And since ENB wasn't done we'll never be able to get them... damn. So if we have it on steam, if we downgrade to 1040, we just can't play the expansions?
Like Sethos said, ENB was done, until R* updated the game yet again.
Honestly though, it's not R*'s concern to worry about people's mods, so it sucks, but it's still on Boris to update the thing.
That said, it's compehensible if he's pissed and doesn't want to, but i think now that the updates are effectively over, he should give it one last try, at least for the Episodes.
Boris is also one weird dude, i remember in one of the updates to his site, him saying he didn't want to work on Ballad because it had gay people in it and it was forbidden.. or something.
Anyway, yeah, if you have the Steam version of GTA4 (base game) you can downgrade it and play it just fine, i did it and completed it start to finish without a problem.
Also, they are more difficult to find, but there are other great ENB out there.
Before using Ice 2.0N i used a Korean guy's one (can't remember the name, Leto something, maybe?) and i remember dpeasant3's being very good looking.