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GTA V Next-Gen Version Could Receive Further Ray Tracing Support


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Discovered by Twitter user BennyHummm (via Rockstar insider TezFunz2), there appear to be some files in GTA V that suggest further ray tracing improvements could be coming to the next-gen version of the game, as well as the PC version.

The files detail “Ray Traced Ambient Occlusion” and “Ray Traced Reflection Occlusion”, both of which are currently disabled on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. GTA insider TezFunz2 believes that the additional ray tracing features could be enabled once the PC version receives them.

It was just last week that a brand new update for GTA V went live across all platforms. Following the release of the new patch, data miners discovered that new files had been added from the Expanded & Enhanced edition to the PC version of the game. However, the included features were still disabled but do suggest that Rockstar are working on bringing the improvements to PC.



Angry Harrison Ford GIF


Just hope since its such an old game the Raytracing effects don't bring my 6800 XT to its knees. (But that's not what I bought this card for, so I'm fine either way)
RT was the most overhyped thing the past years and even on PC hasn't amounted to much. Seems like they can't even use it on a 2013 games as well.
Ray tracing is the only thing that can increase visuals to the next level. The consoles are simply too weak to use it enough. Global illumination, shadows, so, and reflections all at once. The few PC games that can do that look a a gen ahead
Ray tracing is the only thing that can increase visuals to the next level. The consoles are simply too weak to use it enough. Global illumination, shadows, so, and reflections all at once. The few PC games that can do that look a a gen ahead
If consoles are too weak so are most PCs, at that point no game is going to really bet on it. Not to mention that when it comes to interesting RT use consoles actually have some good examples like the Spider-Man games and R&C.

The RTX series was released more than 3 years ago at this point and what do they have to show? The Marbles demo? Minor improvements that cost a lot of performance in games like Cyberpunk or Control? Someone that upgraded to one of those cards expecting RT to make a difference has to be disappointed at this point if he's being honest.

AMD got a lot of heat because their RT performance isn't as good but there is barely and RT content. They made the right call not to sacrifice performance because of that.
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minor improvements? hell no. i've been having hell of a fun with lots of RT titles. i dont seem the as minor and i simply disagree. im glad we have highly capable RT cards in our disposal that we can get high framerates at respectable resolutions with the assist of high quality upscalers

how do you expect me to like rasterized lighting after seeing this?

metro exodus ee was something else. it literally screams "life" to you. its the best we can get so far. if you havent experienced that, i have nothing to tell you. consoles can it run perfectly at 60 fps as well

for starters, i've not upgraded to a RT card for the sake of RT card. these cards already provides huge improvements in terms of raw performance over their counterparts. thats another topic. but I'm definetely enjoying RT
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From all RT features AO is the least impressive, almost not noticeable. I want RT GI.

Also, where's their RDR2 love?


Gold Member
Already disappointed with the 60fps mode, so not sure how RT will improve matters, on console at least.


I doubt they're going to suddenly find a 30% performance increase from the consoles. This is most likely in preparation for the PC release.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
That just means they disabled them on consoles for performance's sake...
I think it is more likely that the PC version of GTA V will receive improved ray-tracing support as the PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles, great as they are for the price, don't really have the juice to handle all the RT effects that the PC can do with a decent graphics card and even then the PC relies on image upscaling such as DLSS to achieve playable framerates.

Personally, I think ray-tracing is a bit overrated. Sure, it can look fantastic when you watch a YouTube video comparison showing the game with and without RT, especially RT global illumination and reflections, but, ultimately, when I am playing a game then I honestly don't care about it and would rather see the console's power being put towards a solid framerate, more detailed graphics and a higher resolution. Ultimately, most games use graphics that are stylised anyway so they do not really need ray-traced effects to look good as long as the "fake" rasterised effects convey a good enough illusion of ambient lighting, shadows and reflections. Until the hardware gets more powerful then ray-tracing is just a waste of resources in my view.
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a game set in a city with windows everywhere and skyscrapers... the fact that RT reflections weren't the focus for the team is kinda baffling.

although GTA5 does have some pretty good reflections already of course


Just built a new PC and played CP2077 with everything on Ultra. It’s very impressive, specially reflections, but everything RT related is not really that revolutionary over the base game, TBH.
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It’s just a little lacklustre - on next-gen consoles I’d expect 4K and 60fps as standard.
This is what's been bothering so much about these systems. I have both series x and ps5 and so many last gen games that have received patches or have been remastered are only 1440p/60. While a lot of people seem to be okay with that, 1440p is not high enough for these games to really shine. Basically lots of the fine detail of textures is lost at 4k. Uncharted 4 remaster is another one that I was disappointed with. I bet the reason they didn't natively patch Last of Us 2 is because they knew it would struggle if they pushed resolution past 1440p, so they just unlocked the fps and called it a day. Dying Light 1 got a next gen patch recently, that is only 1440p as well. Frickin Greedfall is only 1440p/60, Control Ultimate, Jedi Fallwn Order, Watch Dogs Legion, AC valhalla, Cyberpunk are some others that are only 1440p.

Don't get me wrong it's a hell of a lot better than 1080p but last gen games should be able to be higher ...like 1600p would've been ideal for gta v, dying light 1 or uncharted 4. Would've been a good compromise. Where is the power going when these new consoles are 10 and 12 TF versus 4/6 tf respectively on the mid gen upgrades? Also have to factor in being on rdna 2 with such faster gpu's and ssd's. I'm kinda shocked so many gamers seem satisfied with the performance of a lot of games on these systems. I guess people are just really happy to have 60 fps finally that 1440p is good enough for them.


Gold Member
This is what's been bothering so much about these systems. I have both series x and ps5 and so many last gen games that have received patches or have been remastered are only 1440p/60. While a lot of people seem to be okay with that, 1440p is not high enough for these games to really shine. Basically lots of the fine detail of textures is lost at 4k. Uncharted 4 remaster is another one that I was disappointed with. I bet the reason they didn't natively patch Last of Us 2 is because they knew it would struggle if they pushed resolution past 1440p, so they just unlocked the fps and called it a day. Dying Light 1 got a next gen patch recently, that is only 1440p as well. Frickin Greedfall is only 1440p/60, Control Ultimate, Jedi Fallwn Order, Watch Dogs Legion, AC valhalla, Cyberpunk are some others that are only 1440p.

Don't get me wrong it's a hell of a lot better than 1080p but last gen games should be able to be higher ...like 1600p would've been ideal for gta v, dying light 1 or uncharted 4. Would've been a good compromise. Where is the power going when these new consoles are 10 and 12 TF versus 4/6 tf respectively on the mid gen upgrades? Also have to factor in being on rdna 2 with such faster gpu's and ssd's. I'm kinda shocked so many gamers seem satisfied with the performance of a lot of games on these systems. I guess people are just really happy to have 60 fps finally that 1440p is good enough for them.
I think the fact that GTAV is essentially a game from 2 gens ago is why it stands out a little more than the other games you mention. I’m currently playing through Cyberpunk on PS5 in performance mode and it manages to look pretty impressive at times (particularly at night), less the occasional immersion breaking bug.


Gold Member
i dont really notice any of the ray tracing with the PS5 version
Because it's just shadows. In motion it doesn't really add anything. If you're standing still and switch modes you can see it. But it's not exactly mind blowing.
If consoles are too weak so are most PCs, at that point no game is going to really bet on it. Not to mention that when it comes to interesting RT use consoles actually have some good examples like the Spider-Man games and R&C.

The RTX series was released more than 3 years ago at this point and what do they have to show? The Marbles demo? Minor improvements that cost a lot of performance in games like Cyberpunk or Control? Someone that upgraded to one of those cards expecting RT to make a difference has to be disappointed at this point if he's being honest.

AMD got a lot of heat because their RT performance isn't as good but there is barely and RT content. They made the right call not to sacrifice performance because of that.
Yeah you are way off the mark. The difference in quality is staggering in the games that use the full suite of RT on PC. It's true that not many games have used it to that extent YET, but they will. Just look at the ones that have pulled it off: Control, Dying Light 2, Cyberpunk, Guardians of the Galaxy and Metro and most recently Chrenobylite (DF has a video on that)are the ones that come to mind. Those games blow away the console versions esp the first 3. By some miracle 4a games was able to pull off RT GI in Metro on console (although it's of a much lesser quality it still gives a taste of what RT is truly capable of).

Or look at the Matrix demo with its lumen lighting. It's so obvious to ne that RT will be the standard going forward. It's just a matter of time. I would also have to disagree about Ratchet and Spidermans RT. It's just reflections, something that SSR has been approximating for many years. While Rt reflections are a nice achievement in and of itself in those games and DEF does add to the visuals, they don't transform the visuals the way shadows + GI + reflections does. Even the one game where GI was done, Metro Exodus, the consoles had to make cuts to tesselation, which sucks as that would've added so much depth to environment.

I was most disappointed with the RT in Cyberpunk on consoles. You can tell the developers initially wanted RT reflections in the game but had to remove them. When the next gen update came out it actually stated in the settings, "rt reflections and shadows" but they since removed that tidbit in a recent patch. That world with all its neon and reflective surfaces was made for rt reflections.

I'm baffled actually as to why Cyberpunks next gen patch has been universally praised the way it has because it failed to do anything impactful with RT. The RT mode with its indoor shadows is a joke and while it looks great due to the general settings improvement it's unplayable anyway due to the laggy shooting mechanics at 30 fps. Same goes for Control. What's the point of RT when that mode had 30 fps and so much input lag? Guarantee 99% of people ain't playing those at 30 fps.
I think the fact that GTAV is essentially a game from 2 gens ago is why it stands out a little more than the other games you mention. I’m currently playing through Cyberpunk on PS5 in performance mode and it manages to look pretty impressive at times (particularly at night), less the occasional immersion breaking bug.
Yes at night it looks great but during the day it looks disappointing af because the lods and texture filtering leave a lot to be desired. Nighttime hides all of that and adds more contrast to the lighting.


Because it's just shadows. In motion it doesn't really add anything. If you're standing still and switch modes you can see it. But it's not exactly mind blowing.
I use the performance RT mode or just performance

Fidelity mode is a fucking PowerPoint slide show
I think it is more likely that the PC version of GTA V will receive improved ray-tracing support as the PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles, great as they are for the price, don't really have the juice to handle all the RT effects that the PC can do with a decent graphics card and even then the PC relies up image upscaling such as DLSS to achieve playable framerates.

Personally, I think ray-tracing is a bit overrated. Sure, it can look fantastic when you watch a YouTube video comparison showing the game with and without RT, especially RT global illumination and reflections, but, ultimately, when I am playing a game then I honestly don't care about it and would rather see the console's power being put towards a solid framerate, more detailed graphics and a higher resolution. Ultimately, most games use graphics that are stylised anyway so they do not really need ray-traced effects to look good as long as the "fake" rasterised effects convey a good enough illusion of ambient lighting, shadows and reflections. Until the hardware gets more powerful then ray-tracing is just a waste of resources in my view.
I agree with a lot of this. What I'm saying is on PC it's not a waste but on console it is because Sony and MS didn't or couldn't cover their bases with better RT ability.


Blame AMD, not Sony or MS.
No, you do blame Sony and MS as they knew full well AMD's current capabilities far as Raytracing is concerned. They could've opted to go with Nvidia like Nintendo did, but decided not to. But I'm sure their reasoning for sticking with AMD is because Raytracing is still in gimmick stage for the most part. Now with the newer GPUs coming out end of the year, that might change.


They could've opted to go with Nvidia like Nintendo did, but decided not to. But I'm sure their reasoning for sticking with AMD is because Raytracing is still in gimmick stage for the most part.
Nvidia previously screwed over BOTH Microsoft (OG Xbox) and Sony (PlayStation 3) that bridge is burned, that's why they're being nice with Nintendo now because even though in the PC GPU space, Nvidia is king, everywhere else is using AMD tech.


Nvidia previously screwed over BOTH Microsoft (OG Xbox) and Sony (PlayStation 3) that bridge is burned, that's why they're being nice with Nintendo now because even though in the PC GPU space, Nvidia is king, everywhere else is using AMD tech.
Yeah, we know the history. Even with that said, money talks and maybe one day AMD might get too big for their britches and Sony/Microsoft might may be willing to have another sit down with Nvidia. But that's a whole nother convo for a different day, haha.
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