Spawn ladders
Smoke a cigarette
Pull out an umbrella when its raining (need to be holding no guns)
It's the little things that make it more fun
Theres heaps more on
Not sure whether to post here or in the other thread. This seems to be the active one.
Has anyone managed to get Icenhancer + ENB + the first person mod to work on the Steam version? I tried and failed. It seems the combination is unstable.
Do I need to downgrade or not?Steam users who don't want to downgrade / EFLC users: Skip this downgrade guide. / EFLC compatible files are included in iCEnhancer 2.1
I'm confused by this part.Do I need to downgrade or not?
Ah okay! Downgrade it is!As explained, some ENBs ( Ice is ) are compatible with ( Steam version ) BUT they will be missing a lot of features and graphical effects. So it's up to you - Do you want the full monty and make the game as beautiful as possible? Downgrade. Do you just want some basic ENB effects? Don't downgrade.
I'm considering giving Icenhancer a try tomorrow but before I go through with it what kind of framerate should I be expecting?
My specs:
i7 930 @ 3.9GHz
HD 7970 @1125Mhz/1575MHz
8 Gb DDR 3
Vanilla GTA IV fluctuates between 40 - 60 with some wild dips lower in spots.
Looking at the ENB screenshot on the gta forums, I really am shocked at just how amazing this really is.
Anyone have any good patch 7 friendly ENBs ?
Strongly recommend this ENB:
Its the most visually consistent ENB I've used. It looks stunning when used with the texture packs he recommends.
That looks amazingStrongly recommend this ENB:
Its the most visually consistent ENB I've used. It looks stunning when used with the texture packs he recommends.
Well, it's playable for me and i have a worse PC.
I don't know how well it works with ATIs, though.
Expect something more akin to console framerate, though.
Strongly recommend this ENB:
Its the most visually consistent ENB I've used. It looks stunning when used with the texture packs he recommends.
Does anyone know where I can find that Liberty City Textures Vol. 1 pack? It's been removed from the site and the torrent is at a standstill.
Strongly recommend this ENB:
Its the most visually consistent ENB I've used. It looks stunning when used with the texture packs he recommends.
After messing around with some ENBs I've gone back to Vanilla, I just don't like the inconsistencies. Maybe I'll try this new one though. Good to see some life in this thread.
I've stopped modding GTA because I kept getting the Taxi bug, no matter what I did.![]()
Any help would be appreciated, the script in the OP did not help. (Maybe I did something wrong?)
Performance wise I think this game performs much better on Nvidia? I went from an overclocked 7850 to a 680 and the difference is huuge. Very high shadows were impossible on my old GPU and the 680 eats it up while downsampling and putting all sliders on max. Of course I am not getting 60fps, but who does?
I'm just getting back to this again. Can anybody recommend a good free roaming cam mod?
Thank you! This is perfect.
Let me know if it doesn't work, it is extremely fidgety and sometimes requires different scripthooks. I can upload a RAR with all my files working for me.
It works but after a minute or so, the camera goes into some drunken mode. lol. No way to reverse it but to quit game and go back.
Also, I had to use to get this to work. The version of scripthook listed on the mod page crashes my game on startup.
Are you using LaunchGTA.exe? You've triggered the anti-piracy because of the mods.
I'm using a direct shortcut to GTAIV.exe
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Grand Theft Auto IV\GTAIV\GTAIV.exe"
You should use the one called LaunchGTA.exe, regular .exe will just trigger the anti-piracy drunken cam.
Alot of those pictures are misleading.
They resize them way smaller so that helps with the AA and picture quality.
And then ingame they might also have the AA cranked up so the frame rate is really bad but you can't tell since they are screenshots.
So I have a 1gb 6950 and I'm struggling to get steady performance out of this. Am I screwed or is there something I can change to increase performance? Do the in-game settings change much?