Yes, MP is disabled if you're using
Are the texture mods and vehicle mods worthwhile if you do not use ENB? I have lots of video memory to spare here. Also, multiplayer, I have a friend that just recently said he wanted to screw around in MP, rolling back to has to make that impossible right?
1.4= no MP. Have to be on the latest patch for that.
If you plan on playing online then best to keep the game vanilla, so no mods except from maybe the trainer.
Simply because it can crash the game if you have one vehicle but others don't, plus the different car physics could make it unfair ( if you race).
Only thing that's kind of annoying is the jagged heaven. Jaggies are bordering PS1 jaggy levels.
Is replacing all the vehicles in the game a bad idea? I want every car to be real. Toyota's, Honda's, Chevy's, etc...
I've DLed these, all a bunch of .img files, how do I install this?
All the files except gtxd.img go into your
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto IV\GTAIV\pc\data\maps\manhat
gtxd.img goes into
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto IV\GTAIV\pc\data\cdimages
All the files except gtxd.img go into your
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto IV\GTAIV\pc\data\maps\manhat
gtxd.img goes into
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto IV\GTAIV\pc\data\cdimages
I dont anything about that one. Just dont intall it and it should be fine.I did that as I installed texture packs before. I noticed part 2 of the volume has one file that is 0KB and 5 redundant img files.
I just got GTA 4 and EFLC from a Steam Sale, but I'm only really interested in the expansions.
Does this work on those?
I just got a new HP Envy h8-1534 with Radeon 7570, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 1TB HDD & AMD FX-6200 Six-Core Processor. I'm new to the PC gaming front, but I thought that with these specs, GTA IV should be able to run with all settings on High, with a decent framerate, considering how this is a computer that came out this year, and the game came out in 2008.
But when I run the settings on High, I never get over 19 FPS. When I used the Auto settings, it was a little more stable framerate-wise, but it still suffered slowdown during foggy weather and nighttime settings. I know that GTA IV for PC is a shitty port, but I shouldn't be having the issues I'm having. I even tried the "nomemrestrict" trick, and all it did was crash my game.
Any help I can get on this?
Vanilla with texture pack
RealityIV timecyc @ 3840x2160 + SweetFX SMAA only
Vanilla with texture pack
RealityIV timecyc @ 3840x2160 + SweetFX SMAA only
ENB is to much of a performance hit for me. 20 to 40fps is a strain on the eyes. Without ENB 40 to 60fps @3840x2160. Much better
3570k @4.5ghz
16g ram
Strongly recommend this ENB:
Its the most visually consistent ENB I've used. It looks stunning when used with the texture packs he recommends.
Try this ENB
I've got a pc with upgrades to the AM2+ motherboard from 2006:
AMD Phenom II X4 940 Black Edition
4GB Ram
and it runs anamzing and looks great.
If you FPS still get you down, turn off your texture pack and half the max view/detail distances and car density.
This thread is kind of dead but hopefully someone can help me with a few things.
1. I know GTA IV is supposed to be a shitty port and from the little research I've done, I notice people saying that with mods they drop to 20 FPS. Without mods, I've been getting 55-60 FPS, should I bother modding?
2. If I do, should I go with the ENB provided in the OP? On this page a different one is being recommended
I just got a new HP Envy h8-1534 with Radeon 7570, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 1TB HDD & AMD FX-6200 Six-Core Processor. I'm new to the PC gaming front, but I thought that with these specs, GTA IV should be able to run with all settings on High, with a decent framerate, considering how this is a computer that came out this year, and the game came out in 2008.
But when I run the settings on High, I never get over 19 FPS. When I used the Auto settings, it was a little more stable framerate-wise, but it still suffered slowdown during foggy weather and nighttime settings. I know that GTA IV for PC is a shitty port, but I shouldn't be having the issues I'm having. I even tried the "nomemrestrict" trick, and all it did was crash my game.
Any help I can get on this?
Kind of a noobish question but where do you drop the texture mods ?
i am currently downloading this one.
Just done a fresh install of GTA4 (GFW version), it updated to, so i used the downgrader to and then copied Icenhancer ENB over to my GTA4 directory, but now when i load the game it gets to the copyright screen and crashes any ideas why this happens?
Yeah i did have MSI Afterbruner running, i closed it down but it still didnt work. I got it to work by removing the d3d9.dll file from the GTA4 folder!!....but im not sure if that would have any ill effects on ENB?? I have noticed that is doesnt say ENB version in the corner when loading the game, should it say end version somewhere if working correctly??
Just drag and drop, the folder structure within the RAR is identical to the GTA folder.
The d39.dll IS the ENB, the entire injector .dll
Yeah thats what i thought, any other suggestions what the problem could be?
drop the fresh install folder in aswell after the enb folder?
You mean the backup i made of the GTA4 folder before i applied the update and ENB??....wont that override the update and some ENB settings?
No I mean this part, it gets overlooked.
"- Then you look into the .zip archive again and open "Install this if fresh install" Drag that content of that folder into your root folder as well ( Xlive.dll / xlive_d.dll ). This disables GFWL in-game which is required for ENB to work correctly, as GFWL blocks the .dll
Bottom image
If that isn't it, I suggest starting over and downgrading your game version again. Read everything in the tutorial over again carefully. I screwed up myself 2 times during the process and got it right the third try.
Ya sometimes other programs can be issues, I'm really not too knowledgeable. I had a lot or trouble with this as well and wanted to try to help out. But how about when you downgraded versions, did you use the installer or just extract the files?
Just been following the info in the OP, but have got stuck.
I downloaded the patch (down-patching to, rockstar social group tool, installed them and changed the folder name back to GTAIV.
I tried to play the game to ensure it still worked (which it did), but GFWL tells you to update the game else you won't be able to save. I've basically gone back to where I was with the newest patch installed. Do you have to decline the update but never be able to save again?
Let's install it
Now here's where you have to pay attention - This operation will require skill, intellect and lots of patience ( Not really ). Open iCEnhancer with your favourite software ( WinRAR, 7zip etc. )
- Drag all the content of the archive from the - - -> iCenhancer 2.1 files folder into your prepared GTA IV folder and accept any folder merging / file replacing.
- Then you look into the .zip archive again and open "Install this if fresh install" Drag that content of that folder into your root folder as well ( Xlive.dll / xlive_d.dll ). This disables GFWL in-game which is required for ENB to work correctly, as GFWL blocks the .dll
from the OT: