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GTA V PC Performance Thread

One problem I am having is related to the Xbox One controller. With the controller plugged in, the camera constantly is panning upwards very slowly (controlled by the right stick). If I unplug the controller or use a PS4 controller the camera stays still. Is there something wrong with my controller?

No, it's the same with my Xbone controller. I just adjusted the deadzones. I guess it has more drift than the PS4 controller.


No, it's the same with my Xbone controller. I just adjusted the deadzones. I guess it has more drift than the PS4 controller.

That's weird. It doesn't do it with my Xbone controller. Maybe try calibrating it in windows?

edit:I just tried two other xbox one controllers too, and I'm still not getting the problem. I've tried it with the deadzone all the way down, all the way up, and right in the middle. I didn't mess with the sensitivity though. I have it in the middle.
I'm not sure if the game itself has a calibration tool, I thought there was one for some reason but can't find it.


I've started noticing an intermittent crash trigger Sometimes if I press L1 while I'm driving a car the game crashes to desktop. Has happened twice now in 40 hours. Interestingly its only happened on cars I'd be not been in before. Then it's fine after. Keep an eye on in game aiming in cars. Might be a bug


I know that but there isn't stuttering and most if not all of textures are better than high. Surely the game is using all 2 gb but is it some kind of magic?
No, it's not magic: you're not necessarily using all 2 GB even if the in-game settings PREDICT that it will use more than 2 GB. We just don't know how much VRAM it's actually using.

If you really want to know what's going on, install Afterburner (http://gaming.msi.com/features/afterburner) and actually check how much it's using. Also, your actual framerate rather than just guessing.


Neo Member
I7 4790k stock
16 ram
SLI 770 4gb

Most settings max
Grass very high

Advanced off except half extended distance


Maintains 60 with occasional dips to low 50's but remains pretty smooth 99% of the time.

Overall pretty happy.

When I set it to 4k I run about 44-47fps. 4k looks so good and clean but 60fps feels so good.



^ me regarding the crashes, fuck this shit.

I already did some annoying workaround to skip one main story mission that was borked, and now it's straight into another that crashes every fucking time during an unskippable character switch.

The performance of this port is fine but the stability is a fucking joke, and I'm a lot less forgiving considering the endless delays.


Does anyone still have a i5-750?

I have it paired with a 280x, but it's constantly dragging me down in new games. Anyone play the game with a CPU like that? It's not OC, so @2.66
0 crashes, 15 hours played since launch (that's a lot of hours for me).
Performance is overall good. Sometimes it will just run kinda slow or with a little stuttering, but I think I can chalk that up to ShadowPlay settings too aggressive or playing in boarderless instead of full-screen. Once I got that sorted out it was just fine and rare dips below 60fps for the 3-4 hours I played today.

i5-3500k (with mild overclock)
16gb DDR3
nVidia 780 (no overclock)
game installed on SSD
ShadowPlay recording at 25mbps
Ha! 6 years over here too. May have been the greatest single computing purchase ever.


I'm strapped for cash at the moment (spending on a lot on entertainment and a party for a boxing event in May), so I'm going to brave it and see if adjusting CPU demanding settings can get me 1080p/30fps locked on my 670. I'll do a upgrade overall end of the year.

Wish me luck.

The Phenom II @ 4ghz (or AMD CPUs in general) THAT pathetic? Its not even worth running the game at all on my rig it seems.

You guys think Rock star can optimize further for that line? There's literally no other game I have (including Ubisoft shit) that's performing this poorly in benchmarks with an overclocked Phenom II.
Phenom II bros! I've been on a 940BE w/a GTX 770-2GB. It's running on an AM2/AM2+ 2006-ish Asus Crosshair (Crosshair 1) mobo with support for the Phenom 2 with a fan-made custom BIOS, jajajaja!

Mobo has been rockin it since late 06 when it had an Athlon 4200X2/7950GX2 and is still at it today! When i finally build a new rig from necessity someday, it'll be both sad and glorious.


Neo Member
Any other 970 users experiencing what I am?

i5 3570K @ 4.2
8 GB 1600 Ram

Running everything on very high / ultra using only FXAA and softest shadows. Nothing on in Advanced except for streaming with both sliders at 0.

I'm getting a pretty solid 59/60 fps everywhere, even in the parts of the country and desert I've been to so far. However, I do get dips to 53 fps every once in a while, especially while driving and even more so when I get into a car crash. It will drop to exactly 53 then jump back up to 60.

Precision X is reporting my max Vram usage at 3526mhz...which is obviously beyond the 3500 "real" Vram on the 970. The game is estimating I should only be at about 2900 for usage. I'm just not sure why the actual usage is so high when I don't have anything active I would consider too intensive for my card.

Also, the aliasing on the map is irritating me more than it should...

I'm not complaining though...Game runs pretty damn well for me overall and obviously looks beautiful.


Any other 970 users experiencing what I am?

i5 3570K @ 4.2
8 GB 1600 Ram

Running everything on very high / ultra using only FXAA and softest shadows. Nothing on in Advanced except for streaming with both sliders at 0.

I'm getting a pretty solid 59/60 fps everywhere, even in the parts of the country and desert I've been to so far. However, I do get dips to 53 fps every once in a while, especially while driving and even more so when I get into a car crash. It will drop to exactly 53 then jump back up to 60.

Precision X is reporting my max Vram usage at 3526mhz...which is obviously beyond the 3500 "real" Vram on the 970. The game is estimating I should only be at about 2900 for usage. I'm just not sure why the actual usage is so high when I don't have anything active I would consider too intensive for my card.

Also, the aliasing on the map is irritating me more than it should...

I'm not complaining though...Game runs pretty damn well for me overall and obviously looks beautiful.

Try my settings on the page 76. My 970 is running at 1545/3900Mhz.

970 has 3580MB fast VRAM.


still get the odd crash when an online mission fails and we need to retry, no idea whats causing it but the latest patch didnt resolve it :/


i5 3750k OC to 4.4
8gb RAM

I've got all sliders to max on graphics settings apart from shadows which are on high instead of very high.

This might not be a particularly helpful post as I'm not chasing locked 60fps but overall the game runs superbly and I'm getting great framerates.

For people who just want it to run, and look great, if you have a similar system you'll have no issues whatsoever.


What a difference one step can make to improve the shadows, ugh. I think I'm not gonna touch this until they properly optimize the countryside and fix the weird shadow bugs.



Neo Member
I'm pretty much running at 57-60 FPS consistently on my setup but for some reason there's always these little jitters or stutters that happen constantly. My FPS doesn't drop, it's just like it's not "smooth". Most noticeable when you are panning/moving around.

My setup:
GTX 970
8 Gb ram

All settings on high/very high and all advanced settings off except high res shadows. No AA.

Did anyone figure out how to fix this if they also have it? It's super annoying.


Neo Member
i5 2500k @ 4.5GHz
GTX 970 @ Stock

60fps 95% of the time with long shadows and extended shadow distance off, grass set to high, FXAA on, no motion blurr, no MSAA, everything else set to max.

Using RTSS and NV control panel for frame limiting and vsync. Only really see slight choppiness when driving real fast, so I'm guessing that's a streaming issue. It's installed on a 7200rpm Hitachi HDD, so an SSD install might mean a solid locked 60fps, but I really cba to test.
Anyone else having issues with GTA and their overclock? I can't have my card overclocked at all before the game starts having graphical glitches. Don't have issues with any other game.

Running a Sapphire Dual X 7970


Neo Member
Try my settings on the page 76. My 970 is running at 1545/3900Mhz.

970 has 3580MB fast VRAM.

Thanks. I'll give them a whirl.

When you say the 970 has 3580mb of fast vram, is that the exact point at which the card will throttle? I always thought it was exactly 3500mb?
I tried everything but the shadows have some issues in this game. Not to mention the rectangle that follows you around making stuff look weird.

You can temporarily remove the rectangle by switching display modes from window borderless too fullscreen, then back again. However inevitably the rectangle comes back at times when you change characters or get into a car.

I believe the rectangle is always present it is actually the draw distance for detail shadows hence when you take a step forward the blocky shadows become sharp and detailed because they entered the rectangle. However the rectangle isn't meant to be that obvious and it is clearly a bug.


Does not have twelve inches...
Does anyone still have a i5-750?

I have it paired with a 280x, but it's constantly dragging me down in new games. Anyone play the game with a CPU like that? It's not OC, so @2.66

I have a i5-650 @ 3.8ghz with a 270x and everything is working fine at 1080p.
Anyone else having issues with GTA and their overclock? I can't have my card overclocked at all before the game starts having graphical glitches. Don't have issues with any other game.

Running a Sapphire Dual X 7970
Ive got an MSI 4G LE 970 over clocked just slightly over normal factory clocks for a regular 970 and I get occasional artifacting and full screen glitches, once about every thirty minutes, usually by the Alamo sea or smack dab in the middle of the city


Neo Member
Has anyone noticed the fact that they've got the hdmi black levels set for a limited range? If I set my monitor for full range it washes everything out. It's especially noticeable during loading screens. It kind of looks like ass and is really annoying considering the fact that most pc monitors will actually be set to full range. I haven't found an option in the menu to change this either.

Edit: Oops nvrmind, apparently the gta5 driver update reset the settings in the nvidia control panel back to limited. Disregard this post.


Low Poly Gynecologist
It's not owed to us. We don't expect the same from AMD. I'm sure he's working on it and he will have it out as soon as he can. He has put out very in depth guides and the amount of options in GTA probably takes a ton of time to sort through at that level.

I get that, I'm sure the original poster does too, but doesn't make it less of a bummer. We don't expect him to do it, but it just would have been cool to have is all. I really look forward to those posts, they're usually really insightful. I think you might have been looking at it from an angle where the poster was being unappreciative, when it read to me like he really appreciated the work and was just disappointed he couldn't read it sooner - sort of like how people get disappointed when an anticipated game gets delayed.

Open world games are the hardest to do comparisons on (especially grabbing comparative images) and add to that the sheer number of variable settings PLUS sliders and I really don't envy Andy's job one bit.

This should be recitifed with director mode shouldn't it? You can set up exact scenes how you'd like then test settings.
I find putting the settings on mid range better for me than cranking everything on high/ultra. Putting them on high/ultra might make them look nice when standing still, but when moving around (specially in a vehicle) it looks more blurry than smooth.

Whereas if I lower the settings - what might look "off" to some people, looks ok to me in that the game not only runs smooth BUT looks pretty good as well.

I don't understand how the game can have the same frame rate YET appear to run differently depending on the graphic settings. I turned some lower and maintained a decent fps. Crank them up high and had a similar FPS.... yet when moving everything around the game seemed sluggish (even though the indicator was saying 60-90 fps, it was moving around like it was 40-50).


I tried everything but the shadows have some issues in this game. Not to mention the rectangle that follows you around making stuff look weird.
Yea that thing is super annoying, sometimes it's not that visible, and sometimes it's clear and looks really dumb. I remember same stuff annoying me in Crysis 3. I do hope they get it fixed, if it's even possible

I'm pretty much running at 57-60 FPS consistently on my setup but for some reason there's always these little jitters or stutters that happen constantly. My FPS doesn't drop, it's just like it's not "smooth". Most noticeable when you are panning/moving around.

Did anyone figure out how to fix this if they also have it? It's super annoying.

I'm running exact same hardware, and i'm getting very similar results. Could be 970 memory, i can never get it past 3.3gb, which is strange as other games tend to max out at 3,5. For example turning up MSAA or resolution doesn't affect the memory usage at all. Also i noticed afterburner showing my page file going thru the roof, so it could be that it needs more system ram as well.


I think the latest patch made my performance worse. That is 3 Titans on a i7-3770k@4.4GHz @ 4k. Though I have all the settings jacked up to high- it's stuttering. It even stutters when I lower the settings. I still haven't figured out a happy medium.
Try my settings on the page 76. My 970 is running at 1545/3900Mhz.

970 has 3580MB fast VRAM.

Finally, I'm back from my business trip so I can actually play this for real now.

I'm running a bit of a modified version of your settings on SLI 970s and a 5820K @4.3Ghz. No downsampling (I'm running SLI/GSync, which means no DSR), so 1920x1080. I have Ultra Postprocessing and I'm going between the AMD and Nvidia shadows. Both seem to perform well. I'm very happy with my performance. I just drove around for about an hour in the city, outskirts, country side amongst foliage. Lowest framerate I reached was 68 fps, it's stays around 100 fps most of the time and it's just smooth. No perceivable stutters or hiccups.

GTA IV on this very machine, dips into 30-40fps for long durations in areas with a mixture of medium/high/max settings. The difference between the 2 ports is night and day. At least in my experience so far.
Has anyone noticed the fact that they've got the hdmi black levels set for a limited range? If I set my monitor for full range it washes everything out. It's especially noticeable during loading screens. It kind of looks like ass and is really annoying considering the fact that most pc monitors will actually be set to full range. I haven't found an option in the menu to change this either.

Edit: Oops nvrmind, apparently the gta5 driver update reset the settings in the nvidia control panel back to limited. Disregard this post.
The update actually removed limited vs full choice for me. The fuck?
But yeah you are right.

I changed back to Full RGB and still get that issue. On DVI and HDMI...


Alright check it, I found a fix for the crashes, especially the ones on missions like Blitz Play and Caida Libre:


I'm running the Steam version, and deleting the 2 GTA V exes (launcher and game), as well as 2 other files (x64b.rpf and common.rpf), then verifying via Steam and letting it redownload the files seems to have worked, at least for now.

Seems to be an issue with the pre-load files being corrupt / incomplete / whatever. No guarrantees this is going to work long-term, but for now, I can continue.
Does anyone have a pic for the difference in grass quality. I can't see much of a difference between Ultra and very high. I just get a fps hit on ultra.


Neo Member
The update actually removed limited vs full choice for me. The fuck?
But yeah you are right.

I changed back to Full RGB and still get that issue. On DVI and HDMI...

Odd switching it to full rgb fixed it for me. Make sure you don't just set it on the video tab but also set it on the desktop colour settings (sorry if this is unclear but I'm translating from dutch because Nvidia refuses to install drivers in english for me). It should say something to the effect of apply the following enhancements and select full dynamic range there.

I'm honestly finding this port quite adequate, inner city gameplay is a locked 60 fps regardless of most settings on my 4790k+980. I did however notice framedrops when I went to the outback and ran around in the bushes for a while because I noticed the thread mentioning that performance there was worse and it was. So far I've lowered the extended distance thingy down a few notches, it does seem like most of the performance issues atleast in my case have been based around foliage. I tried the ultra setting for foliage and it dropped my frames to around 45fps outback so I went back to very high which honestly looks fine imo. Everything else outside of msaa is cranked as high as it can go, msaa is at 2x. Long shadows etc is off, except for the flight thingy and the extended distance for shadows and detail which is currently halfway. From the last 2 hours of testing that seems to be the sweet spot for me. The only place I get framedrops is when cavorting around some deep deep bush and I can live with that for now. Can do some more tweaking if I notice it getting too rough but all in all I'm quite satisfied with this port. Especially in comparison to the shitshow that was GTA4 on release on a system that was current at the time.


I love how this game exposes unstable overclocks.
My game doesn't work anymore and we have the same specs. 16GB, 3770K, GTX 970. Stable for 150+ games. I run a clean system with no overclocks. I verified my GTAV Steam files cache.

I was forced to update and now the game I spent hard earned money on works for 15 minutes at a time. Maybe more maybe less. Let's call it 10 crashes since the patch.

I run the same settings as you because they were flawless for me. I'm pretty fucking pissed.

And as much as I would like you to be right, you're wrong.


Plane Escape Torment
Is it normal to still go low to 60-70 fps on this system:

4.6ghz 2500k
Sli 980s
8gb ddr3

All settings on max except grass right below ultra. Advanced graphics are all off except sharp shadows and 3 notches of advanced distance scaling.
Post FX seems to have a particularly large performance impact, especially at night. First shot is Very High, second is High. DOF is disabled on both. Dunno if this impact is a result of the recent patch, or if the HDR is just that intensive.


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