Still nothing.Seems like you don't like piña coladas
And getting caught in the rain.
Clearing cache might fix it, if not...damn it, Minus.
Still nothing.Seems like you don't like piña coladas
And getting caught in the rain.
Clearing cache might fix it, if not...damn it, Minus.
Loved it. Hope I'm not the only one who recognized Mr. Svenning from Mallrats.
Still nothing.
I would have liked to see the main cast get beat up more.
Everyone gets kicked around, but it would have been awesome to have Starlord all bleeding and bruised by the end of the movie.
Now my question is. What did you guys thought of Drax? I thought Bautista probably got the least screen time and love from the audience. But he was pretty underrated in my opinion. He delivered some badass moments and some funny ones too. I just wanted to know the GAF thought of him.
Did we watch the same last part of the movie?
Definitely thought Drax got some of the best laughs in the film. The "nothing goes over my head" and "I was thinking about something else" bits killed the crowd at my theater.
People liked Drax at my showing. Hats off to Bautista for pulling it off. Been 30 years since I saw a wrestler act well in a film. Read something that said he went out and took a bunch of acting classes when he learned he got the role, because he wanted to do it right.
Well I guess what I actually mean is increasing as the movie goes on. The timeframe of the movie is pretty condensed, it would have been cool to see some accumulation of wounds, I guess I mean.
Not this sort of "aftermath of the final battle" thing.
Unless what I'm describing now still happens, maybe I just...I don't know.
I don't know that Bautista was a good actor as much as the character was one that would mask any shortcomings. Seemed like a good match.
I went on a monday showing at 10 am and it was packed! people were laughing left and right. Mostly at Rocket/Grot and Drax. I'm really glad that Bautista did so well. It's good that the Rock isn't the only wrestler that can act well. I hope this can be a career start for Baustista in Hollywood.
Patinkin had to beat the performance out of him, but it worked!
Very amazing guy on set, too, I've heard,
Driving to France to get the cast and crew wines and pastries instead of Kraft Services.
Calming Wallace Shawn through every single take of The Cliffs of Insanity.
Keeping Robin Wright's head warm with his hand.
Billy Crystal only met him for ten minutes, but it inspired the movie, My Giant.
I wasn't referring to The Rock, who I think is a pretty lousy actor. Very charming in interviews though.
I was referring to this man.
Patinkin had to beat the performance out of him, but it worked!
I wasn't referring to The Rock, who I think is a pretty lousy actor. Very charming in interviews though
Is all of the music in the movie (on the mixtapes) licensed or original?
Anyone getting action figures or collectables of GotG? I feel compelled to get at least something but I'm not sure of what to go with.
This Hot Toys figure looks phenomenal in the pictures, but wow that's a lot for an action figure:
I want to buy them all, but I'm not made of money. Though the figures retaining their value is nice.I've always looked at Hot Toys as an over expensive hobby well out of my reach so Ive stuck to collecting 6" figures such as the Legends line. But my outlook has changed. Instead of getting a case of OK quality 6" figures I can get an amazing quality 1/6 figure which not only retains value but in most cases increases over time.
I have popped my HT cherry by pre-ordering every GotG HT figure so far and I cannot wait. Currently selling everything I can to fund this new obsession lol
But yeah, they look sweet as. Can't wait to get mine.
That helps.Yeah it's certainly an expensive hobby but I'm lucky that I can sell some of my junk to fund it. Plus the Sideshow Toys pay monthly service is a winner. It nullifies some of the guilt![]()
How is Guardians of the Galaxy doing at box office? I thought I read around 219 million so far. I was kinda hoping this movie was going to rip a new one and make some kind of record amount of money. It should because it damn well deserves it.
Not to mention its Week 2 drop is estimated to be slightly less than Winter Soldier's.Just hit $300 million worldwide.
Not to mention its Week 2 drop is estimated to be slightly less than Winter Soldier's.
OW in America was also lower than Winter Soldier, but not by much (I think by $1 million tops).First weekend in quite a few countries (except for maybe Scandinavian ones and UK) seemed below Winter Soldier though if I read the BoM numbers right. In South Korea for example the first weekend of WS was ~$9m, whereas only ~$4m for Guardians of the Galaxy. Then again, it's still a pretty good performance.
Anyone getting action figures or collectables of GotG? I feel compelled to get at least something but I'm not sure of what to go with.
This Hot Toys figure looks phenomenal in the pictures, but wow that's a lot for an action figure: