Oh god, here we go.
Are you people even half-aware what ENB is? He didn't create ENB, that was made by a guy called Boris Vorontsov. What this guy does is, like the 300 other ENB settings available for GTA IV is take it and tweak it - That's it. Now, he did a nice job up to his 1.35 release but then it all went to shit. He kept mucking about, lost focus and his releases have gone downhill from there quality wise. The game looked far nicer in his old releases, more realistic.
He's got a bit of internet 'fame' because he made a mainstream ENB setting and suddenly he deserves a job at one of the biggest game development companies? For what, for tweaking another guy's work? If anything, Boris should get the job. I respected the guy and the reason I call him a primadonna is because over the past few months, he just treats some of his fanbase like shit, remove ANY critical comment, afraid of releasing on GTA4-Mods because of the comments and his constant bait tactics to get attention, especially on his Facebook page is just a laugh. Just look at the videos of other 'work' he is uploading, the jewellery video is a good example; NO information, NO nothing so everything can sit there and go "Oh what is this, oh oh!" instead of just providing some information - It's like a small cry for free comments on his video.
People should go check out some of the other popular ENBs available, so many really good ones by talented people but apparently this guy is just a golden egg, which I don't understand considering his releases get progressively worse. Ever since 1.35 I had to spend hours sometimes to tweak his releases to remove all his light ray muck, tweak the brightness, touch up on the performance just to get a somewhat respectable experience.
As an artist, you are only as good as your last release ...